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My aim is to persuade you that QE’s future involves embracing more fully the My aim is to persuade you that QE’s future involves embracing more fully the role Active Citizenship. And to inform you of the potential of the new family of project based qualifications at KS 4&5 to contribute to this process.

QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future Active Citizenship is about • Application QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future Active Citizenship is about • Application of the Skills For Success • Involvement of students in the community, locally, nationally, globally • Involvement of the community in the life of the school Becoming Responsible Citizens is one of the three curriculum aims in the QCA big picture. It is not another subject, nor the responsibility of one learning area, It is something we are already good at, but we could be outstanding!

QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future For example At KS 3 : QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future For example At KS 3 : Events such as the Environment day (Y 7), Refuge day (Y 8) & Lions Challenge (Y 9) make connections across the curriculum and with the wider community. At KS 4 : All students follow a World Issues course, but this stops short of actually involving them in projects that aim to do something about these issues. At KS 5 : Virtually all sixth formers now participate in some for of CAS@QE activity. But most struggle to find the time to continue given the competing demands of formal qualifications in Y 13. The new project qualifications can help here -

QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future The family of new Project Qualifications QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future The family of new Project Qualifications Level 1 : Foundation Project (equivalent to short course GCSE at D or below). Level 2 : Higher Project (equivalent to short course GCSE at C or above). Level 3 : Extended Project (equivalent to half an A level) carries UCAS points and contributes to the AQAbacc. All • assess learning skills rather than knowledge • can be in any topic, subject area or interest • can be completed in any format – written, web based, video, performance, product, artefact, etc • embody the S 4 S, enterprise education and active learning • can be used to include some form of Active Citizenship

QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future At KS 5 – we are QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future At KS 5 – we are getting there! • We have been piloting the EPQ for 2 years, this year 14 students completed a variety of projects. • I am training up 7 sixth form tutors to become project supervisors, next year our target is 70 projects. • For 2010/11 my aim is to train all sixth form tutors and to have 80% of Y 13 complete a project. • Students encouraged to use CAS@QE or work experience as starting point for project – then look at the application of their subject based learning to this. • CAS@QE booklet to become a intranet based resource of community organisations welcoming involvement. • Sixth form sabbatical officer role to include maintenance of this database.

QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future The AQA Bacc Is ideal for QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future The AQA Bacc Is ideal for QE It combines CAS@QE with the EPQ. We are leading the field in already offering this qualification. It has great potential to boost recruitment and retention. The missing link is AS Citizenship!

QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future At KS 4 – some way QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future At KS 4 – some way to go? • World Issues course could be developed over next four years to include level 1 or 2 project options. • GCSE citizenship (new spec has 60% internal assessment for project) to be offered as option within a World Issues framework. • Level 1 projects could be offered in any subject area for those students unlikely to achieve many GCSE qualifications. • Level 2 projects could be offered in any subject area in Y 10 for G&T students. • Level 1 or 2 projects could be included in Youth Award and/or linked to work experience.

QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future Final words • The community is QE Specialising in The Citizens of the future Final words • The community is a resource we do not need to “buy into” • Project Qualifications and the AQA Bacc represent additionality, - they do not need the same level of investment in staff time. • In terms of “value added” Project Qualifications can reach parts that other Qualifications can not.