- Количество слайдов: 56
Must-know things about Taiwan and Us By 208
The Cloud Gate
The Cloud Gate Dancing Group is an international performing group founded by a Taiwaness– 林懷民 .
They sometimes have some performance in Hsin Chu.
When Lin we nt abr oad le arning dancin g skills , his p arents actual ly opp os ed his decisio n.
The group has a performance at 西湖 called 屋漏痕 right now.
Bubble Tea by
Description l Bubble tea, or called pearl milk tea, is a sweetly flavored tea beverage invented in Taiwan. l Bubble teas usually contain small tapioca balls or pearls called "boba".
History It has two shops that claim to be the creators of bubble tea. l One is Chun Shui Tang tea-house (春水堂) in Taichung, where Liu Han Chie (劉漢介) put the tapioca balls into cold milk tea in the early 1980 s. l The other is the Hanlin (翰林) Teahouse in Tainan. He made tea using traditional white fenyuan (粉圓). Hanlin changed the white fenyuan (粉圓) to the black version that is known today. l
Flavor: Prices:
After School Team member: 26, 13, 25, 43
Where to eat l If you don’t want to eat lunchboxes, maybe you can go to the square in Hsinchu station. There’re some hawkers selling snacks, and the foods are great.
Where to have a date l If you want to have a date with a girl, I suggest that you should go to 誠品 or to have a movie.
Cram school l Most Taiwanese student go to cram schools after the school is over. Cram schools have many subjects you can choose, such as physics, Math, and English. l Take me for example. I choose physics, Math, and English. I think it's good for me. It helps me a lot.
Internet cafe l After school, some students will go to Internet caf'e and play a game named 信 長. l 信長 is a very nice game. It can strengthen not only your brain but also the fingers!! l It sounds great, right? There is a picture about 信長. Look at it!!! It really great, right? (我還沒有看到照片)
School clubs In our school, every students has to choose one club and there are many activities during the school year. Most of us are crazy about it.
Clubs in HCHS By
Hsinchu High School Baseball Team l Hsinchu high school baseball team is one of the best baseball teams in Hsinchu. Every team member practice baseball hard every day
口技社(Beat Boxing; vocal mimicry) l l l l 口技是近年新興的一項街頭文化 台灣目前會玩的人與街舞等其他文化相比之下可 以說是相當的少 更不用說是社團了 目前全台灣的高中有口技社的學校大概不超過5所 所以我們學校有算是相當的特別 而我們的社團今年也只是第二屆 所以希望能把口技從竹中發散出去 讓大家了解 Now enjoy our show.
Games We like By 37,
即時戰略-RTS (Real-time strategy)
Real-time strategy (RTS) is a sub-genre of strategy video game which do not progress incrementally in turns. [1] Brett Sperry is credited with coining the term to market Dune II l In an RTS, as in other wargames, the participants position and maneuver units and structures under their control to secure areas of the map and/or destroy their opponents' assets. In a typical RTS it is possible to create additional units and structures during the course of a game. This is generally limited by a requirement to expend accumulated resources. These resources are in turn garnered by controlling special points on the map and/or possessing certain types of units and structures devoted to this purpose. More specifically, the typical game of the RTS genre features resource gathering, base building, in-game technological development and indirect control of units. The tasks a player must perform to succeed at an RTS can be very demanding, and complex user interfaces have evolved to cope with the challenge. Some features have been borrowed from desktop environments, most prominently the technique of "clicking and dragging" to select all units under a given area. l Though some game genres share conceptual and gameplay similarities with the RTS template, recognized genres are generally not subsumed as RTS games. For instance, city-building games, construction and management simulations, and games of the real-time tactics variety are generally not considered to be “real-time strategy”. (這也太多了吧) l
Classic Games
If you like to do exercise, you will like it. It is very common. You will experience the situation as if you were the player in the game.
This one is very special. Michael Jordan was retired for a long time. But he appear on the stage in 2 K 11. You can control Michael Jordan and reappear his classic sport event. Every isn’t your opponent
RPG-Role Play Game
Tales of Graces時空幻境 美德傳奇 The system of attack is special than other games. The character moves freely. The forms of attack is beautiful and magnificent. There is a huge story going on.
The journey in Kenting 陳品志 吳承恩 陳奕聞 黃昱達
Overview l Kenting is in the south of Taiwan. l There are sunlight and the vast sea. l It is nice to spend vacations in Kenting.
Activities(1) l It’s interesting to snorkel in the sea of Kenting. l You can see Kenting’s beauty.
Activities (2) l If you love something more exciting, you should try the banana split.
Landscape l Kenting is a national park. l Kenting is famous for coral reefs.
The end l Thank you for listening.
Festivals By 19, 24, 34
Tomb-sweeping day l Every year the fifth day of April is Tombsweeping day. On this day, we have to go to our ancestors’ tombs and clean them.
Chinese NEW YEAR During the Chinese New year, we play a lot, such as 麻將 and firecrackers, which are our customs.
208 -24 許家曄 Moon Festival It’s on August 15 in the lunar calendar. We eat moon cakes and have BBQ. It’s important to us because all the family get together on this day.
Double Ten’s Day This day is a birthday for our country. On this day you can see the beautiful fireworks!
Jay Chou’s Movies
Initial D l 2005 l It is a film adaptation of the Japanese Initial D manga and anime series. l Jay Chou as Takumi Fujiwara/Kato
Curse of the Golden Flower 2006 The plot is based on Cao Yu's 1934 play Thunderstorm (雷雨 pinyin: Lei Yu), but is set in the royal court of a certain dynasty in ancient China. Jay Chou as Prince Jai
Secret l 2007 l The film tells a "simple but very beautiful" love story. l Jay Chou as 葉湘倫 (Ye Xianglun): Music student majoring in piano, living with his father.
The Treasure Hunter l 2009 l Jay Chou as Qiao Fei喬飛 l Talking about anti-graverobbers. l The film was generally panned by critics.
Hakka Culture 組員: 15. 21. 47. 49
What’s Hakka l How(Where) from? l Why does the “Hakka” come is it named Hakka? l What’s Hakka?
Hakka Food! l Do you know what Hakkas eat? l What’re they famous for?
Picture!! Flat noodle Ginger fried pig sausage Prunes pork
Hakka Spirits l 1. Unity l 2. Hard-working l 3. Traditional culture preservation
Hakka Song l How does it sound? l About what? l Here’s one song for you.
l 唐山過台灣 沒半點錢 l 時代在進步 社會改變 剎猛打拚耕山耕田 是非善惡充滿人間 咬薑啜醋幾十年 毋識埋怨 奉勸世間客家人 修好心田 世世代代就恁樣勤儉傳家 兩三百年無改變 客家精神莫豁忒 永遠永遠 正正當當做一個良善介人 就像偲介老祖先 永久不忘祖宗言 千年萬年
The glove puppets By 7, 23, 44, 48
The glove puppets Puppet Fu originated in the 17 th century Jian Quan, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Taiwan to a popular puppet performances by local drama, the first is Wood carved into the hollow, while the remaining limbs, hands and feet in addition to the palm, but are sewn with a cloth, and the performance when it comes to hand Even into his performance to carry out operations as early as after the performances when using this method, and even square like body Great cloth bags, inherent in the name of puppetry l (這好細哦,可以簡化嗎?) l
Master: Hai Dai-Huang He is the most famous glove puppet master in Taiwan. He was dead in 2007, 107 years old. Because of him, the glove puppet was popular in Taiwan.
Types of Puppet Characters l l l “生”, gentlemen. They wear masks with no special color, and have looks of delicate features. “旦” refers to all of the girls. A variety of female roles are shown by different hair, face, clothing. “淨 “ usually wear a painted face, mainly in red, black, blue three colors. They are funny characters in the play. “末" are older character—for the old and the elderly, approaching the end of life. (你們確定布袋戲有生旦淨末丑)
TV shows: 霹靂布袋戲 TV puppet shows have more fire sparks or dry ice for special effects than traditional puppet shows. They are also called golden glove puppet. Effects of traditional puppetry is not stressed, but to act out the delicate movements, puppet action can not be too careful ─