Musicians of the 21st century!!!.pptx
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Musicians of the 21 st century!!!
Diverse music surrounds us today. Everyone makes their own choices. People who love classical music, proven for centuries. Or, Music, giving a hard rhythm and live emotions
Someone like jazz. Musical art form where people can really convey their thoughts, creating an improvisation, which can tell a story through music.
Music has a great history, which, unfortunately not everyone knows. Starting with the sacred music of Bach and continuing era of Romanticism, where the composer showed in music: Love, the beauty of nature and even human pain.
Very deep history has oriental music. Azerbaijani mugham or Indian raga. According to legend, these genres have come to us from God.
I would like to unite motives different cultures and countries. I know that it will be hard to do. I will present this tolerance. We are beautiful in its diversity and our music too.
No matter how much time has passed, we can not forget the folk music of his country. Music is a part of the story. A man who not knows the history of his country, can not be a true patriot.
In Ireland, there are musicians who combine folk motifs with a very common genre of musicrock. I think, they are an example to all.
If we want our folk music remained alive, we must not cease to play its. I learn different musical cultures. Believe me, it is very interesting. African percussion and Hawaiian ukulele. Azerbaijani kemancha and Indian sarod. I hope, that I will be able join these parallel sources of musical cultures.
This is what I want to achieve in my life. I think that there are supporters of my ideas and together we will achieve our goal. .
Thank you for your attention
Musicians of the 21st century!!!.pptx