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PRESENTATION OUTLINE o 1. The Hargeisa Context o 2. The Urban Sector Profile Study (EC) o 3. The GLTP (EC) o 4. The SPAUS Programme (UNDP) o 5. Concluding remarks
PRESENTATION OUTLINE o 1. The Hargeisa Context o 2. The Urban Sector Profile Study (EC) o 3. The GLTP (EC) o 4. The SPAUS Programme (UNDP) o 5. Concluding remarks
1. The Hargeisa Context w w w War damage Rapid urban expansion Returnee/IDP settlements Lack of planning capacity Lack of local revenue Lack of Management capacity
PRESENTATION OUTLINE o 1. The Hargeisa Context o 2. The Urban Sector Profile Study (EC) o 3. The GLTP (EC) o 4. The SPAUS Programme (UNDP) o 5. Concluding remarks
2. The Somalia Urban Sector Profile Study 2002 v In 2002 UN-HABITAT carried out an Urban Sector Profile Study (USPS) v Strategize framework interventions in the urban sector v Strategy includes two complementary components implemented by UN-HABITAT: n Urban Governance (GLTP) n Urban Management (SPAUS)
2. The Somalia Urban Sector Profile Study 2002: Hargeisa
PRESENTATION OUTLINE o 1. The Hargeisa Context o 2. The Urban Sector Profile Study (EC) o 3. The GLTP (EC) o 4. The SPAUS Programme (UNDP) o 5. Concluding remarks
3. The Good Local Governance and Leadership Training Programme (GLTP) Objective: To strengthen local governance Through strengthening capacities of: n n local training institutions and trainers City elected councilors and NGOs In areas of: n n n leadership skills, Gender mainstreaming Use of governance indicators Participatory and action planning Implementation of projects
3. The Good Local Governance and Leadership Training Programme (GLTP) Activities: o Translation/adaptation of UN-HABITAT training materials to Somali o Training of Trainers of three Somali regions o Building capacities of local institutions o Training of local leaders – Councilors & NGOs - on: n n o o leadership skills Gender mainstreaming Use of governance indicators Participatory planning Awareness raising activities Local priority projects funded for demonstration
3. The Good Local Governance and Leadership Training Programme (GLTP) Training and training materials
3. The Good Local Governance and Leadership Training Programme (GLTP) Results in Hargeisa: n n n n Capacity of Hargeisa Univ. & NGOs built National trainers trained Councilors & NGOs trained by Somali trainers on: roles, leadership, gender mainstreaming, use of indicators, participatory planning Training manuals given to local trainers & councilors New urban profile for Hargeisa completed by trainers Council supported to undertake Participatory Strategic city plan Citizens’ Awareness raised on good governance
PRESENTATION OUTLINE o 1. The Hargeisa Context o 2. The Urban Sector Profile Study (EC) o 3. The GLTP (EC) o 4. The SPAUS Programme (UNDP) o 5. Concluding remarks
4. Support to Priority Areas in the Urban Sector (SPAUS) o Objective: To build capacities of city and central authorities to enhance their instruments of governance and development planning and control tools
4. Support to Priority Areas in the Urban Sector (SPAUS) o 5 areas of support identified: n n n Urban Land Management & Administration, Application of GIS systems Capacity Building in Urban Planning Rehabilitation and extension of municipal buildings and operating capacity Financial Management In-service capacity building
4. Support to Priority Areas in the Urban Sector (SPAUS) o SPAUS in Hargeisa: n n n n Urban Land Management Information System (ULIS) Support by a municipal planner Rehabilitation of municipal building Financial Management training Legal support: The Hargeisa City Charter Hargeisa base land use map Basic services for IDPs
4. Support to Priority Areas in the Urban Sector (SPAUS) o Urban Land Management Information System; n n n n Map of all properties Database of property qualities Automated revenue collection system Thematic maps for planning Opportunity to test planning assumptions Base for updating, as new buildings added Control of income, Monitor development Control corruption Progress of surveyed properties (in blue) on the satellite image of Hargeisa city
PRESENTATION OUTLINE o 1. The Hargeisa Context o 2. The Urban Sector Profile Study o 3. The GLTP o 4. The SPAUS Programme o 5. Concluding remarks
5. Concluding remarks o o o Overall, the behavior and performance of city councilors and Municipal staff have improved as a result of the programmes We thank the EC and UNDP for supporting and funding programmes in Hargeisa We also thank UN-HABITAT for the Technical Cooperation and support provided to build local capacities in urban Governace and Management