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Mumblecore by Evan Roder COM 329 Dr. Neuendorf
What is “Mumblecore”? “Mumblecore” is a film sub-genre of “indie” films They are known to feature low budgets, “non-actors”, handheld camera work, and improvised dialogue. The term, “Mumblecore” is in reference to the fact that much of the dialogue sounds like mumbling, due to the dialogue being improvised. Because the dialogue is supposed to sound very real, as if regular people were talking, often times the actors will mumble.
Origins “Mumblecore” technically began in the early 2000’s, but the basic principles were inspired by the Dogma 95 movement. The film, Funny Ha Ha (2002) is usually credited as the first film of the genre.
Content Most “Mumblecore” films are dramatic comedies, otherwise known as “Dramedies”. Most characters are in their twenties or thirties, and struggle with relatable or common issues, through uncommon scenarios. (Example: The Puffy Chair (2006) is about a couple whose relationship falls apart (common issue) while on a road trip to pick up a puffy chair purchased on e. Bay as a Father’s Day gift (uncommon situation)
People to know in “Mumblecore” The following slides will cover some of the more influential filmmakers of this genre, and their notable work. Andrew Bujalski Joe Swanberg Greta Gerwig Mark and Jay Duplass
Andrew Bujalski Sometimes referred to as the “Godfather of Mumblecore” due to his film, Funny Ha Ha staring the sub-genre. Graduated from Harvard Directs, writes, and edits his films. Is an actor as well, appearing in not only his own films, but films of other “Mumblecore” filmmakers as well. Has won awards at multiple film festivals, including Sundance. Filmography Computer Chess - 2013 Beeswax - 2008 Mutual Appreciation - 2005 Funny Ha Ha - 2002 Funny Ha Ha Trailer: http: //www. youtube. com/wa tch? v=Wl 6 oqj. T 85 e. M
Joe Swanberg Known to be very prolific, having made 14 feature films in the last 8 years. Filmography Drinking Buddies - 2013 Marriage Material - 2012 On almost all of these Caitlin Plays Herself - 2011 films, he is the director, Autoerotic - 2011 producer, writer, editor, The Zone - 2011 cinematographer, and an Art History - 2011 actor. Silver Bullets - 2011 Uncle Kent - 2011 Frequently works with Alexander the Last - 2009 other “Mumblecore” filmmakers, most notably Nights and Weekends - 2008 Hannah Takes the Stairs Greta Gerwig. 2007 LOL - 2006 Films commonly about Kissing on the Mouth - 2005 sex, relationships, and filmmaking. Hannah Takes the Stairs Trailer: http: //www. youtube. com/w atch? v=bf 0 ks. FCae. I 8
Greta Gerwig An actress and filmmaker, very popular in the “Mumblecore” movement. She has also taken roles outside the genre, recently co-starring in Woody Allen’s latest film, To Rome With Love. Unlike the previous two filmmakers mentioned, her acting is what makes her significant to “Mumblecore”. She is known for her improvisational style, which contributes heavily to this genre. Notable Filmography (acting) Nights and Weekends. Trailer: http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v=HAIl 5 hz 60 ZU Frances Ha - 2012 Lola Versus - 2012 To Rome With Love - 2012 Arthur - 2011 Damsels in Distress - 2011 No Strings Attached - 2011 Northern Comfort* - 2010 Greenberg - 2010 The House of the Devil - 2009 Nights and Weekends** - 2008 Baghead - 2008 Hannah Takes the Stairs* - 2007 LOL - 2006 *Co-wrote / **Co-wrote and Co-directed
Mark and Jay Duplass are brothers who co-direct and co-write films together, in the sub-genre, “Mumblecore”. Mark and Jay may be the most well-known of the “Mumblecore” filmmakers. Several of their films, most notably Cyrus and Jeff, Who Lives at Home have made significant money in comparison with their small budgets and releases. They also both feature mainstream actors such as Ed Helms, Jason Siegel, Susan Sarandon, John C. Reilly, Jonah Hill, and Marissa Tomei. In addition to the common “Mumblecore” traits of ad-libbing, they are known to shoot a very large number of takes. The Puffy Chair Trailer: http: //www. youtube. c om/watch? v=3 i. K 2 UD m. BN 5 s Filmography (selective) Cyrus Trailer: Do-Deca-Pentathlon - 2012 Jeff, Who Lives at Home - 2011 https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=0 G 0 b. Y Cyrus - 2010 More mainstream audiences may recognize Mark Duplass as the main character from the FX p. MQ-f. I Baghead - 2008 television show, The League. The Puffy Chair - 2005 Mark also acts in many of the films, and in other The “Mumblecore” films.
References http: //www. ecufilmfestival. com/? p=15191&lang=en http: //rateyourmusic. com/list/yerblues/a_guide_to_mumblecore_cinema__2002_2012 http: //mubi. com/lists/we-need-to-talk-comprehensive-mumblecore http: //www. filmmakermagazine. com/archives/issues/spring 2007/features/mumblecore. php http: //www. wikipedia. org http: //www. imdb. com http: //www. youtube. com (for trailers)