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Multi-Dimensional Gas Chromatography State-of-the-Art J. -M. D. Dimandja January 16, 2007
Chromatography in Context Selective 1 D GC 2 D GC Comprehe nsive Sample Convention Preparation al 1 D GC Cartridges Heartcut GC-GC GCx. GC
GCx. GC Instrumentation Detector Injector Data Processor Primary Column Modulator Secondary Column
What is Modulation? Demodulator Modulator Audio Signal AM FM Transmission Demodulator Modulator 1 st Dimension GC Signal Desired Audio Signal Transmission Through 2 nd GC Dimension Desired Multi-dimensional Signal
Role of the GCx. GC Modulator Amplitude Modulation l Frequency Modulation l Phase Modulation l l The modulator plays a key role in the optimization of a GCx. GC method
Types of GCx. GC Modulators Thermal Modulators l Valve Modulators l l Will be covered by Prof. Seeley
Modulator Figures-of-Merit Sampling efficiency l Temperature operating range l Technical sophistication l Ruggedness l Cost l
Evolution of Thermal Modulators Resistors l Thermal scanners l Thermal jets l
Thermal Resistor Principle Resistive heating l Rapid cooling due to low thermal mass of the resistive film l
Rearview Defogger
Defogger Operation l Resistive paint heated l Defogging occurs
Napa Defogger kit
The Original Resistor (Liu/Phillips, 1988) Conductive Paint Electrically Stationary Phase
Resistor Pros/Cons Poor Good Sampling Efficiency X Temperature Range Excellent X Technical Sophistication Ruggedness Cost X X X
Improvements Two-stage modulation (Liu, 1989) l Thicker stationary phase (Liu, 1990) l Dry-ice resistor (Venkatramani, 1991) l Stainless-steel, multi-stage resistor (Burger, 2003) l
Resistor Summary Interfaced with HRMS (1994) and TOF MS (1996) l Academia (prototype development), Industry (Shell), government R&D (CDC) l Cheap and easy to assemble, but not commercially viable l
Thermal Scanning Principle Mechanically activated modulator that scans a given section of the column to produce the modulation. 1 2
Dual-Oven Heat Shuttle (Xu, 1993) 1 2
Single-Oven Heat Shuttle (Xu, 1994) 1 2
Inside-Oven Cryo-Shuttle (Marriott, 1995) 1 2
Inside-Oven Heat Shuttle -Thermal Sweeper (Ledford/Phillips, 1997) 1 2
Thermal Scanner Pros/Cons Poor Good Sampling Efficiency X Temperature Range X Technical Sophistication X Ruggedness X Cost X Excellent
Thermal Scanner Summary First “commercial” system (Sweeper, 1997) l Petroleum industry, government R&D (CDC, CGA) l Data processing issues (no software for automated visualization and/or quantitation) l
Jet Modulator Principle Active cooling and heating stages l Thermal scanners only have one active stage (either heating or cooling, but not both) l
Single-Stage, Dual-Jet (Beens, 2001) Trapping phase
Single-Stage, Dual-Jet Release phase
Two-Stage, Quad-Jet Modulation (Ledford, 2001) TRAP
Two-Stage, Quad-Jet Modulation FOCUS
Two-Stage, Quad-Jet Modulation RELEASE
Two-Stage, Dual-Jet Modulation (Ledford, 2002)
Two-Stage, Dual-Jet Modulation
Two-Stage, Dual-Jet Modulation
Two-Stage, Dual-Jet Modulation
Thermal Jets Pros/Cons Poor Good Excellent Sampling Efficiency X Temperature Range X Technical Sophistication X Ruggedness Cost X X
Thermal Jet Summary Curent commercially available state-of-theart in GCx. GC l Industry, academia, government l Achilles heel: consumables l l Gaines/Frysinger solution l Harynuk/Gorecki solution
Conclusions Instrument Development Modulation Application Development Demodulation (Data Processing Software)