Скачать презентацию MTAC Work Group 136 Kick-Off Expanding and Enhancing Скачать презентацию MTAC Work Group 136 Kick-Off Expanding and Enhancing


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MTAC Work Group 136 Kick-Off Expanding and Enhancing ACS™ Data June 7, 2010 MTAC Work Group 136 Kick-Off Expanding and Enhancing ACS™ Data June 7, 2010

AGENDA § § § MTAC 136 Scribe Review of Issue Statement Definition of Nixie AGENDA § § § MTAC 136 Scribe Review of Issue Statement Definition of Nixie and COA Survey Results (Zoomerang) Meeting Schedule § Weekly § Mondays at 1: 30 CT § Sunset scheduled for November 18, 2010

Issue Statement ACS (Traditional, One Code and Full Service) is an important tool for Issue Statement ACS (Traditional, One Code and Full Service) is an important tool for complying with Move Update requirements as well as best practices for address quality. In order to fully and effectively leverage these essential services, industry seeks to expand enhance the data returned via ACS*. * Developed from MTAC WG 121 Issues List

Areas for Consideration Ø Enhance the value and understanding of NIXIE return codes. Understanding Areas for Consideration Ø Enhance the value and understanding of NIXIE return codes. Understanding the process & data elements Business rules Disposition of ACS and NIXIE records

Areas for Consideration Ø Enhance mapping of ACS data usage and its application for Areas for Consideration Ø Enhance mapping of ACS data usage and its application for keeping source name and address data current. Gain mutual understanding of the application of ACS data to the various industry vertical markets. Understand how ACS data could be applied for markets such as financial, healthcare, higher education, etc. What barriers (real or perceived) may exist to keeping these data sources complete, correct, and current with ACS derived data.

Areas for Consideration Ø Evaluate non-delivery point validated addresses and identify barriers of getting Areas for Consideration Ø Evaluate non-delivery point validated addresses and identify barriers of getting a completed address. Understand why some ACS COA records do NOT have a DPV on the old or new address. Determine what, if anything, can be done about it.

Areas for Consideration Ø Understand the difference between ACS and NCOAlink® data to ensure Areas for Consideration Ø Understand the difference between ACS and NCOAlink® data to ensure consistent application and use. If I’m using NCOAlink, why do I need ACS? NCOAlink requires an EXACT MATCH on the Name and Old Address information. ACS does not. ACS Name and Address information is received from the COA information provided by the customer. Old and New address information may not yet be coded, or may be incomplete at the time you receive the ACS record. NCOAlink Nixie codes vs ACS Nixie Codes. NCOAlink only provides addresses that have Delivery Point Validation (DPV). ACS may provide records that do not contain a DPV. The Vacant flag in NCOAlink is received from the DPV product via CASS pre-processing and includes those vacant addresses that have been vacant for at leaset 90 days. An ACS Vacant Nixie records is a ‘real-time’ indicator from information provided by the delivery employee.

Areas for Consideration Ø Evaluate fiscal impacts and usefulness to the mailing industry of Areas for Consideration Ø Evaluate fiscal impacts and usefulness to the mailing industry of various ACS records. Temporary-Away notices Multiple COA notices

Areas for Consideration Ø Explore ways in which to facilitate consistency and timeliness of Areas for Consideration Ø Explore ways in which to facilitate consistency and timeliness of the data. Consider customer and delivery impacts toward UAA identification Understand ACS data flow & processing prior to fulfillment

ACS Nixie Codes PARS & CFS Nixie Codes Code (Acronym) Definition Use Q (UTF) ACS Nixie Codes PARS & CFS Nixie Codes Code (Acronym) Definition Use Q (UTF) Not deliverable as addressed Mail undeliverable at address given; no change-of-address order on file; forwarding order expired. unable to forward A (ANK) Attempted, not known Delivery attempted, addressee not known at place of address. N (NSN) No such number Addressed to nonexistent number and correct number not known. Insufficient address Mail without number, street, box number, route number, or geographical section of city or city and state omitted and correct address not known. R (REF) Refused Addressee refused to accept mail or pay postage charges on it. M (NMR) No mail receptacle Addressee failed to provide a receptacle for receipt of mail. Illegible Address not readable. S (NSS) No such street Addressed to nonexistent street and correct street not known. U (UNC) Unclaimed Addressee abandoned or failed to call for mail. E (DIS) In dispute Mail returned to sender by order of chief field counsel (or under DMM 508. 1. 0 and 508. 2. 0) because of dispute about right to delivery of mail and cannot be determined which disputing party has better right to mail. V (VAC) Vacant House, apartment, office, or building not occupied. (Most commonly used on mail addressed "Occupant. ") Temporarily Away Addressee temporarily away and period for holding mail expired. I (IA) I (ILL) W (TA)

Additional ACS Nixie Codes Additional Codes Available via CFS Code (Acronym) Definition Use B Additional ACS Nixie Codes Additional Codes Available via CFS Code (Acronym) Definition Use B Returned for better address Mail of local origin incompletely addressed for distribution or delivery. D Outside delivery limits Addressed to location outside delivery limits of Post Office of address. Hold mail for out-of-bounds customers in general delivery for specified period unless addressee filed order. X No such office Addressed to nonexistent Post Office. Deceased Used only when known that addressee is deceased and mail is not properly deliverable to another person. This endorsement must be made personally by delivery employee and under no circumstance may it be rubber-stamped. Mail addressed in care of another is marked to show which person is deceased. P The “W” Temporarily Away code may be received as either a COA or a Nixie. COA notices can be identified by the presence of the “W” Deliverability Code (position 40 in Traditional and One. Code) and OLD address information in the record. ACS Nixie notices will not have address information in the record. Provided for Flats, Parcels, and Nonmachinable Letter mail when processed by a CFS unit. These Nixie Codes are not available for letters processed in PARS. CFS verifies the carrier handwritten “Deceased” indicator and provides an electronic ACS notice for ACS mailers.

Desired Results Provide a set of recommendations for enhancing and expanding the ACS data Desired Results Provide a set of recommendations for enhancing and expanding the ACS data and industry application of the address information. The focus will be on data quality and improvements to USPS and industry systems that leverage ACS data.

WG 136 Leadership Sponsors Industry – Sharon Harrison – Chris Lien USPS – Tom WG 136 Leadership Sponsors Industry – Sharon Harrison – Chris Lien USPS – Tom Day – Jim Wilson Work Group Leaders Industry – Stephanie Miracle – Craig Bjork USPS – Kai Fisher – Barry Russell

Contact Information §Kai Fisher: kai. fisher@usps. gov §Barry Russell: barry. e. russell@usps. gov §Stephanie Contact Information §Kai Fisher: kai. fisher@usps. gov §Barry Russell: barry. e. russell@usps. gov §Stephanie Miracle: slmiracle@dstoutput. com §Craig Bjork: cbjork@cds-global. com MTAC Work Group # 136 participants have a temporary user name and password giving them access to MITS as follows: § User Name: WG 136 § Password: eeacs 456