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MSS EDZW : = MTSO Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Bernd Richter, RTH Offenbach MTSO MSS EDZW : = MTSO Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Bernd Richter, RTH Offenbach MTSO

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach RTH Offenbach Main Tasks § RTH in the WMO MTN Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach RTH Offenbach Main Tasks § RTH in the WMO MTN § Continuous reception and dissemination of meteorological data (ASCII and Binary) in bulletins or files via RMDCN (GTS), AFTN (ICAO) Internet, leased lines, HF Radio Broadcast, Satellite DWDSAT etc. § Supply of the German National Computer Centre, National Regional Offices and Research Vessels with meteorological data and products Main Purpose 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 2

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach March 1982 DEC PDP 11/44 -System (GEI-MSS) March 1990 Migration Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach March 1982 DEC PDP 11/44 -System (GEI-MSS) March 1990 Migration to a VAX-Cluster (WMO-MSS) December April 1992 Deactivation of the PDP 11/44 -System 1996 Transition to MSS II and AFD on Stratus Continuum 620 FTX OS = System V Rel. 4 UNIX derivative; implementation of TCP/IP protocols (ftp/sockets) November 2002 MSS on a high availability-Cluster Primepower 400 with SUN-Solaris 8 (Fujitsu Siemens Computer) August 2008 MSS High-Availability-Cluster Primargy 300 S Fujitsu FSC SLES 10 S October 2008 MSS-Software-Migration to IBL-soft Moving Weather History 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 3

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Message Switching Software, Main features = Full compliance to WMO- Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Message Switching Software, Main features = Full compliance to WMO- / ICAO - Standards and Recommendations High Performance, Graphical User Interface Online Configuration, context sensitive help Moving Weather = Interfaces to other standard communication devices = Easy extension due to modular design = Send / retrieve any type of file, bulletin and report = File distribution with priority Switching Software (MSS/AFD) 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 4

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Main Telecommunication Network (MTN) Main Telecommunication Network 23 Sep 2008 Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Main Telecommunication Network (MTN) Main Telecommunication Network 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 5

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 6

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach National Meteorological Telecommunication Network 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach National Meteorological Telecommunication Network 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 7

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach MSS Connections Approximately 120 virtual channels configured Apart from international Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach MSS Connections Approximately 120 virtual channels configured Apart from international connections within the WMO networks several connections to International Organisations, DWD Regional Offices in Germany, Universities, authorities and other customers. MTN connections - Beijing (RA II), Jeddah (RA II), Nairobi (RA I), Prague and Toulouse RMTN connections - Exeter, Norrköping, Rome, Vienna, Warszawa RTH-Responsibility - Israel (Bet Dagan), Switzerland (Zurich) Bilateral connections - Amman, Ankara, Athens, De Bilt, Kobenhavn, Madrid, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Teheran, Ljubljana Int. Organisations - ICAO, ECMWF, ESOC, EUMETSAT Dissemination services - HF Radio Broadcast (F 1 B and F 1 C), DWDSAT MSS Connectivity 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 8

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach MSS connections continued Protocol types used with the connected lines: Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach MSS connections continued Protocol types used with the connected lines: Asynchronous incl. Modem-connections, HF Broadcast (3 international, 2 national, 1 DWD internal) E-mail Antarctica, R/V Polarstern, Meteor, Universities, D-CMET DROP, IAEA FTP (35 international, 53 national) TCP/IP-Sockets incl. special ACK procedure (level 4) (20 international, 4 national) CIDIN, X-25 withdrawn from use in 2008 Protocols 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 9

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Bandwidth / kbps and percentage of lines from / to Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Bandwidth / kbps and percentage of lines from / to RTH Offenbach 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS OUT/IN kbps 512 128/64 64 64 48/64 48 32 32 32/16 16/ 8 16/ 8 1248 kbps % Bandwidth 41. 0 ECMW 10. 3 LSSW 5. 1 LFPW 5. 1 EUMS 5. 1 LOWM 5. 1 ESWI 3. 8 EGRR 3. 8 BABJ 2. 6 OKPR 2. 6 LIIB 2. 6 LTAA 2. 6 LGAT 2. 6 LYBM 1. 3 OEJD 1. 3 EKCH 1. 3 LEMM 1. 3 OMAE 1. 3 OJAM 1. 3 SOWR 100 TOTAL RTH Offenbach CCCC/ORG ISO City GBR Reading CHE Zurich FRA Toulouse DEU Darmstadt AUT Vienna SWE Norrköping GBR Exeter CHN Beijing CZE Praha ITA Rome TUR Ankara GRE Athens FYU Beograd SAU Jeddah DNK Kobenhavn ESP Madrid UAE Abu Dhabi JOR Amman POL Warszawa 10

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Data Traffic of EDZW MSS per day current Input: number Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach Data Traffic of EDZW MSS per day current Input: number of messages 570. 000 (6 GB) Output: 4, 3 Million (16 GB) number of files IN: 6 GB Input: Output: 74. 000 557. 000 OUT: 16 GB expected within 5 years input: number of messages 1 Million output: 7 Million number of files IN: 70 GB input: output: 1 Million 5 Million OUT: 200 GB MSS Throughput: current / expected 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 11

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach MSS Database 48. 000 routing entries with control information Storage Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach MSS Database 48. 000 routing entries with control information Storage time - report extraction - protection - DTG-checks double check by checksum - transmission information etc. (230 ignore, 400 compiled, 450 sub, 33920 input messages) 1. 100 scheduler entries 240. 400 report database entries in 65 different definition records 12. 500 entries in Station Catalogue MSS Database 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 12

Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach MSS: Technical / financial Characteristics • • • • System Meteorological Telecommunication System Offenbach MSS: Technical / financial Characteristics • • • • System Availability Max. outage time / monthly sum Maintenance Response Time delay bulletins / files Time delay with bulletin compilation Storage capacity reports / bulletins Max. length of bulletin, ASCII Max. length of bulletin, binary Max. Traffic per 5 minutes IN/OUT Avrg. Traffic messages p. s. IN/OUT System price Maintenance , Modification RTH / other connections 99. 98 % 12‘ / 46‘ 4 hrs < 1 sec < 3 min limited by disc-space only 15 k. B, WMO-part. 250 k. B 2600 k. B, WMO-part. 500 k. B 70 MB / 82 MB 3 / 22 350 k. Euro 40 k. Euro / year 500 k. Euro / year Typica 23 Sep 2008 ICT-GTS RTH Offenbach 13