Скачать презентацию Ms Nicholson WELCOME TO SQUIRREL CLASS Mrs Vinall Скачать презентацию Ms Nicholson WELCOME TO SQUIRREL CLASS Mrs Vinall


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Ms Nicholson WELCOME TO SQUIRREL CLASS Mrs Vinall (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons) Ms Nicholson WELCOME TO SQUIRREL CLASS Mrs Vinall (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons)

CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Term 1 Don’t Lose Your Head Topic- History or Geography The Tudors, CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Term 1 Don’t Lose Your Head Topic- History or Geography The Tudors, with a focus on Henry VIII. Science Digestive System and Teeth Food Chains MFL Les nombres 1 -31 Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? PSHE New beginnings Eating healthily and being active Keeping fit Leisure activities Looking after your money Term 2 Going for Gold DT ICT Music PE RE Painting & drawing – Portraiture Sketching Artist study Clay Coding On-line safety Spreadsheets Clarinet Invasion games: Rugby Basketball (tbc) Swimming Sikhism Christianity The Olympics. European country study Electricity: simple circuits and conductors Sound as Vibration Les jours de la semaine Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? Going for goals Risk taking and dealing with pressure Choices Patterns from other countries Collage – colours & textures Artist study Joining fabrics Spreadsheets cont’d Writing for Different Audiences Logo Clarinet & Music scheme (70’s pop) – Mamma Mia Kwik cricket Dance Football Gym Sikhism Christianity Rivers and coasts Change of State & The Water Cycle Classifying Living Things As-tu un animal? As tu des frères et de soeurs? Relationships Support networks Respect for property Sun safety Drawing and painting Sketching Artist study Textiles Animation Effective Searching Hardware Investigators Music scheme (70’s pop) – Mamma Mia Gospel Rounders Athletics Orienteering Gym/Dance Sikhism Christianity Term 3 Messing about on the river Art

WORKING IN SQUIRREL CLASS Children are in groups for Maths & Literacy, based on WORKING IN SQUIRREL CLASS Children are in groups for Maths & Literacy, based on my knowledge of them from last year and their summer term standardised scores. These groups are simply a starting point for each lesson. I provide a range of increasingly more in depth challenges and the children are continually assessing, and being assessed as to whether they need to move on, nip back to boost their confidence or go sideways to consolidate. They are not fixed in stone and during the year your child could move groups for any number of reasons. I am keen to avoid the feeling of “moving down” a group as this affects self esteem.

CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Building their independence - take responsibility for their own book changing, PE CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Building their independence - take responsibility for their own book changing, PE kit, lunch box, jumper, homework, etc. Become more responsible for their own learning, e. g. making sensible choices about choosing work partners Take pride in themselves, their work, their environment & their classmates’ achievements. Support them to develop strategies to problem solve independently before approaching an adults with their concerns. § Model positive behaviours for the younger children to follow.

BEHAVIOUR EXPECTATIONS To achieve these academic expectations it is essential the children model the BEHAVIOUR EXPECTATIONS To achieve these academic expectations it is essential the children model the school’s learning behaviours; Independence Thinking Perseverance Challenge Communication Cooperation We will continue to highlight these learning behaviours in assemblies and the ‘Star of the week’ will be awarded to a child who has demonstrated that particular learning behaviour.

READING Expectation: 5 times a week, recorded & signed off in Reading Journals. Stars READING Expectation: 5 times a week, recorded & signed off in Reading Journals. Stars will be awarded for this on a Friday. “Free reader” children should also record their reading in the reading journal & discuss, with an adult, what is happening, what might happen next, etc. Read out loud several times a week. Children will change their reading books when needed.

TIMES TABLES The expectations of the new curriculum are that by the end of TIMES TABLES The expectations of the new curriculum are that by the end of year 4 children should be confident with all their times tables up to 12 x 12 (and the corresponding division facts). § Times tables will be tested on Mondays § Children are expected to return their completed practices the following week and stars will be awarded for this on a Monday. § I am reducing the time given in the test as the aim is for “instant recall”.

SPELLINGS Spellings: will be given out and tested weekly on a Friday. § Children SPELLINGS Spellings: will be given out and tested weekly on a Friday. § Children are expected to complete a practice 5 times a week and bring their completed practices in each Friday to be checked and awarded a star. § Also, in the reading journal is a list of the words the Government requires your child to be able to spell by the end of this year. Please pactice these whenever you can.

HOMEWORK Learning Log Homework • Over the year there will be a mixture of HOMEWORK Learning Log Homework • Over the year there will be a mixture of Literacy, Numeracy activities and creative projects. • A completion date will always be clearly given & children may be expected to bring in work half way through the time limit so they can share their progress. • A homework club is run on Thursday lunchtimes where resources & support are made available.

PE DAYS Wednesday – Swimming or Dance (indoor) - One piece swimming costume or PE DAYS Wednesday – Swimming or Dance (indoor) - One piece swimming costume or shorts and a swimming hat - Navy shorts and navy t-shirt Friday – Rugby (outdoor – weather permitting) - Navy shorts and navy t-shirt, Trainers/plimsolls - Plain navy tracksuit trousers and jumper (if weather is cold) All jewellery & watches are to be removed for PE. Please could children have outdoor trainers/plimsolls available in school each day, as we aim to do a “Daily Dash”.

CLASS 4 ETHOS! We should all: Not worry – we’re here to help Respect CLASS 4 ETHOS! We should all: Not worry – we’re here to help Respect school property and each other Have a sense of pride in our work and our class Work hard, be resilient and become increasingly independent

BEHAVIOUR Postive Approach Verbal praise and encouragement Stickers Star charts for academic achievement - BEHAVIOUR Postive Approach Verbal praise and encouragement Stickers Star charts for academic achievement - in school and at home House points for good citizenship Star of the week

SANCTIONS ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour management system: a 3 -level warning system that SANCTIONS ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour management system: a 3 -level warning system that gives the child a chance to correct their behaviour. Sometimes work may be sent home to complete overnight, if the work was not completed to the required standard during class time. I try to avoid children missing breaks and lunch times.

SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD AT HOME Listen to your child read and read to them SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD AT HOME Listen to your child read and read to them whenever you can. Ask them questions about what they have read: (How did you know. . ? What word/phrase made you think that? ) Why do you think. . . ? Support them to learn their spellings & times tables. Use opportunities for maths in real life. (Time/Money/Measuring) Encourage your child to complete homework on time. Encourage the correct pencil grip and neat presentation. Do less organising for them to nurture their independence.