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Mrs. Symonds’ First Grade Back to School Night 2016 -2017 *Packet can be found on our cwebsite and Edmodo for your reference!*
About Mrs. Symonds: o Undergrad at The University Of NE at Omaha o Masters in Curriculum and Instruction at Doane College, Lincoln, NE o 27 th year of teaching o Married to Brent for 21 years o Two children, Lexi age 15, Braxton age 12 o Miss Laura-First Grade Para
Contact Information E-mail is the quickest way to get a message to me ksymonds@ bluevalleyk 12. org You may find notes in your child’s “Go Folder” Check out my Edmodo for news in the classroom The FIRST GRADE FLASH (Friday Newsletter) will be posted at the end of the school week. You will have it sent to you on School Messenger. A copy will be added on Edmodo. o Twitter-I will post pictures at times. Follow me at Symonds. Firsties. This is private. o o o
First Month: o Designed as an assessment month to learn instructional levels of children o Kindergarten assessment o Leveled Reading Passages o MAP tests in reading and math o Fall writing assessment o Classroom observation Focus is also on routines, procedures, and rules of classroom and school.
Our Schedule o The school day starts at 8: 25 and children are expected to be in the classroom ready to go by 8: 35. o 8: 25 Morning Work-News Show o 8: 50 Morning Meeting/Calendar o 9: 00 Intervention Block-Reading Workshop-Guided Reading o 10: 00 Recess-1 st-4. 5 weeks o 10: 15 Reading Workshop/Guided Reading o 10: 40 Large Group Reading block o 11: 10 Lunch o 11: 50 Recess o 12: 10 12: 25 Correct Morning Work/finish writing o 12: 25 Specials o o 1: 25 Math 2: 20 Intervention Block-Guided Math or B. U. I. L. D. /Snack 2: 50 Social Studies/Science-Write out homework note 3: 25 Pack up/Read Aloud
Classroom Rules Compassion is treating others the way you want to be treated. Courage is trying new things in 1 st Grade! Honesty is telling the truth. Perseverance is working hard to always do your best! Respect is listening to others share. Responsibility is taking care of school supplies and property. Self-Discipline is following directions and making good choices.
Positive Rewards & Reinforcement 1. Students can earn stickers on their “Cheetah Champ Chart” for showing BV virtues in the class. 2. Students can visit the treasure box or earn additional in-class rewards when their chart is full. 3. Students can also receive multiple tickets throughout the day for showing expected behaviors. Two names are pulled at the end of the day and they get a candy treat and certificate to take home!
Think Time: o If a child is struggling to follow our classroom and school expectations, they may get a verbal warning. o If the behavior continues, they will need to have a sticker removed off their Cheetah Champ Chart and put it in our think book. o If the behavior still continues, they will need to fill out a think sheet that will require them to take it home for the parent to sign. Our whole goal is to help the child think about their behavior and plan what they could do to move into a more positive direction.
Class Rewards and More!! o We also work together as a class! When the class is working well together or when we receive compliments, we can earn a sticker on our class sun! o When a sun is filled in, the class gets to vote on a special activity. Then we start a new sun! o RESPECT PAYS: Outside the classroom, in special ocassions, first graders can also earn respect pays from the school. Being a really good listener at an assembly or helping someone in the hallway find their way are examples that earn that.
Homework and Behavior Check The Go Folder! *READ, READ &READ each and every night *Baggie Books-At lease once a week! *Sight Words *Spelling Words-Pre-test Mondays-Post on Fridays *Math Papers *EDMODO, Lead 21, and en. Visions access at home *Look for the Friday Folder containing the week’s work.
Growth Mindset The growth mindset focuses on a student’s hard work and perseverance to reach their goal. It reinforces problem solving skills- especially when things don’t go as planned. The growth mindset praises student’s for their effort.
The growth mindset challenges students to push themselves to do their personal best. When something does not go as planned, it challenges students to evaluate their actions and form a new plan. Not yet. . … Using a growth mindset, student’s do not fail to reach the goal, they are just not there yet.
Handwriting *We Work hard to help students work on their fine motor skills. *Using proper grip while cutting, gluing, coloring and writing is essential to their development *Please also practice tying shoes and zipping coats! *Thank you for reinforcing this at home when you are working with your child.
Writing Students will write every day in 1 st grade for a variety of purposes! 1. Journal Writing 2. Writing Center 3. Writing Process (First Draft, Editing, Conferencing, Publishing, Sharing) 4. 6 Trait Writing (Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sent. Fluency, Conventions) 5. Different Forms of Writing – letters, personal narrative, research, technical
Reading o A balanced program filled with Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Read Alouds, Phonics, Spelling, Informational Text, and Literature! (LEAD 21 series. ) o Students will learn strategies for decoding, fluency, and comprehension. o My goal is to give your child the skills they need to succeed and a LOVE of reading that will last a lifetime!
Highlights Of LEAD 21 o Rigor n text complexity o Common Core Standards o Thematic units o Emphasis on social studies/science content n Informational Text o Inquiry o Format of series n The differentiated readers are designed to match students reading “levels” (two grade levels below through two grade levels above) o Technology
Reading at Home o Fluency: What is it? o Fluency is reading in long, meaningful phrases, with confidence and expression. Students will be assess on fluency throughout the year. o Leveled readers will come home 1 -2 times per week o Phonics readers will come home weekly. o Students should be reading minutes each night for their Reading Calendar from the library! I will follow up with classroom incentives for turning in weekly goals on a log to go on their bubble gum machines.
Reading Assessments o Sight words - students will be assessed throughout the year in Reading. o Word List 1: these words should be mastered. o Students will be assessed through MAP testing throughout the year. o Students will be monitored through Running Records, quarterly assessments, and classroom observations.
Mathematics 1 st Grade has 16 Topics Algebraic Thinking 1. Understanding Addition 2. Understanding Subtraction 3. Five &Ten Relationships 4. Addition & Subtraction Facts to 12 5. Addition Facts to 20 6. Subtraction Facts to 20 Number Operations 7. Counting and Number Patterns to 120 8. Tens and Ones
Mathematics 1 st Grade has 16 Topics 9. Adding with Tens & Ones 10. Comparing & Ordering Numbers to 100 11. Subtracting with Tens & Ones Measurement and Data 12. Length 13. Time 14. Using Data to Answer Questions Geometry 15. Geometry 16. Fractions of Shapes
Fact Fluency o BV has implemented Kim Sutton’s Block 10, for grades K -5. o I refer to this as our “Fact Fluency” time. o Songs and games will help students to understand the “rules” in math, while becoming fluent with their facts. o Assessments are given with each strategy taught. o Utilizing Flash Cards at home is a HUGE support.
Mathematics Math Intervention o Students take a pre-test before we begin each topic o Some students are recommended to receive math intervention o Parents will receive a letter and email letting you know o Students attending Math Intervention will go on a topic by topic basis
Technology Opportunities There are many opportunities for your child to utilize technology with our curriculum both at school and at home. o Edmodo Passwords will be taped to the GO! o Lead 21 Folders so students can access the o en. Visions websites for their homework as needed. o Sumdog
Classroom Technologies: • • Dual touch SMARTboard ELMO Document Camera DEWEY i. Pad stands Wi-Pad i. Pad Receivers Netbooks i. Pads with instructional apps Web-based resources http: //safeshare. tv/x/ss 57 b 31 c 57 c 122 a
Science o o Plant and Animal Parts Light Sound Sun, Moon and Stars
Social Studies o o o Home and School Families Economics Kansas and the United States Holidays Famous Americans and their impact on our Country
Grades o o Using Parent Vue, you will see entered scores using 3, 2, 1 This is a district wide expectation for first grade teachers o 3: Proficient-The student has mastered skills and concepts. The student independently applies and demonstrates knowledge. o 2: Developing-The student is making progress with learning skills and applying concepts with appropriate support. o 1: Requires Support-The student requires 1 on 1 or small group assistance. The student may require intervention support from the teacher or support staff. The student displays limited independence.
Field Trips o September 16 th: Wilderness Science Center – Plant Structure o September 28 th: Ernie Miller Nature Center: The Teepee *In House, meaning he comes to us! We are hoping the others we have planned fall into place for us! Stay tuned. . .
Snack! o Please have your child use a water bottle with a flip lid. o Please send in healthy treats off the “Nut Safe” List. o Snack is in afternoon. Finger food items are best because we will continue to work. o Please adhere to this for birthday treats as well. Drinks are not necessary for birthday celebrations.
Birthdays!! o We will celebrate each child’s birthday in the classroom. We will do this after lunch later in afternoon. o Please send in a snack for your child that is off the approved snack list on the CHE web. o Please make sure it is something your child can serve. o Please also send napkins to help with messy fingers. o Birthday invitations can only be sent to school if all children will be receiving one. We don’t want any hurt feelings. o I will be giving them a little birthday treat as well. o Summer birthdays can be celebrated toward the end of the year.
BIP or Beary Important Person o Each week a child’s name will be drawn to be the BIP of the week. o That person is our line leader, paper passer, and has Beary Special privileges. n n n Monday-Share poster with class. Tuesday-Bring a favorite book for them or me to read. Wednesday-Eat lunch with the teacher. Thursday-Choose place to sit for the day. Friday-Bring a special share to show and tell.
Pick Up o Please do not come to the classroom prior to dismissal unless you have checked out your child in the office. o Students will be standing with their older sibling outside o Please send in a note if there is any change in transportation for the afternoon o If a change is made during the day, please DO NOT send an email. Call the office.
Volunteers o There are sign ups on the table to volunteer. o You can choose specific times or let me know times I can call you. o Volunteers are needed for both work with kids and clerical. o The desks outside my room always have jobs to be completed. o I love my volunteers!!!!!
Don’t Forget o Check the table for sign ups! o Please consider taking a “Beary” much needed item or items to help out our classroom. o Write a note on the apple sheet to your child. o Read their journal and write back. o Look for their Yes David. o Find their special summer memory.
Thanks For Coming!! Good Bye from Mrs. Symonds’ First Grade!!!