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Mradi wa Kusaidia Watendaji Wasio Wa Kitaifa wa Zanzibar Non-State Actors Support Programme (ZANSASP) (TZ/FED/023 -163) INFORMATION SEMINAR SUPPORT TO ADVOCACY &ACCOUNTABILITY INTERVENTIONS IN ZANZIBAR SESSION 1 – THE CALL FOR PROPOSALS REF. ZANSASP/LG Mradi unaofadhiliwa kati ya EU na SMZ Unasimamiwa na: ZANSASP Call for Proposals 2017
Agenda Introduction : The ZANSASP project 1. The Call for Proposal (Cf. P) process 2. Zansasp 3. The stages of the Cf. P 4. The application process
Introduction: ZANSASP A Joint EU – RGo. Z project : Ø Contract signed with the Mo. FP, under the supervision of the POCLAPSGG Ø A budget of € 3 million (+/- TZS 7 billion) Ø Duration : 3 years (36 months) Ø Ø Ø Objective: “To strengthen democratisation and good governance in Zanzibar through support to civil society initiatives on advocacy, accountability and participatory development” One way to implement this objectives is by giving grant to Civil Society Organisations (Non-State Actors) Part of the EU-ACP agreement (EDF 10)
1. Call for Proposals: Definition The Call for Proposal (Cf. P) process is: The most common way for the EU to provide funding to NGOs l The same procedures apply across all calls for proposals, everywhere in the world for development aid (EDF) and for all other budget lines/funding. l A complex and long process, but it guarantees the 3 following principles: l
Call for Proposals – Principles Transparency – publicly advertised with required criteria and guidelines l Fairness – assessment based on compliance with criteria and quality l Competition – grant awards are made to the highest scoring proposals l
2. ZANSASP Call for Proposals l Part of the “grant component” of the ZANSASP programme that also includes: l l l Help desk for grantees Dedicated training for applicants and grantees Mentoring and support to grantees Other grant activities The contracting authority for this call is: WYG international Ltd
Descriptions: Amounts & Number of Grants LARGE GRANTS Category 1 Total available: 260 000 Euro To be divided into 7 to 4 grants (depending of applications received) Category 2 Total available: 300 000 Euro To be divided into 3 to 4 grants (depending of applications received)
Differences: Amounts & Applicants LARGE GRANTS Category 2 Category 1 Each grant between: 40 000 and 60 000 Euro Each grant between: 80 000 and 99 000 Euro Any type of non-state actors, anywhere if registered in Zanzibar (NGOs, trade unions, network, umbrella bodies, chamber of commerce, etc. ) Incl. organisations established in the EU and Tanzania mainland Duration: max 17 months (min. 15 months)
Procedures All GRANTS (Category 1 & Category 2) Same procedures for cat. 1 and cat. 2 grants 2 -steps procedure Step 1: Concept Note (CN) Step 2: Full Application (FA) Same template for budget Both requires a action plan and a logframe matrix Both requires a Partnership approach Award: +/- 5 months after publication of the call
Differences: Themes & Activities Category 1 GRANTS Focus on: Advocacy & Accountability Category 2 GRANTS Focus on: Dialogue (policy dialogue, social dialogue, PPD) & developing a Civil Society Voice Priorities - Same for both categories Priority 1. need to link National & Local levels Priority 2. Focus on Innovation and Knowledge Management Priority 3. need to link Service delivery & advocacy work
Differences: Themes & Activities All GRANTS (Category 1 & Category 2 The following items will be considering bringing Additional value to the proposal (i. e. higher score) Concrete gender mainstreaming elements Focus on Vulnerability Focus on Multi-stakeholder dialogue These cross cutting issues need to be addressed: Environmental issues, gender equality, youth empowerment, Capacity Building
3. The 10 Stages of Call for Proposal Ø Ø Ø Stage 1 Development of the Call for proposal (ZANSASP) l in line with Financing Agreement and country context l EU and RGo. Z approval Stage 2 Launching of Call for Proposals(ZANSASP) l wide publicity via info sessions newspapers, internet, radio and network organisations Stage 3 - on-going Establishment of Evaluation Committee (ZANSASP) l 3 or 5 voting members. Secretary is TAT and Chairperson is representative of DNAO office (Ministry of Finance and Planning, RGo. Z), EU is an observer.
Stages of Call for Proposal Ø Ø Ø Stage 4 – NOW Training and outreach (ZANSASP) l Assistance to NSA in preparation of Concept Notes – open training Stage 5 (Independent Evaluation Committee) Administrative Compliance Stage l Receipt of Applications and Opening Session by Evaluation Committee. Preparation of correspondence to applicants Stage 6 (independent Assessors & Committee) Concept Note Assessment Stage– Short listing stage for Medium/ Large grants Concept notes l Assessment of Concept Notes, Evaluation Committee Decision and correspondence with applicants
Stages of Call for Proposal Ø Ø Ø Stage 7 (Medium and Large grants only) Training of Short-listed NSA (ZANSASP) l Training of those short-listed applicants to make a full application on the EC’s requirements, logframe preparation, budget, etc. Stage 8 (Medium and Large grants only) ü Ø Ø Submission of application (applicants) Stage 9 (Medium and Large grants only) Assessment of Full Application Stage (ind. assessors) l Assessment of Full Applications, Evaluation Committee Decision and correspondence with applicants l Evaluation of assessors reports by evaluation committee
Stages of Call for Proposal Ø Ø Stage 10 (Medium and Large grants only) Grant Award Stage (ZANSASP) l Verification of information, due diligence, Physical check on applicants & site visits (Pre-award survey or PAS) l Preparation of contracts and contract signature l Payment of advance
4. Applying for the Calls for Proposal Ø Reminder: Ø For these Grants: two-steps (1) Submission of a Concept Note, short-listing) invitation to the best CN to (2) submit a Full Application, assessment and award) We are now in the 1 st step of the process, called the CONCEPT NOTE step DEADLINE: 15 May 2017 (16 h 00 EAT) Whatever we are interested in now (SG or M/L G), what matters now is that we understand the requirements and the rules of the Cf. Ps. All those are included in a document called “the guidelines” (next session)
Timetable: Restricted Cf. P – LG (indicative) April 2017 Launch Cf. P 15 May 2017 : Deadline submission Concept Note July 2017: deadline submission Full App. June 2017 : request for Full Application Aug. 2017 end 2019 March 2019 From 15 August 2017 Completed by 1 sept 2017 45 days Eval. CN Inv. FP On-going training on PCM, M&E, Finances, etc 45 days NSA Info seminar (March 2016) Evaluation (30 days) PAS & Award (20 days) Training on proposal writing, budgeting, logframe, planning, etc Implementation (15 to 17 months) Dev. of OD process in parallel to Grant Implementation Closure (3 months)
In the next session… We will look in details at the most important document of the call for proposal: The Guidelines Reading it very carefully is the secret of a successful application
Ahsante sana For more information and questions: grants@zansasp. co. tz All the best – Kila la heri Mradi unaofadhiliwa kati ya EU na SMZ Unasimamiwa na: