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MOVING ON A Resource For Supporting Students With Additional Needs Transition From One Setting To Another Illawarra and South East Region
Compiled by Sandra Acevedo-Rugg Sue Goor Megan Waugh Revised by the ISER Student Services Team 2010
Table of contents Purpose of Transition 5 Learning Support Teams 6 The Planning Process 7 How to Use the Transition Checklist 8 Transition Flow Chart 9 Blank Planning Matrix 10 Matrix Trigger Questions 11 Phase 1: Transition Process 13 Phase 2: Transition Process 14 Case Study 29 Useful Web Links 32 Relevant DET Documents 33
“The New South Wales (NSW) Department of Education and Training (DET) is committed to providing a public system , while developing fully the talents and capacities of all students in the pursuit of attaining the highest educational standards irrespective of student background or circumstance” Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools (DET) 2003 “Transition is a process not a single event” Transition to High School 2001 “An effective school is one in which pupils progress further than might be expected from the consideration of its intake” Mortimer 1991 “Fairness does not mean that everyone gets the same, it means that everyone gets what they need. Every child is an individual. ” Fiona Duggan and Gerda Butlin 1996 4 Time for Moving On
The Purpose of Transition is: to ensure that individuals with special needs have choices in a range of options, which enable them to reach their full potential for successful community independence to lay a strong foundation for maximising the level of independence that will be enjoyed by students in a range of settings dependent upon the cooperation and collaboration of all parties with an interest in the transition of the individual student to provide an ongoing process of preparation for the next setting to ensure that the student’s interests, needs and competencies are appraised on an ongoing basis to support future environments. 5 Time for Moving On
Learning Support Team “Children learn best when parents, care givers and teachers work together in partnership and when parents, teachers and teachers share this responsibility” Who’s Going To Teach My Child 2003 A learning support team is a whole school planning and support mechanism. It is formed with the purpose of addressing the learning needs of students through the coordination, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational programs. To support the transitioning of a student with identified needs from their current setting to another, it is imperative that substantial and cooperative planning is undertaken by a Learning Support Team (LST). This team may include: The family / carers The student (where appropriate) An advocate, interpreter, support personnel (where requested) Class teacher / Year Advisor / Stage Supervisor Principal / School Learning Support Team Coordinator School Learning Support Teacher (SLST) School Learning Support Officer (SLSO), (where appropriate) A nominee from the next setting School Counsellor / District Guidance Officer Regional personnel (where necessary) Outside agency / specialist representative It is the role of this team to identify programming and resource requirements for students with special learning needs. Parents play an important part in the decision making of this team. 6 Time for Moving On
The Planning Process The planning process is initiated by the Learning Support Team (LST). The role of the LST may include making recommendations or decisions relating to: “Tr a p ansitio roc ess n is as ing not eve le nt” the individual welfare and education needs of the student appropriate course of actions for teachers to support the individual needs of the student communication needs with teachers from other settings and referral to outside agencies where appropriate Necessary learning adjustments and / or accommodations need to liaise with regional personnel school training & development priorities Access to funding support and other Regional services prioritising of student for access to support services and counsellor referral priorities for property modifications special equipment & technology needs documentation and record keeping of student plans and information. 7 Time for Moving On
How To Use The Transition Checklists The transition process can be complex and may involve a variety of different stakeholders from school, regional office personnel, home and community agencies. When working through the transition process, the Transition Flow Chart in the following pages can be used by school learning support teams to assist in the global transition process. The subsequent forms then should be used sequentially as a guide in transitioning students from one setting to the next: Step 1 LST of current setting completes Phase 1. This will determine the most appropriate pathway in Phase 2. Step 2 LST determines which of the Phase 2 proforma checklists to use. Step 3 As part of the Phase 2 checklist, the LST in conjunction with the LST of the new setting, completes the Matrix. Step 4 As the Transition Flow Chart indicates, a re-appraisal of the student’s program and needs should be completed by the LST on an on-going basis. • WHILST THE SUGGESTED TIMELINES IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE DESIRABLE, IT IS ACKNOWLEDGED THAT DUE TO MANY UNPREDICTABLE CIRCUMSTANCES THEY MAY NOT ALWAYS BE POSSIBLE. • THE CHECKLIST SHOULD BE USED AS A GUIDE ONLY, AS NOT ALL POINTS MAY RELATE TO THE ONE STUDENT. 8 Time for Moving On
Transition Flow Chart The learning support team is established Student Identified Matrix Completed Meeting at new setting Initial meeting at student’s current setting Reappraisal Transition plan implemented Transition plan developed 9 Time for Moving On
Planning Matrix for Students with Complex Needs ACTION PLANNING FOCUS AREA A B C D E TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL SUPPORT IDENTIFIED TECHNOLOGY & EQUIPMENT PROPERTIES RISK MANAGEMENT 1 Key Learning Areas/ 2 Communication (Receptive/ Expressive) 3 Participation Social Competence Safety/Supervision 4 Personal Care: Hygiene Eating/Dietary Health and Emergency Care 5 Movement: Physical Access/Mobility Evacuation Positioning Hand Motor Skills 6 Disability Awareness: Access to information (staff/parents/school community) 7 Transport To/from school during school hours 8 Responsibility 9 Timeline 10 Time for Moving On
Trigger Questions When Using the Planning Matrix ACTION PLANNING FOCUS AREA 1 Key Learning Areas/ 2 Communication (Receptive/ Expressive) 3 Participation Social Competence Safety/Supervision 4 Personal Care: Hygiene Eating/Dietary Health and Emergency Care 5 Movement: Physical Access/Mobility Evacuation Positioning Hand Motor Skills A B C D E TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL SUPPORT IDENTIFIED TECHNOLOGY & EQUIPMENT PROPERTIES RISK MANAGEMENT Is there a need for a support plan for each KLA? Who at the class level, year, school, region, state, home, agencies can assist? Who will be the SLSO and other key staff at HS? Does the student require specific equipment across any or all KLAs? Is there a need for a quiet areas? Are there any minor/major modifications needed? Are any appropriate shorten strategies? Are there any safety / protection strategies that need to be in place? Is the student using alternative forms of communication that staff require T&D? Is there staff available to provide the T&D – who? If not who else? Who at the school will prepare systems? Are there specialist equipment requirements? Where, how will the equipment be stored and managed? Is a behaviour support plan required? Who from the LST, school welfare team, counsellor, region assist? How will the SLSO support plan? Does the SLSO require T&D in use of any equipment? Is there any equipment that student requires out of the class? Are all areas safe? Is the student a ‘runner’ and fencing etc is necessary? Is there a risk management plan required? Does the SLSO require Healthcare Procedures Certification Who needs training in specialist equipment, e. g. hoist? Does the student need a healthcare plan & who (more than 1) will administer it? What equipment is now used and what will be required in the new setting? Is there a need for a disabled toilet and is it equipped appropriately? Is there a need for an alternate change area? Does student need change of clothing? Is there a health care plan? Does the student require medication, special feeding, toileting? Is there a need for a nappy disposal bin? Are gloves, etc, needed? Is there a need for other specialist equipment training e. g. , standing frame? Safe lifting training ? Can the student carry their own equipment? Does student require additional time or supervision for movement round school? Can equipment be shared in more than one area or will more than one set be required? Does the student require a note taker? How will equipment be housed and transported? Can student access all areas within school? Does the LST need to negotiate room allocation shortterm? Does student require lifting? 11 Time for Moving On
Matrix triggers continued ACTION PLANNING FOCUS AREA 6 Disability Awareness: Access to information (staff/parents /school community) 7 Special Transport A B C D E TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL SUPPORT IDENTIFIED TECHNOLOGY & EQUIPMENT PROPERTIES RISK MANAGEMENT Do staff require training/awareness in the student’s specific disability? Who would be the most appropriate personnel to deliver the training? Is there a need for support in application? Is there a need for a short-term plan and future plan? Does the student require a travel training program? Who will be responsible for implementing the travel training? Is the a need for special transport & who will be responsible for the application? Is specialist lifting equipment required for out of school activities? If student uses a wheelchair, does the school have an appropriate arrival & departure zone? To/from school during school hours 8 Responsibility 9 Timeline If student uses a wheelchair, what types of adjustments may be required for excursions, etc? Nominate individuals who will drive, support and / or coordinate each of the areas. Maybe useful to use numbers & letters to indicate the individual who will be responsible for each box e. g. , 3. . E for participationwho will write the crisis management Identify the timeline for each key area. May be useful to use e. g. , 7. A, to indicate timeline for special transport and T&D 12 Time for Moving On
Transition Timeline Checklist Phase 1 In the Current Setting the LST will √ OR X Identify the student and conduct an appraisal of the Curriculum, Communication, Social, Personal Care and Mobility needs. Meet with parents/ carers regarding the student’s new setting. Discuss all options available ( local school or support placement) If the student is at pre-school, the parent can inform their local Principal or the Students Services Officer of their decision regarding placement. If the student is at school, parents should inform the current setting of their decision regarding placement. This will determine which transition pathway the Learning Support Team should take: A or B q q The current setting should contact the new setting’s LST coordinator to advise of the student’s transitioning. If the next setting is a support placement, then the initial formal contact will be done by the Regional Placement Committee. Use a g timeli n u dep ide on e as l e the nding y, s nee tuden on t’s d A B 13 Time for Moving On
Phase 2: A. 1 ( Transition to a mainstream Kinder ) Where a transition to school plan is required, the ‘transition to school” form can be completed by the parent or referring agent. For children on the DET Transition to School Program, the completion and implementation of the transition matrix and transition plan should be completed by the school learning support team (LST) in collaboration with the parents /carers and any agencies involved. Date : Done N /A Timeline where need is applicable Student Name: DOB: School: 2 years prior to child enrolling at school Property modifications identified through the ‘Transition to School’ process q q Up to 1 year prior to child enrolling at school School advised of child’s pending enrolment by parent/ carer, supporting agency, or preschool q q From Term 2, year before child enrolls An initial transition meeting is organised to identify the child’s needs using the matrix q q From Term 2, year before child enrolls Available assessments and reports are forwarded to the school counsellor by the / carer, supporting agency q q Term 3 The public school LST coordinator organises a meeting at the school and invites all stakeholders including any support teachers already involved. Re-appraisal of matrix done, (should include timeline for extra orientation visits) q q Term 3 Special equipment application if required is completed and submitted to regional office q q Formal reviews for: § Funding Support § Existing equipment & technology § Healthcare plan q q q Term 4 Continued orientation visits organised q q Term 4 Healthcare Plan completed q q Re-appraisal of student’s need, including Best Start q q Term 2 – 3 Term 1, week 5 - 6 Kindergarten 14 Time for Moving On
Phase 2: B. 1 (Transition to School in a Support Placement ) Where a transition to school plan is required, the ‘Transition to School” form can be completed by the parent or referring agent, on behalf of the parent / carer. For children on the DET Transition to School Program, the completion and implementation of the transition matrix and transition plan should be completed in collaboration with the parents /carers and any agencies involved. Date : Done N /A Timeline where need is applicable Student Name: DOB: School: 2 years prior to child enrolling at school Property modifications identified through the ‘Transition to School’ process q q From Term 1, year before child enrolls Available assessments and reports are forwarded to the school counsellor by the /carer / supporting agency. Counsellor signs off child’s eligibility as appropriate q q From Term 1, year before child enrolls LST ( or regional office staff where appropriate) completes access request. Special transport request is included should it be required by the parent / carer q q From Term 2, year before child enrolls Regional placement committee processes access q request and may offer a special placement based upon the child’s eligibility and availability of service. Parents /carers and receiving school notified q From Term 2, year before child enrolls Initial transition meeting may be planned at the special placement setting to discuss need and complete the matrix q q Term 3, year before child enrolls Special equipment application completed (if required) by the LST and forwarded to regional office q q Term 4, year before child enrolls Continued orientation visits if required q q Term 4, year before child enrolls Healthcare plan is completed and ERN / SCAS details confirmed at the school q q Term 1, week 5 - 6 Kindergarten Re-appraisal of student’s needs. Including Best Start q q 15 Time for Moving On
Phase 2: A. 2 Date : Timeline where need is applicable ( Year 6 - 7 mainstream) Student Name: Current School: New Setting: DOB: Year: Done N /A Student in Year 5 Primary LST meets with parent / carer to discuss suitable options for high school q q Student in Year 5 SLST contacts the high school SLST to forward necessary information for high school to commence property application if required q q From Year 5 – 6 School Counsellor reviews disability confirmation sheet q q Term 1 Student in Year 6 Transition to high school regular process is completed and forwarded to corresponding high school q q As early as necessary Student in Year 6 Primary LST coordinator organises a meeting at the primary school and invites the parent, the high school LST coordinator and any other support teacher already involved, to complete the matrix and establish the transition plan q q Good practice strategies for additional orientation visits Strategies that the LSTs may consider: § Parent / carers invited to initial, additional orientation visits § A walk around the high school to look at the physical size, including specialist rooms § Photos taken of staff and specialist areas, e. g. canteen, library, for social stories § Identify where the student can go to meet their friends and designated year area § Identify where the student can go if they are anxious and/or require teacher / counsellor assistance § Provide opportunities for the students to experience study skills needed for HS such as copying; note-taking; mapping main points; using the HS diary and following a sample timetable § Provide opportunities for the student to practice arrival and departure routines for HS Time for Moving On
Phase 2: A. 2 ( Year 6 -7) continued Term 3 Student in Year 6 Mentor for the student at the new setting is organised q q Term 3 Student in Year 6 Review equipment and / or technology needs. Application forwarded to regional office if necessary q q Term 3 Student in Year 6 Primary LST convenes a Funding Support review meeting and invites a high school LST representative, parent, SLST, school counsellor and any other relevant community and / or DET personnel q q Term 3 Student in Year 6 Secondary LST representative takes Funding Support application for their Principal’s signature and forwards application to regional office q q Term 4 Good practice strategy Make sure that assessments and student work samples are complete so that all staff who will be involved at the high school are aware of the student’s strengths / needs / interests THIS IS A VITAL STEP IN THE HANDING OVER PHASE OF THE STUDENT’S TRANSITION 17 Time for Moving On
Phase 2: B. 2 Date : Timeline where need is applicable (Year 6 to a Secondary Support Placement) Student Name: Current School: New Setting: DOB: Year: Done N /A Student in Year 5 School counsellor reviews disability confirmation sheet q q Student in Year 5 Primary school LST meets with parent to discuss property needs and appropriate options for high school support placement q q Student in Year 5 An application for modification to properties (AMU) is submitted by the high school principal where need is identified q q From Term 2 Year before student transitions to HS Initial transition meeting (formal review) is set up at the primary school with the class support teacher, LST Coordinator, parent / carers and counsellor to commence re- appraisal and establish matrix, (should include timeline for extra orientation visits) q q From Term 2 Year before student transitions to HS Primary school forwards access request (with disability confirmation sheet) to region office. Special transport request is included should it be required by the parent / carer q q From Term 2 Year before student transitions to HS Regional placement committee processes access q request and may offer a special placement based upon the child’s eligibility and availability of service. Parents / carers and receiving school are notified q From Term 3 Year before student transitions to HS Special equipment application is completed by the primary school LST and submitted to region office for processing q q From Term 4 Year before student transitions to HS Continued orientation visits q q From Term 4 Year before student transitions to HS Healthcare Plan reviewed and confirmed with both primary, high school representatives and parent / carer q q 18 Time for Moving On
Phase 2: B. 2 Good practice strategies for additional orientation visits (Year 6 to HS Support Placement) continued Strategies that the LSTs may consider: § Parent / carers invited to initial, additional orientation visits § A walk around the high school to look at the physical size, including specialist rooms § Photos taken of staff and specialist areas, e. g. canteen, library, for social stories § Identify where the student can go to meet their friends and designated year area § Identify where the student can go if they are anxious and/or require teacher / counsellor assistance § Provide opportunities for the students to experience study skills needed for HS such as copying; note-taking; mapping main points; using the HS diary and following a sample timetable § Provide opportunities for the student to practice arrival and departure routines for HS § Make sure that the student’s learning support plan, assessments and student work samples are complete so that the support staff at the HS are aware of the student’s strengths / needs / interests THIS IS A VITAL STEP IN THE HANDING OVER PHASE OF THE STUDENT’S TRANSITION Student enrolls in new setting High school confirms ERN / SCAS details q q 19 Time for Moving On
Phase 2: A. 3 (Support Setting to a Regular Class) Done N /A Current setting alerts new setting of possible property needs. Support class LST/ executive meets with parent / carer and new setting LST coordinator to initiate property modification application with the assets management unit (AMU). Application submitted by the new setting’s principal q q 2 term before student transitions School counsellor reviews disability confirmation sheet. If student is eligible follow next step q q 1 -2 terms before student transitions Current setting LST coordinator organises a meeting at school and invites the parent / carer, new setting LST coordinator, and may include student services officer, school learning support teacher, or any other support teacher already involved, to complete matrix, (should include timeline for extra orientation visits) q q 1 -2 terms before student transitions ØIf student is eligible: Current LST convenes a Funding Support review meeting and invites new setting LST representative, parent, school learning support teacher, school counsellor and any other relevant community and/or DET personnel. The Funding Support application should be signed by the new setting principal and forwarded to region office q q Date : Timeline where need is applicable 2 years prior to transition where possible Student Name: Current School: New Setting: DOB: Year: ØIf student is not eligible: Current LST convenes a review meeting and invites new setting LST representative, parent / carer, school learning support teacher, school counsellor and any other relevant community and / or DET personnel (for HS this may also include STT) Term before student transitions Review equipment and / or technology needs. Application forwarded to region office q q Student enrolls Healthcare plan revised with new setting’s key personnel q q 20 Time for Moving On
Phase 2: A. 3 Good practice strategies for additional orientation visits From the term before student transitions Good practice strategy ( Support Setting to Regular Class) continued Strategies that the LSTs may consider: § Parent / carers invited to initial, additional orientation visits § Organise a walk around the new setting to look at the physical size, including specialist rooms § Photos taken of staff and specialist areas, e. g. canteen, library, for social stories § Identify where the student can go to meet their friends and designated year area § Identify where the student can go if they are anxious and/or require teacher / counsellor assistance § Provide opportunities for the students to experience study skills needed for HS such as copying; note-taking; mapping main points; using the HS diary and following a sample timetable § Provide opportunities for the student to practice arrival and departure routines Any professional learning need identified in the matrix is implemented at the new setting q q Make sure that assessments and student work samples are collated so that all staff who will be involved at the new setting are aware of the student’s strengths / needs / interests THIS IS A VITAL STEP IN THE HANDING OVER PHASE OF THE STUDENT’S TRANSITION 21 Time for Moving On
Phase 2: B. 3 Date : Timeline where need is applicable (Support Placement to Support Placement) Student Name: Current School: New Setting: DOB: Year: Done N /A Semester prior to student transitioning School counsellor reviews disability confirmation sheet q q Semester prior to student transitioning Formal review is set up at the current setting with the class support teacher, LST coordinator, parent / carers and counsellor to discuss appropriate options and establish matrix q q Semester prior to student transitioning Current setting LST forwards access request (with disability confirmation sheet) to region office. Special transport request is included should it be required by the parent / carer q q Term before student transitions Regional placement committee processes access request and may offer a special placement based upon the child’s eligibility and availability of service. Parents / carers and receiving school notified q q As soon as possible Current setting forwards property needs to new setting LST. An application for modification to properties (AMU) is submitted by the new setting principal if required q q Term before student transitions Special equipment and technology application is completed by the new setting LST based on information gained at the review meeting, and submits to the region office for processing q q Term before student transitions Intensive orientation visits organised where distance permits q q At enrolment of student in new setting ERN / SCAS details confirmed q q At enrolment of student in new setting Healthcare Plan reviewed and confirmed with key personnel at new setting q q 22 Time for Moving On
Transition to Post School Students leave school with varying degrees of preparation. Students with a disability have general options as well as some that are disability specific. Each student is an individual and will therefore require an individual transition plan. A student with a disability may approach the Disability Officer at Centrelink with the purpose of being ‘deemed’ eligible for a disability support pension. This allows the student leaving school to access employment agencies that specifically cater for individuals with a disability. These agencies vary depending on geographical location and may include: Workskills; Workwise; Essential Personnel. A student at risk of leaving school may access the following programs (depending upon their geographic availability): Job Pathway Program; Links to Learning; Youth at Risk; Plan-It-Youth; TAFE (OTEN). Where possible it is desirable to have someone (not a DET staff member) who can case manage/oversee the student’s post school period. All students transitioning from school must adhere to the DET’s School Attendance Policy 2006. 23 Time for Moving On
How To Use The Transition Checklists The Post School Transition process to support the student can be complex and may involve a variety of different stakeholders from school, region, home and community agencies. In order to assist the school learning support team through the process, the Transition Flow Chart can be referred to as a guide to the generic process. Step 1 LST of current setting completes Phase 1. This will determine the most appropriate pathway in Phase 2. Step 2 LST determines which of the Phase 2 proforma checklists to use. Step 3 As part of the Phase 2 checklist, the LST in conjunction with the LST of the new setting, completes the Matrix. Step 4 As the Transition Flow Chart indicates, a re-appraisal of the student’s program and needs should be completed by the LST on an on-going basis. 24 Time for Moving On
Post School Transition Flow Chart Student Leaving School Options Identified Options explained Contact Details Provided Transition Plan Implemented Organisational System Developed for Student’s Future Reference Meeting at student’s current setting Case Manager Determined 25 Time for Moving On
Post School Transition Timeline Checklist Phase 1 Current Setting Identify student and conduct an appraisal of their post school needs, interests and options. Apply for post school programs as offered by Aging Disability and Home Care (ADHC) as appropriate: (the regional support teacher transition and the school’s careers advisor can assist with this information) √ OR X q q Meet with parents/ carers regarding the student’s transition from school. Discuss all options available such as University, TAFE, Post School service providers as appropriate. q The family visits the above settings. Support may be provided by the student services officer or the support teacher transition q The Support Teacher Transition (STT) is the regional contact for schools regarding the Post Schools Options Program. STTs can provide the LSTs with the necessary timelines and processes. A ADHC B OTHER Time for Moving On
Phase 2: A ADHC – Transition to Work / Community Access In order to activate this process, the school learning support team (LST) together with the regional support teacher transition (STT) will identify potential candidates and discuss the process early in the student’s final year Date : Timeline where need is applicable Student Name: DOB: School: Done N /A Term 1 Student is identified and nominated as an Aging Disabilities and Home Care (ADHC) post school options candidate to the STT q q Term 2 School will receive information from ADHC outlining the process for the year q q Term 2 The STT will contact school regarding timelines and assessment procedures for the year q q Term 2 The STT together with the student, parents and key school personnel go through the assessment process. The STT processes this information q q Student receives a computer printout of the information submitted to ADHC q q Term 3 ADHC determines the level and type of support to be provided to each student. q q Term 3 Student is contacted by ADHC regarding results of assessments q q End of term 2 Term 3 Student and parents attend closest Service Providers expo q q Term 3 Student visits all of the service providers available in order to make the most appropriate post school decision q q Term 4 Student and family (as appropriate) registers with chosen service provider q q Term 4 Exit plan completed and transferred to registered service provider q q 27 Time for Moving On
Phase 2: B Transition to a Tertiary Institution TAFE UNIVERSITY TRAINEESHIP APPRENTICESHIP OTHER Transition to these post school options would have been previously identified in the students individual transition plan and therefore reflected in the students curriculum program. Students with complex needs or disabilities should follow the same process for access to these options as their peers in mainstream. Additional assistance or advice can be accessed through the regional support teacher transition (STT) or the schools career advisor. A disabilities contact officer/teacher consultant/adviser at TAFE/University, should also be a contact point for school learning support teams. 28 Time for Moving On
Case Study Time for Moving On
Case Study Joe is 12 years old. He has autism and an intellectual disability. He has a long history of aggressive and self-injurious behaviour. He will often slap and bang his head when told he cannot do something. Joe has no language but successfully uses a symbol book to communicate his needs and respond to questions. He rarely initiates communication using the book. Joe shows unusually high skill levels on the computer. Joe likes looking at magazines dealing with cars and bikes. He is independent in all personal care activities. He has been suspended from his current primary school for kicking a teacher. Joe’s family want him to attend his local high school when he transitions to year 7 in the following year. Both parents prefer that he attends a regular class but will consider the support class for students with an intellectual disability. 30 Time for Moving On
Planning Matrix for Students with Complex Disabilities ACTION PLANNING FOCUS AREA A B C TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL SUPPORT IDENTIFIED TECHNOLOGY & EQUIPMENT • HS staff to access 1 Key Learning Areas/ Life Skills curriculum • SLSO/ year advisor - on laptop D PROPERTIES • Laptop to be • STT, Curriculum Consultant • HS nominate staff to be responsible for learning support plan E RISK MANAGEMENT Monitor hyper sensitivity in specialist subject areas and workload that may require a crisis management plan investigated • Trial appropriate software • Board of Studies KLA Documents Augmentative systems: visual timetables, social stories, social scripts, communication books • SLST / AP SL / • Joe to be taught HS • Identify staff rules & specific routines • Raise school comm. Awareness of specific triggers & subsequent management and/or peer support as mentor Monitor Hygiene Eating/Dietary Health and Emergency Care 2 Ensure all key HS personnel area of potential problems and previous history Review potential anxiety when changing for P. E and toileting Movement: • HS to nominate Assess need for fencing/gates Risk management for excursions and other visits • HS LST OHS Committee Communication (Receptive/ Expressive) 3 Participation Social Competence Safety/Supervision 4 5 Personal Care: Access to information (staff/parents/school community) 7 All HS staff on • Autism, • Mod. intell dis • Beh. Management • Crisis management Plan • PS & HS LST • Investigate specific area to house any equipment/ software • Visuals to cover quiet areas Identify quiet areas & include in visuals HS LST review for potential need of staff PART t&d to support Joe’s inappropriate Behaviours Regional student services team HS LST Disability Awareness: Update existing communication system and follow up with recommendations from Speech Path. staff to assist Joe’s movement around school and meet on arrival if necessary Physical Access/Mobility Evacuation Positioning Hand Motor Skills 6 regional personnel as appropriate • Parent to contact Speech Path. to review com. sys • HS staff nominated to be responsible for mgmt. of equipt. Special Transport To/from school during school hours 8 Regional student services team Responsibility 9 Timeline Re-appraisal of student needs and FS in term 1 at HS Visit 1 – commencing wk 1, T 3 and consequentially fortnightly • PS & HS LST • Parent Regional student services team • OT / Speech Path • PS to apply T 4 • HS to apply following review T 1 Regional student services team • OT To be completed for T 1 In place by wk 5 T 1 and reviewed T 2 by HS
Useful web links Teaching and Learning site: Covering a wide range of supports including Life Skills courses. http: //www. schools. nsw. edu. au/learning/k-6 assessments/oc_criteria. php Transition to School site that also has links to resources to assist transition to High School. http: //www. schools. nsw. edu. au/gotoschool/primary/transition/index. php Early Childhood and Interagency Programs Directorate: https: //detwww. det. nsw. edu. au/lists/directoratesaz/earlychildhood/index. htm 35 Time for Moving On
SEA Office 36 Time for Moving On
Systematic guidelines and procedures for the collaborative transition of young children with disabilities or significant difficulties in learning or behaviour, from early childhood settings (including the family setting) to school. 37 Time for Moving On