Скачать презентацию Морские свинки Муравьёва Катя History of the Скачать презентацию Морские свинки Муравьёва Катя History of the

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Морские свинки Муравьёва Катя Морские свинки Муравьёва Катя

History of the guinea pig The guinea pig is known in the 2 main History of the guinea pig The guinea pig is known in the 2 main qualities: as an ornamental (amateur) and as a laboratory animal. Mumps with her funny looks, a kind of orders, nezlobnym character, cleanliness, ease of maintenance and breeding has long been a classic pet, especially suitable families with children. The animal almost does not bite, easily tamed, amenable to a simple training. In addition, as a result of breeding pigs vary widely conformation, coat types and colors. And everyone can choose his taste purple or red pig, red or chocolate, chinchilla or Himalayan. If your house has appeared pig, let me congratulate you! It will bring you much joy. By the way, according to the major Italian researcher, physician John Balrini people containing pets live an average of four years longer. In the past century, the mass use of guinea pigs as laboratory animals. It was found that the animals get sick almost all human diseases, their immune system is very close to ours, they suffer from infectious diseases of humans and farm animals. Curiously, the reverse of infection from pigs does not occur. Too many scientists to the success of their research experiments on pigs it. This allows us to study in pigs, a variety of diseases. Perhaps only the small size of the guinea pig prevented her for a monument, similar to that of physiology at the initiative of Pavlov's dog was erected.

Overview of the guinea pig Guinea pigs, was first imported into Europe 400 years Overview of the guinea pig Guinea pigs, was first imported into Europe 400 years ago from Peru, where they were domesticated long before the Inca discovery of America, bred for science and for amateur naturalists. At first they were called overseas, then stopped on the name "guinea pig". There are several breeds of guinea pigs, differing in color, length and hardness of the coat. Under short-haired guinea pigs, in addition to normal laboratory animals Halter, isolated gray and golden agouti, resembling the color of the source of wild animals, as well as Himalayan (ermine), white, black, brown, golden and blue guinea pigs. As an ornamental breed long-haired Angora or pigs, and wirehaired, called rosettes, or rozetchatymi guinea pigs. In these animals impresses a peculiar and very cute face, a gentle disposition nezpobivy, daily activity, and inability to climb the walls, furniture and other objects, which greatly simplifies their free content in the home. Pig never bite. Care of them available even to a child. Brains of guinea pigs are quite limited, but the animals are able to recognize a person caring for him, welcoming him the appearance of a sharp whistle or quiet pohryukivaniem. Animal can be trained to be on call, to "serve" and some other simple trick. However, as the object of the content of the indoor guinea pig is less interesting than most other rodents. They are usually plant begins zoolovers or buy for children, but long-term maintenance of these animals for the majority is simply boring. Pigs are fed grass, hay, carrots, beets, oats, wheat bran, that is, plant foods, adding to their dairy products, table salt (preferably salt-lick), chalk or bone meal. Pregnant or lactating females need water even in the presence of succulent herbaceous forage. Cages for guinea pigs may be a variety of structures about the size of 40 x 70 cm for the couple. In group content in the cell area of one square meter is placed on a single male or female 5 -10 and 20 young animals. The animals live together in peace with each other. Pigs are capable of reproduction with the age of three months, but to save the manufacturer and obtain healthy offspring of mating animals allowed in seven - nine months. Pregnancy lasts about 65 days. Cubs are born mature, are covered with hair, agile, and immediately after birth shall eat the food of adults, but the first three weeks they need and in breast milk. Guinea pigs are afraid of the cold, damp and especially drafts.

My guinea pig I like my guinea pig for that: it is funny, you My guinea pig I like my guinea pig for that: it is funny, you can play with it and it fun. I have two guinea pigs.