- Количество слайдов: 46
Morphemes English 306 A; Harris 1
Suffix A little Persian dana xubi daro. Sti bozorgi Sirin {-i} danai xub Morpheme Sirini English 306 A; Harris 2
Suffix A little Persian Morpheme {-i} Noun Former Persian English dana wise danai wisdom xub good xubi goodness daro. St thick daro. Sti thickness bozorg big bozorgi size Sirin sweet Sirini sweetness English 306 A; Harris 3
Suffix A little Persian Morpheme {-i} Noun Former Simplex Complex adjective —> [adjective-affix]noun Noun Adjective Adj Af Sirin sweet Sirini Noun Adj Af sweetness English 306 A; Harris 4
The smallest signifier/signified bundles {un-} Antonym former {re-} Iterative former {draw} Verb, to make representative marks {-s} Third-singular-present agreement former {-ing} Present-participle former English 306 A; Harris 5
Homophony/Polysemy But, it’s not a piece of cake {-ing} Present-participle former “Oriana is drawing the cat” {-ing} Gerund former “Oriana’s drawing of the cat is beautiful. ” {-ing} Adjective former “Oriana’s drawing chalk is the white one” English 306 A; Harris 6
English {-er} farmer, writer, hiker, reader, drawer, printer, … Agentive Londoner, Winnipeger, … Locative 1 (geographic) villager, foreigner, … Locative 2 (type) printer, toaster, heater, freezer, … Instrumental page-turner, reader, drawer, … Patient chatter, mutter, flicker, … Frequentive triple-decker, porker, … Other English 306 A; Harris 7
Radial network English -er m ap ho r et ap et ho r inv er sio n m generalization specialization ? English 306 A; Harris 8
Productivity The relative ability to produce new words. -er farmer, writer, shooter, runner, pleaser, sleeper, weeper, golfer, diddler, plumber, butcher, baker, candle-stick-maker, bliffnatter, ludniffer, … aasexual, amoral, achromatic, …? English 306 A; Harris 9
Productivity petroleum, Petrocanda™, petrochemical, petrodollars, petropolitics, … -cast broadcast, telecast, newscast, sportscast, podcast, … English 306 A; Harris 10
Productivity cranberry, cran-apple, crancherry, cran-grape, cranraspberry, crangerine, cranmango, … huckleberry raspberry English 306 A; Harris 11
Signifier Semasiology Signified Onomasiology What type Bound! Morpheme form is {-i}? free (= Derivational! word) bound (= affix) prefix suffix infix circumfix Morpheme function Noun adjective Af derivational change meaning dramatically, and/or word category inflectional xubi English 306 A; Harris never change category, and only change meaning very subtly 12
Signifier Semasiology Signified Onomasiology Morpheme form free (= word) bound (= affix) prefix suffix infix circumfix Morpheme function Noun adjective Af derivational change meaning dramatically, and/or word category inflectional xubi never change category, and only change meaning very subtly adjective [adjective-i]noun English 306 A; Harris 13
Affix rules New prefix Af Old oldcategory [affix-oldcategory]newcategory aooooo New suffix oldcategory [oldcategory-affix]newcategory Old Af oooa New infix oldcategory [old-affix- category]newcategory Af Old ooaoo circumfix oldcategory [af-oldcategory-fix]newcategory English 306 A; Harris New Af Old Af 14 aooooa
Compounds Morphological analysis Noun Adjective Noun blackboard English 306 A; Harris 15
Free morpheme Morphological analysis Noun? Verb? Adjective? Adverb? Preposition? Determiner? Qualifier? Quantifier? Who cares? ? fly English 306 A; Harris 16
Free morpheme Morphological analysis Noun fly English 306 A; Harris 17
Free morpheme Morphological analysis Verb fly English 306 A; Harris 18
Free morpheme Morphological analysis Adjective fly English 306 A; Harris 19
Bound morpheme (necessarily, with a free one too) Morphological analysis ? ? Af flies English 306 A; Harris 20
Bound morpheme (necessarily, with a free one too) Morphological analysis Noun Af Plural flies English 306 A; Harris 21
Bound morpheme (necessarily, with a free one too) Morphological analysis Verb Af flies English 306 A; Harris 3 rd singular present agreement 22
Bound morpheme (necessarily, with a free one too) Morphological analysis Adjective Af flies English 306 A; Harris 23
Free morpheme Morphological analysis Adjective Af flier English 306 A; Harris ? Adjective Af fliest 24 ?
Optionality optionality English 306 A; Harris 25
Optionality Noun optionality English 306 A; Harris 26
Optionality Noun Adj Af optionality English 306 A; Harris 27
Optionality Noun Adj Noun Af Af optionality English 306 A; Harris 28
Optionality Noun Adj Noun Verb Af Af Af optionality English 306 A; Harris 29
Optionality Noun Adj Noun Verb Af Af Af optionality English 306 A; Harris 30
Roots and stems optionality root English 306 A; Harris 31
Ainu (Japan) haparu = soft ehaparu = to be unable to endure ni. Ste eni. Ste = hard = to be able to endure pirka epirka wen ewen = = good to gain bad to lose English 306 A; Harris 32
adjective —> [e-adjective]verb {e-} verb former 1. Stative have adjectival quality 2. Active change towards state described by adjective English 306 A; Harris 33
Ainu (Japan) Verb Af Adjective e pirka English 306 A; Harris 34
Bontoc (Philippines) kumilad = he is becoming red fumusul = he is becoming an enemy fikas = strong fumikas = he is becoming strong What’s he fusul = enemy bato = stone reading? bumato = he is becoming hard kilad = red English 306 A; Harris 35
Bontoc (Philippines) kumilad = he is becoming red {-um-} third-person he, not I or you singular he, not they masculine he, not she or it inchoative becoming verb-former is; state change English 306 A; Harris 36
Bontoc (Philippines) Verb Adjective Af k um ilad English 306 A; Harris 37
Morphophonology Zoque possessives wakas cow bu. Ru donkey nwakas my cow mbu. Ru my donkey wjakas his cow bju. Ru his donkey pama clothes kama cornfield mpama my clothes Nkama my cornfield pjama his clothes kjama his cornfield English 306 A; Harris 38
Morphophonology Zoque possessives wakas cow bu. Ru donkey nwakas my cow mbu. Ru my donkey wjakas his cow bju. Ru his donkey pama clothes kama cornfield mpama my clothes Nkama my cornfield pjama his clothes kjama his cornfield English 306 A; Harris 39
Morphophonology Zoque possessives wakas cow bu. Ru donkey nwakas my cow mbu. Ru my donkey wjakas his cow bju. Ru his donkey pama clothes kama cornfield mpama my clothes Nkama my cornfield pjama his clothes kjama his cornfield English 306 A; Harris 40
Morphology Zoque possessives {-j- } third-person singular masculine possessive English 306 A; Harris 41
Morphology Zoque possessives b j u. Ru English 306 A; Harris 42
Morphology noun —> [n-j-oun]noun Noun Af b j u. Ru English 306 A; Harris 43
Morphophonology Zoque possessives {m-}, {n-}, {N-} first-person singular possessive English 306 A; Harris 44
Morphophonology Zoque possessives Noun Af Noun Assimilation in place of articulation n wakas m pama English 306 A; Harris N kama 45
Morphology Semasiological break • free (word) • bound (affix) unbreakable Onomasiological • derivational (new word) breakable • inflectional (new function) breaks Rules verb [verb-affix]adjective Structures Productivity breakable, lovable, knowable, movable, singable, blorkable, … Adj V Af breakable English 306 A; Harris 46