Скачать презентацию More Info on Industrialization Factors of Production Скачать презентацию More Info on Industrialization Factors of Production


  • Количество слайдов: 28

More Info on Industrialization!!! • Factors of Production • Sectors of Economies • How More Info on Industrialization!!! • Factors of Production • Sectors of Economies • How economies are measured • How economies are viewed and governed

Factors of Production • Very simply put… Factors of Production • Very simply put…

the 3 (Main) Sectors of the Economy • Characteristics ? • Examples? • Why/When/ the 3 (Main) Sectors of the Economy • Characteristics ? • Examples? • Why/When/ How do countries move into different sectors?

How do we classify countries and their economies? • First Second and Third World How do we classify countries and their economies? • First Second and Third World countries • • NO, Politically Incorrect! Developed, Developing and Undeveloped Nations! • YES! But isn’t this the same thing? ? ?

What is a ‘primary commodity? ’ • Wheat, oil, copper, rubber, metals, cotton, etc. What is a ‘primary commodity? ’ • Wheat, oil, copper, rubber, metals, cotton, etc.


Not sure where, but… Not sure where, but…

3 Countries: USA, Brazil, Nepal 3 Countries: USA, Brazil, Nepal

HONG KONG Employment HONG KONG Employment

China China


Why do we have economics (and economic philosophies)? • BECAUSE SCARCITY EXISTS! • And Why do we have economics (and economic philosophies)? • BECAUSE SCARCITY EXISTS! • And because Hobbes was right (in regards to the factors of production)! 12

What was happening in Europe in the 1800 s? 13 What was happening in Europe in the 1800 s? 13

Is ____ good? • FREEDOM? • EQUALITY? UH-OH…We have a problem 14 Is ____ good? • FREEDOM? • EQUALITY? UH-OH…We have a problem 14


SOCIALISM • Many different forms (hard to easily define) – Could be worker-managed/owned, government-managed/owned SOCIALISM • Many different forms (hard to easily define) – Could be worker-managed/owned, government-managed/owned – NOT private ownership • Viewed as temporary stage by Marxists/Leninists NAME A ‘CAPITALIST’ COU IN WHAT WAYS IS IT SOCI 16

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels Mid 19 th century • • Deustchland philosophers Engels: Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels Mid 19 th century • • Deustchland philosophers Engels: The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845) (It’s bad!) Marx: Das Kapital (1867, 1885, 1894) Marx & Engels: The Communist Manifesto (1848)

Marx on History/Communism “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of Marx on History/Communism “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of ______ struggle. ” CLASS • ‘The People’ should own and share the factors of production.

Marx’s View of the Stages of History • How many classes have existed in Marx’s View of the Stages of History • How many classes have existed in each stage of human history? • Was socialism seen as an improvement over capitalism? • Did Marx believe society was progressing? 19 (Turner, Beeghley, and Powers 1998: 116)

20 20

How does modern China compare to Marx’s vision? Watch the last 3. 5 minutes How does modern China compare to Marx’s vision? Watch the last 3. 5 minutes of Khan Academy’s Communism vid (start @ Start @ 11: 20) https: //www. khanacademy. org/humanities/h istory/euro-hist/cold-war/v/communism

A FEW IMPORTANT DATES IN COMMUNIST HISTORY • 1848: Communist Manifesto • 1917: Russia A FEW IMPORTANT DATES IN COMMUNIST HISTORY • 1848: Communist Manifesto • 1917: Russia becomes 1 st Communist country • 1947 -1991: Cold War between USA & USSR • 1991—End of the USSR • October 1, 1949: China becomes PRC 22 – Note: There is a decent chance the US wouldn’t have

Just for fun: Understanding World Fascism Ideologies Through Two Cows • • You have Just for fun: Understanding World Fascism Ideologies Through Two Cows • • You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them, and sells you the milk. • Pure Communism • You have two cows. Your neighbours help you take care of them, and you all share the milk. • Real World Communism • You share two cows with your neighbours. You and your neighbours bicker about who has the most "ability" and who has the most "need". Meanwhile, no one works, no one gets any milk, and the cows drop dead of starvation. • Russian Communism • You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk. You steal back as much milk as you can and sell it on the black market. • Totalitarianism 23 • You have two cows. The government takes them and denies they

 • • • Just for fun: Understanding World Ideologies Through Two Cows Pure • • • Just for fun: Understanding World Ideologies Through Two Cows Pure Democracy You have two cows. Your neighbours decide who gets the milk. Representative Democracy You have two cows. Your neighbours pick someone to tell you who gets the milk. British Democracy You have two cows. You feed them sheep's brains and they go mad. The government doesn't do anything. Pure Anarchy You have two cows. Either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbours try to take the cows and kill you. Pure Capitalism You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Real World Capitalism 24 You don't have any cows. The bank will not lend you money to

Just for fun: Understanding World Ideologies Through Two Cows • Environmentalism • You have Just for fun: Understanding World Ideologies Through Two Cows • Environmentalism • You have two cows. The government bans you from milking or killing them. • Political Correctness • You are associated with (the concept of "ownership" is a symbol of the phallo centric, war mongering, intolerant past) two differently - aged (but no less valuable to society) bovines of non-specified gender. • Surrealism • You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons. 25

How does this quote relate to what we’ve studied? • “So long as the How does this quote relate to what we’ve studied? • “So long as the state exists there is no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no state. ” Vladimir Lenin, 1 st leader of Communist Russia Theory/practice; freedom/equalit 26

Is ____ good? • FREEDOM? • EQUALITY? UH-OH…We (still) have a problem… 27 Is ____ good? • FREEDOM? • EQUALITY? UH-OH…We (still) have a problem… 27

FINALLY: COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM, CAPITALISM • What would a _______ (communist, socialist, capitalist) think about FINALLY: COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM, CAPITALISM • What would a _______ (communist, socialist, capitalist) think about _______? Let’s figure it out! 28