We’re all kind of the same
Believe in the same God (different names) Believe in peace Believe in justice
QUICK-REFERENCE CHART JUDAISM CHRISTIANITY ISLAM Yahweh God Allah Jewish Christian Muslim 2000 BC, OR 4000 YEARS AGO 2000 YEARS AGO 600 s AD Abraham Jesus Mohammad Synagogue Church Mosque Rabbi Preacher, pastor, priest, reverend Imam Torah Bible Koran, Quran
JUDAISM “The Chosen ones” 1 st monotheistic religion in a time where nearly everyone else worshipped many gods Judaism is an “ethnic religion”- meaning you have to be born into it…one or both of your parents have to be Jewish. Abraham led Hebrews to Canaan Then to Egypt
EGYPT Things went well for a bit Then… Slavery
Moses “Let my people go”
The plagues
Exodus back to Canaan “parting of the Red Sea”
Spread of Judaism Invasions by many groups led to the spread of Judaism. Diasporascattering of Jews outside of Israel and Judah
Jewish Beliefs Belief in one God Justice and righteousness Law (Based on the Ten Commandments)
Texts Torah (5 books) Hebrew bible Talmud
Unjust rulers will not last Ancient Egypt? Romans? Nazis?
Traditions and Holy Days Help to connect with their past and celebrate their history
Hanukkah Oil for one day burned for 8 Menorah 8 days of gifts
Passover Celebrates the Exodus March or April (near the time of Christian’s Easter Celebration) Left quickly…no time for regular bread to rise Only eat unleavened (flat) bread. matzo
High Holy Days Rosh Hashanah (New Years on the Jewish calendar) **Yom Kippur (most Holy)** Ask forgiveness of sins No eating or drinking all day Holidays and holy days begin at sundown the day before and last until sundown the next day
Day of rest Sabbath Saturday (not allowed to carry money) From sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday
Other terms Yarmulke (YAH muh kuh) Bar Mitzvah (boy) Bat Mitzvah (girl)
Rules for eating Kosher- “clean” according to Jewish dietary standards. Different rules for animals, birds, and fish
Animals Must chew its cud Must have a cloven hoof
Pig? Camel? Has to pass BOTH tests
Birds Can not be a bird of prey, or a scavenger Chicken, turkey, geese, ducks are OK
Sea creatures Must have fins and scales DUH? ? ? No shellfish or sea mammals Tuna, carp, cod, and salmon are OK
Preparation Animals must be killed in a humane way. (2 second rule) NO BLOOD (contains the life of the animal
Meat and dairy MAY NOT BE MIXED…even in the body
Other No insects (honey is OK) Reptiles Amphibians Rodents