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Monopolistic activities in Kazakhstan Monopolistic activities in Kazakhstan

 "Kaz. Post" - the national postal operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan and one of the fastest growing companies in the former Soviet Union, providing a full range of postal and financial services throughout the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including all cities and towns. Headquarters - in Astana. A member of the Universal Postal Union, an associate member of the international payment system VISA International and principled member of Master. Card Worldwide. On 7 June 2006 the sole shareholder "Kaz. Post" is JSC "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna ".

The founder of the The founder of the "Kaz. Post" is the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Management body "Kaz. Post" is the Board of Directors and providing supervision over the activities of the company. Kazpochta collegial executive body is the Board, which shall have the right to decide on any business activities that are not referred by law and the articles of association to the sole shareholder and the Board of Directors. Since April 2011 the Chairman of the Board "Kaz. Post" is Arken Arystanov

 The strategy today - an extension of the range of services and adoption The strategy today - an extension of the range of services and adoption of clear standards of quality to them. The company is actively engaged in the implementation of quality management system. This is all the more important as our country prepares to join the World Trade Organization. "Kaz. Post" failed adequately to enter the world postal community, establish mutually beneficial cooperation with leading postal administrations around the world.

 Kaz. Post first in the CIS has developed postal savings system, and is Kaz. Post first in the CIS has developed postal savings system, and is still the only one to implement it. Results of Operations "Kaz. Post" to create a full postal savings system was considered successful by the Regional Commonwealth in the field of communication, and the model of the new e-mail system in Kazakhstan is recommended as a promising way for the development of the postal administrations of the countries of the Commonwealth. Today the Kazakh-mail - about 21 000 person staff, more than 3, 200 post offices across the country, 14 regional and 4 branches of national importance. Currently, there is an intensive process of turning into a multifunctional Kazakhstan post financial supermarket, where he soon will be available to the full range of postal, financial and various non-core services, as well as universal logistics operator, without which it is impossible to do in such a big country like Kazakhstan, in an emerging information society.

 Postal network is an ideal tool for the promotion of e-commerce, transportation and Postal network is an ideal tool for the promotion of e-commerce, transportation and logistics services, financial services for businesses and individuals. Throughout this national mail can earn good. Due to the widespread penetration it is not only a basic and universal structure of communication, but also concentrates a wide range of public services to the population. For example, "Kazpochta" controls the bulk of the payment of pensions and benefits. At the post office can be printed out and officially certified document from the portal of "electronic government": a letter, a response to the request, judgment, and more.

 In recent years, Kazakhstan has successfully developed quality-mail international EMS service through the In recent years, Kazakhstan has successfully developed quality-mail international EMS service through the implementation of an automated tracking system of domestic and international shipments through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which found its reflection in the real level of certification. In 2006, «EMS-Kazpost» was awarded the bronze level. Currently, the international tracking system «IPS-Light» installed in all regional centers. In 2006 initiated measures to improve the tracking system by transmitting data for parcels in the format EDI, this work is carried out in conjunction with the company «International Post Corporation» . Was expanded to provide services to one of the subtypes of EMS (express mail service) «Morning 10" to 10 directions, as well as introduced a new subspecies of service "Shipping up to 12" in 4 directions. In October 2006, Almaty was a joint Kazakh-Estonian joint venture "Elektronpost. kz" to provide information logistics services, including printing and mailing converting.

"Kazpochta" and "National IPO» (Initial Public Offering) This year, the national post Kazakhstan will perform an important public mission: to all over the country office network "Kaz. Post" to be the primary provider and the provider of the national program "People's IPO» . This decision is due to the huge scale of the branch network "Kaz. Post": Branch is in almost every village. Through the post office the country's population will be able to purchase the shares of national companies. Kazakhstan is a member of the European Association Post Europe, and it also requires the Kazakh-mail to meet certain global standards.

 Finally, the status and the quality level of national post offices should improve Finally, the status and the quality level of national post offices should improve for another reason: its role is very important for the state in terms of image. Kazakhstan ratified the Seventh Protocol to the Constitution of the UPU. It obliges Member States comply with the terms of the Universal Postal Convention, the Letter Post and Parcel Post, which embody the rules applicable throughout the international postal service and the provisions concerning the letter post and postal parcels in the implementation of international postal exchange.

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