- Количество слайдов: 14
Monitoring and Evaluation System Mr M Thibela by Director: Corporate Planning Department: Water Affairs (DWA) 18 August 2009 1
CONTENTS q. Background q. Current situation q. Future q. Conclusion 2
Background q The Department complies with various policies and regulatory prescriptions that govern the management of organisational performance; namely: Ø Proposal and Implementation Plan on the development of GWM&E system, (The Presidency); Ø Framework for Organisational Performance Assessment (Public Service Commission); and Ø Framework for Managing Performance Information, (National Treasury). 3
Background cont. . q Currently monitor its performance against its strategic plan and Business Plans as well as sector performance on the basis of selected performance indicators relating to water and sanitation provision; q In compliance with Part 3 Section 5. 3. 1. of the Treasury Regulations which reads” the accounting officer of a department or trading entity must establish procedures for quarterly reporting”, the Department does have a quarterly reporting system which is used to determine progress against set milestones and performance targets; 4
Current situation (AS-IS) • Department has various systems to monitor performance against performance its programmes and projects, namely; Ø Manual system for monitoring organisational performance (non -financial) against the strategic plan; Ø Individual Performance Management Systems for level 1 -12 and for levels 13 -16; Ø In-Year Monitoring system to monitor expenditure against projected expenditure; and Ø System for monitoring the provisionof water and sanitation, where in reports are received from sector partners such as Depts of Education, Health, Cooperative Governance & Trad Affairs, SALGA as well as Water Information Network in South Africa. 5
Current situation (AS-IS) q At Department level- In Year Monitoring reports are produced monthly and discuss by Top Management; q Non- financial performance reports are produced on quarterly basis and submitted to the Minister; q Such reports are based on branch submission which contain statistics that was derived from various systems; q Quarterly reports (non-financial and financial) are consolidated at the end of the financial year to form an annual report; and q Verification of non-financial reports is done by a dedicated directorate to ensure that information provided throughout the year is consistent and accurate- this is because non-financial date is 6 subjected to auditing by the Auditor-General in terms of the Public Audit Act, 2004
Future initiative- M&E System q The Department is currently developing an M&E system, that is automated and will enable us to continuously monitor its performance and evaluate the impact, effectives, efficiency of projects and programmes; q It will be linked with the Balanced scorecard, a strategic planning and management system used to align organisational activities to the vision and strategy, improve internal and external communications, and monitor performance against pre-determine goals and objectives; q Score card based on four perspectives, namely: improved financial management, customer satisfaction, internal business processes and learning and growth; q The Balanced scorecard system will assist the Department to: Ø Cascade strategic goals down to each directorate in a synergised manner; and Ø Review performance measurement tools and criteria. 7
Objectives of the M&E system q Ensure systematic and coherent planning and reporting within and by its statutory bodies; q Effective alignment of the Department’s strategic plans with Government-wide programmes; q Effective implementation of strategic and business plans; q Effective and efficient service delivery leading to Greater customer satisfaction ; q Encourage objective evaluation of individual and organisational performance; q Undertake effective institutional oversight on public entities and statutory bodies reporting to the Minister; and 8 q Improved compliance to various statutory requirements
Hierarchy of planning 1 LEVEL 1 (DEPARTMENT) 2 LEVEL 2 (BRANCH / PROVINCIAL) 3 LEVEL 3 (Sub Programmes / OPERATIONAL LEVEL) • Minister , Dep Min, DG, DDGs • (Strategic and Annual Plan) • DDG’s, Chief Directors and Provincial Managers • (Annual Plan and Business Plans) • Rest of the organisation units • (Operational and work plans) 9 9
Where the Scorecard is used in the Strategic Planning 2 Process 1 Strategic Focus Vision Mission Execution of strategy Confirm Perspectives with the appropriate weighting Values Determine Objectives for each Perspective with the appropriate weighting Assign measures (KPI’s) to Objectives Assign Targets to KPI’s Scorecard 4 Continuous Improvement of Strategy Load Data into Software System Measure Metrics Track Apply against past changes if performance required in areas of poor performance 3 Implementation of Strategy Assign Ownership to each Objective Develop Initiatives for Objectives Scorecard Performance Management Communication Implement Initiatives 10
The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) The Balanced Scorecard Performance Management Tool (BSC) is : or Strategic Management System Aligned Larger Corporate Objectives Based on the Vision and Strategy Measuring Smaller-scale Operational Activities 11
BBS and Performance Management: Alignment Performance management takes place at three different levels: Dept scorecard - Organisational Level - Branch/Business Unit Level - Individual Level The cascading process is used to align the organisation’s objectives with the individual performance requirements. This ensures that every individual and business unit has a direct impact on the success of the organisation. Alignment matrix 12
Conclusion • The M&E system will be fully automated in February 2011, although the phase-in approach will begin in middle of 2010/11 financial year. 13