- Количество слайдов: 21
Monday Oct 2, 2017 Obj: Identify the specific aspects of the French and Indian War and its effect on the colonists. Learning target: I can sequence the events chronologically to show the war unfolded. Tasks Due Date Journal review Comments Tuesday Opening: Mercantilism: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=b 4 pnut. YN 97 UDiscuss how mercantilism , an economic system would make the colonists unhappy and lead to the American Revolution. Analyze political cartoon Work time: Watch French and Indian War PPT and create a timeline(flow map ) with your table of important events. Closing: Cause and effect Graphic organizer
Mercantilism Definition Vocabulary Option Keywords Mercantilism Illustration
American Beliefs and the impact on Life in the colonies Colonial Education: Most colonists valued education. In New England Pennsylvania people set up schools so that everyone could read the Bible. Some communities required communities to have public schools. The First Great Awakening: In the 1730’s and 1740’s the religious revivial called the Great Awakening swept through the colonies. This movement called for a rebirth of strong faith of earlier days. It inspired greater religious freedom with an emphasis on having personal faith instead church rituals. The Enlightenment: In the Middle of the 1700’s this movement spread the idea that knowledge , reason, and science could improve society. It also promoted freedom of thought and a belief in equality and popular government. Ideas of Freedom: Freedom of the press became important issue in Colonial America.
John Peter Zenger and freedom of the press John Peter Zenger was put on trial for criticizing the governor of New York in a an article in a newspaper. Criticizing government officials in the press was illegal at the time. Zenger was found not guilty. Zenger’s trial was the first step in freedom of the press in America.
Tuesday Oct 3, 2017 Obj: The student understands significant economic, social, and political issues of the American Revolution Learning Target: I can analyze primary documents using annotation to identify point of view and bias. Tasks Due Date Vocabulary Test 10/13 Journal Review Thursday Comments Open Notes Opening: 1. Complete this sentence stem in your journal under your timeline: The outcome of the French and Indian War effected the colonists … Activity: Analyzing primary sources to determine bias /point of view concerning the Stamp Act. Closing: Could England have dealt with their debt differently?
Join, or Die Political Cartoon by Benjamin Franklin A political cartoon calling for American colonies to band together for protection against Indians and the French. First published in the Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9, 1754. Albany Plan of Union
Why did the French, British, and Native American fight over the Ohio River Valley?
The French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War, was the North American conflict that was part of a larger imperial conflict between Great Britain and France. The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over frontier policies (Proclamation of 1763) and paying the war’s expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American revolution. Why is it called the French and Indian War? Many people think the war was between the French and Native Americans. WRONG!! For almost a century, the French settlers and fur trappers made peace and traded goods and furs with local Native Americans. So when the French needed assistance with fighting the British, they called upon their Native American allies to join them. Therefore many British colonists called the conflict the “French & Indian War”. https: //sites. google. com/a/edu. forneyisd. net/mr-rodriguez/eras/2 -americanrevolution/causes-of-the-american-revolution/a-french-and-indian-war
The French and Indian War • The war was very expensive and Britain claimed that because it was fought it here, the colonists (who he saw as the main benefactors of the war) would have to pay the debts. • This led to many TAXES which angered the colonists… • Pontiacs Rebellion – Native Americans were angered at the British soldiers for not giving them supplies as the French had. – They were also upset that colonists had settled on their land. – In 1763 they rebelled, attacking British soldiers and forts. – To defeat the Native American’s British soldiers met with leaders of the native tribe and gave them gifts of blankets as a peace offering. The blankets were infected with small pox which seriously decimated the native population and caused them to retreat. – After putting down the rebellion, the King of Britain decided it was too costly to fight the natives. He ordered the Proclamation of 1763 which stated that no British colonists were allowed to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
1. What countries laid claim to territory in American in 1754? 2. What countries laid claim to territory in American in 1763? 3. What river made the western boundary of British territory in 1763?
Pontiac’s Rebellion Chief Pontiac organized the Ohio Valley natives to keep the English from moving in. England blamed the colonists.
The Proclamation Line of 1763 Ordered that the colonists could not cross the Appalachian Mountains into the Ohio Valley Quartering Act 1765 passed: 10, 000 soldiers to guard the Proclamation line and they will live in the homes of colonists.
Writs of Assistance: search warrants used by the British to enforce trade laws and raise revenues to pay for the French and Indian War mercantilism
Causes of conflict between the French and British colonies Effects of the war British Response
Wednesday Oct 4, 2017 Obj: Analyze document for main idea and use text evidence to support point of view Learning Target: I can justify using text evidence that Columbus Day should/should not be celebrated. Tasks Due Date Vocabulary Test Comments October 13 th Opening: 10 minutes: Review timeline of French and Indian war Activity: Read Columbus article and complete organizer. Closing: Can you identify any current events that are similar to Columbus day issue?
Obj: No taxation without representation! Thursday Oct 5, 2017 Learning Target: I can understand how the King of England’s taxes and lack of representation would frustrate and anger the colonist . Tasks Due Date Journal review Today Simulation Vocabulary Test Comments 10/13/17 Opening: Journal review using vocabulary-moved to Friday Activity: Taxation Without Representation Closing: Quick write
Take 10 mins to read background information. 1. Students should read and highlight the following and be prepared to discuss the following: ● The reasons the British changed their taxation policies after the French and Indian War-blue highlighter ● The purpose of each of the five taxes listed—yellow highlighter ● The argument the British gave the colonist for their lack of representation in Parliament when deciding about the taxes—orange highlighter Discussion The goal of the simulation is to illustrate the growing tension between the colonists and the British government over the taxation policies passed by Parliament after the French and Indian War.
Friday Oct 6, 2017 Obj: Student understands economic and political reasons for American Revolution. Learning Target: I can analyze the causes of the war; including the Sugar Act and Stamp Act. Tasks Due Date Comments Have a great 3 day weekend! Vocabulary Test 10/13/17 Opening: Can you relate to how the colonists felt that Taxation without Representation was not fair? Describe 3 events and explain how they would anger the colonists. Activity: Add to notes on Taxes without representation Closing: Journal review- 10 mins
Journal review 10/4/2017 1. What was the economic system that required the colonist to trade and buy manufactured goods from England? +1 2. What was the religious movement called that emphasized personal faith? +1 3. What movement focused on science , reason and knowledge to improve society? +1 4. What freedom did the Zenger trial contribute to colonial society? +1 5. What was Peter Zenger’s crime? +1 6. Who created the Join or Die political cartoon? +1 7. What was the goal of the Albany plan? +1 8. The fighting in the French and Indian War was between _____and ______+1 9. What did the Treaty of Paris 1763 give to England? +1 10. Name the Chief who fought against the British colonist coming to the Ohio River Valley? +1 11. What law did the king create to keep colonists to settling in the Ohio River valley? +1