- Количество слайдов: 9
MOM Commissioning Requests [Ken mail ] • Target: - Timing - Turn-key system for target operation • Beam counters: - Remove BC 1 - Readout BC 2 • Electronics: - Repair/return NIM crate - Start programme of checking NIM modules - Buy some NIM modules as spares • Magnets: - Leak in Q 6 action on Q 5 too ? ? ? - Power supplies: Q 1 and Q 2 - Slow controls • CTRL over quadrupoles (from MICE CR)
Craig, Kenny, Well, it went well on Saturday night, but, I blew up another NIM crate. I'd 'borrowed' it from Dave Sankey's lab. I'll email him in a moment, but, it seems clear that we need a testing programme to see where we are. Craig, is there a NIM crate that we can replace the one lent by Dave? I'd have two requests: * Craig: could we discuss a testing plan to establish which of the modules is good? * Paul: Could you make a reasonable list of modules that we should buy as spares and perhaps to replace some of the ancient modules that we currently rely on. Also, Ash is happy to organise a cupboard of connectors etc. Perhaps you and Craig could help him with the list of things.
Kenny, James, Adam, The beam counter worked OK on Saturday night. It saw particles, but was swamped by background. So, I think what we have to do is: * Remove BC 1 -- its only material in the beam! * Readout BC 2: Kenny and Adam will be coming to RAL Wednesday-Friday to make sure this happens (I think). K
Dear All, Firstly, Paul and Paul did a very good job Saturday/Sunday. It was a very important, and successful, run and both Pauls rearranged there schedules at the last minute to make it possible. Of course, the run threw up some issues which we should try and address: * Timing: we need a programmable delay, I think. The reason is that the ISIS timing signal seems to be just on the edge of what the target electronics can cope with. Perhaps we should buy a programmable unit. I think the specification should be driven by Steve G in consultation with Paul S and ISIS. Is that reasonable? * Operation: The target operation was pretty smooth, a credit to those who put it together. However, its an 'experts only' system at the moment. Should we try and get some effort to help make it a 'turn key' system? Congratulations! K
Marco, Kevin, Malcolm, I attach the spread sheet I made out of the BC 1 and GVA 2 counts. Its Excel and the empty boxes did not have a number recorded. Seems clear to me that BC 1 sees the target, but is swamped by noise. I think we should take it out at the next opportunity. Hope this is explicable and can be archived with the rest of the stuff. K
A successful run on Saturday night -- but a few issues: * Water leak in Q 6: This seems to be in the outer (downstream) manifold on the downstream end of the magnet. On the manifold it is at the bottom right as you face the magnet looking upstream. Perhaps its as simple as tightening a jubilee clip, but I fear it will require removing at least one mirror plate. In this case we'll have to discuss removing the beam monitor or at least replacing the aluminium cover. * Power supplies for Q 1 and Q 2: We need to continue to chase Dan Fysik over this while Graham is on holiday. Who should do this, is it Martin or Steve -- or someone else? * The slow controls for the magnets worked fine, but we need to fix a few gremlins and make a write up for the control room. I wonder if Pete Owens could spend a little time at RAL to work on this in advance of the shift on Wednesday evening. * Network to the remaining power supplies should be expedited now. Who should drive this -- Steve or Adrian?
Hi Ken Sounds like a successful weekend as far as magnet power converters are concerned. I have spoken to Martin this morning and he tells me that Q 4, 5 & 6 ran up manually without the need for modifications. Martin has agreed to chase Danfysik regarding Q 1 & 2. Regarding slow controls, these are operational for Q 1 to 3 and D 1 & 2. Last week I asked Hickmans to install the serial cables to Q 4 to Q 9 power converter racks from the control rack, this will then enable all magnets to be remotely controlled. When is the next key date to have all power converters commissioned and fully operational? From my understanding the next area to focus on is the Decay Solenoid. This has now been rewired in its final position but requires recommissioning and the addition of control for CV 1/2 by the Daresbury supplied control system. Regards Graham
Conclusions WATER leak on Q 6 to be fixed for the time being no action (requires access to DSA with crane!) NB: Q 5 has the same “bad practice” rubber connection (comment by John Govans as unsafe), so we need to think about proper connections with stiff pipes Next Runs WEDNESDAY 18: 00 AM (thursday) FRIDAY “ “ (saturday) ~4000 actuations left • 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Plan re-establish target operations use: BM 1, GVA 1, BC 2, BM 2, Cherenkov (? ) D 1+D 2 + Q 4 D 1+D 2 + Q 5 D 1+D 2 + Q 4 + Q 5 Take Data (DAQ) during these operations • Survey: after 3600 actuations (@50/64~1 Hz 6 hrs) • people needed - Paul & Paul for the target - Kevin & myself on the magnets - IC for beam monitors (Kenny, James, Ken …) - would be very nice to have Geneva for DAQ (J. Seb. ? … )