- Количество слайдов: 29
Moins de 6 mois d’antiagrégants après DES ? High Tech - Marseille 25 au 27 janvier 2011 Marie-Claude MORICE, MD, FESC, FACC Massy, France Pas de conflit d’interet
Was optimal duration of DAPT already established for BMS? 1 year vs. 30 days of DAPT Acute coronary syndromes median DAPT duration 8 months No difference in bleeding : Stable&unstable angina 2, 116 pts Slight increase in bleeding (P=0. 07)
Are DES particularly vulnerable to thrombosis? days and 25 matched From autopsies of 23 patients treated with DES >30 BMS-treated autopsies 100 BMS Endothelisation (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 DES 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 15 16 17 20 >40 Duration (months) Joner et al, JACC 2006
Are DES particularly vulnerable ? PES SES BMS Stettler et al. Lancet 2007
Everolimus-eluting stents vs. non-everolimus-eluting stents Baber et al. JACC in press
1 Year ST Rate (ARC Def/Prob) Overall Population 3% p= 0. 002 0. 84% 0. 7% XIENCE V 1 XIENCE V USA XIENCE V TAXUS Kedhi E. et al Lancet. 2010; 375 (9710): 174 -6. COMPARE 1 6
Bio. Matrix Flex. TM • Biolimus is a semi-synthetic sirolimus analogue with 10 x higher lipophilicity and similar potency as sirolimus. • Biolimus is immersed at a concentration of 15. 6 g/mm into a biodegradable polymer, polylactic acid, and applied solely to the abluminal stent surface by a fully automated process. • Biolimus is co-released with polylactic acid and completely desolves into carbon dioxide and water after a 6 -9 months period. • The stainless steel stent platform has a strut thickness of 120 m with a quadrature link design.
NOBORI – DAT Study Nobori DES components BMS Platform PLA Biodegradable Polymer Biolimus A 9™ (rapamycin derivative) Excellent Flexibility and Scaffolding Abluminal Coating Controlled Biodegradability A Potent New “Limus” Designed for Stent Applications Optimal Side Branch Access Precise Drug Release Kinetics Powerful Anti-proliferative and Anti-inflammatory properties Innovative Delivery System with Hydrophilic M-coating Simultaneous Polymer Degradation and Drug Release Highly Lipophilic with Optimal Local Tissue Uptake
LEADERS: Definite ST in Complex Patients STEMI High SYNTAX SCORE (>16) BES SES 10. 0 3 -year HR 0. 45 [0. 16 to 1. 31] P = 0. 14* 5. 0 8. 0 % 6. 0 Δ 4. 3% 4. 0 3. 0% Δ 4. 3% 3. 8% Δ 5. 1% 8. 1% 3. 8% 4. 0 Δ 2. 0% Δ 3. 5% 3. 0 2. 6% 2. 0 2. 6% 1. 0 0 0 6 12 18 Months 24 Bifurcation 6. 0 30 2. 0% 1. 0 2. 0% 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 30 3 -year HR 0. 28 [0. 08 to 1. 03] P = 0. 04* 5. 2% 3. 4% 3. 0 Δ 3. 7% 1. 5% Δ 1. 9% 1. 5% 2. 0 1. 5% 1. 0 0 24 5. 2% % Δ 0. 5% 2. 0 Δ 2. 3% Δ 1. 8% 18 Months 5. 0 4. 0 2. 5% 12 Multi Vessel 3. 8% 3. 0 6 6. 0 4. 3% 4. 0 0 36 3 -year HR 0. 46 [0. 16 to 1. 35] P = 0. 15* 5. 0 % 5. 1% 4. 6% % 8. 1% 0 3 -year HR 0. 50 [0. 18 to 1. 34] P = 0. 16* 6. 0 36 Months *P values for superiority Windecker, S. , oral presentation , TCT 2010 0 0 6 12 18 Months 24 30 36
Overall Population LEADERS : Effect of DAPT Discontinuation Patient who d/c DAPT % P = 0. 12* P = 0. 24* N=19/857 N=24/850 N=0/165 *P values for superiority (Fisher Exact Test) ** KM estimates N=4/169 N=0/540 N=2/515
Subsequent Late ST (ARC Def/Prob) (%) Late ST Rates (30 Days - 1 Year) After DAPT Interruption Overall 13/3500 No Interruption 2/435 Interruption After 30 Days* 1/378 0/292 Interruption After 90 Days* After 180 Days* *Out to 1 year 11
NOBORI 2 - DAT Study 12 months data for DAT available for 2971 patients DAT group: Patients under DAT at 1 year n=2303 non-DAT group: Patients who stopped DAT earlier n=668 Clinical Follow-Up up to 5 years Primary Endpoint: Target Lesion Failure at 12 months Composite of Death, MI Target vessel related and TLR 12 Months FU = 97%
NOBORI – DAT Study Baseline Demographics DAT Non-DAT N=2303 N=668 64. 2± 11. 0 64. 7± 10. 6 0. 4 Male, % 79. 2 74. 4 <0. 01 Previous MI, % 32. 2 36. 1 0. 07 Prior PCI, % 33. 2 28. 7 0. 03 Prior CABG, % 9. 4 7. 4 0. 1 Diabetes Mellitus, % 31. 2 22. 8 <0. 01 Insulin-dependent, % 7. 3 5. 6 0. 1 Hyperlipidemia, % 71. 0 73. 9 0. 2 Hypertension, % 68. 2 71. 8 0. 08 Current smoker, % 25. 4 26. 0 0. 8 3. 16± 1. 79 3. 18± 1. 66 0. 6 Age, years (mean SD) Charlson Comorbidity, N (mean SD) P-value
DAPT Interruption Pattern* Temporary Interruption % (N) 5. 6% (N = 243) Number of Interruptions 1. 1 ± 0. 5 (N = 243) Days to First Interruption (days) 134. 3 ± 121. 4 (N = 243) Duration of Interruption (days) 20. 3 ± 46. 9 (N = 243) Top 3 Reasons for Interruption Surgical Procedure = 35. 4% Adverse Event** = 30. 5% Patient Non-compliance = 9. 5% Permanent Discontinuation % (N) 8. 5% (N = 366) Days to Discontinuation (days) 239. 2 ± 140. 4 (N = 366) Top 3 Reasons for Discontinuation Adverse Event** = 21. 9% Surgical Procedure = 10. 7% Increased Bleeding Risk = 9. 6% *Out to 1 year **Adverse Events include all events regardless of their severity and/or relationship with drugs or device 14
NOBORI – DAT Study Clinical outcomes at 1 year DAT N=2303 Non-DAT N=668 P-value Cardiac Death % 0. 6 0. 2 NS MI % 1. 7 0. 6 0. 04 TLR - CABG % 0. 4 0. 5 NS TLR - PCI % 2. 0 0. 5 0. 003 TVR, non TL % 1. 2 0. 6 NS TLF % 3. 6 1. 4 0. 002 MACE % 4. 7 2. 1 0. 003 Stent Thrombosis % – Early 0. 4 0. 0 NS Stent Thrombosis % – Late 0. 1 0. 0 NS Stent Thrombosis % – Total 0. 5 0. 0 NS TLF = Target Lesion Failure (Cardiac death, MI, clinically driven TLR); ST = Definite/Probable according to ARC; MACE = Cardiac Death, any MI, TVR
NOBORI – DAT Study Patients that stopped DAT before 1 year TLF = Target Lesion Failure (Cardiac death, MI, clinically driven TLR); ST = Definite/Probable according to ARC; MACE = Cardiac Death, any MI, TVR
Conclusions • In 3 large trials, real-world population of respectively 3000, 1400, 5000 patients, NOBORI, BIOSENSOR and XIENCE V stents demonstrates very low stent thrombosis rates for the whole population • In a real-world experience of unanticipated DAPT interruption, the 3 stents had an observed near zero ST event rate after. DAPT interruption. 17
Conclusions • Shorter dual antiplatelet treatment is vital for some patients, • If confirmed by prospective comparative studies ( 3 or 6 months compared to 1 year), these new generation of stent will fullfill our expectations 18
• And even less than 3 months? . - the ZEUS trial (PI Marco Valgimigli) who is randomizing patients at risk of bleeding to Endeavor or BMS with a minimum length of DAPT of 1 month. - The Leaders free trial
Bio. Freedom™ Selectively micro-structured surface holds drug in abluminal surface structures Hypothesis: Polymer-free drug release via porous-eluting stents may reduce late events caused by polymer stent coatings. Potential advantage • Proprietary Highly Lipophilic Limus drug Avoid long term late adverse effects that might be attributable to the polymer • Improved surface integrity since there is no polymer to be sheared or peeled away from the stent struts • Possible shorter need of dual antiplatelet therapy
Pre-Clinical Safety Evaluation Tada et al. , Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2010; 3; 174 -183
2 nd Cohort PRIMARY ENDPOINT In-Stent LLL at 12 Months FU P = 0. 001* (p=0. 11**) (mm) P = 0. 21* (p=0. 55**) N = 31 N = 35 *Non-inferiority tests. **Superiority tests. Grube E. , oral presentation, TCT 2010 N = 31
LEADERS FREE PROTOCOL Title: LEADERS FREE Devices Used: - Biosensors Bio. Freedom™ BA 9 Drug Coated Coronary Stent - Biosensors Gazelle™ Bare Metal Coronary Stent Antiplatelet Therapy: ASA once a day for one month (indefinitely at the discretion of the investigator) AND Clopidogrel or P 2 Y 12 inhibitor (choice of the investigator) for one month
LEADERS FREE: PROTOCOL Design: multi center, multi-national out of US double blinded, randomized, trial designed to enroll 2500 patients at up to sixty centers worldwide. Patients will be randomized at 1: 1 ratio to the stent treatment. All patients will be followed for two years. Organisation: PI: P Urban, I Meredith, A Abizaid Sponsor/ BIOSENSORS CRO: CERC
PROTOCOL Objectives: Safety: 1) To demonstrate in symptomatic CAD patients who are unsuitable for >1 month treatment with dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) that the Biosensors Bio. Freedom™ Drug Coated Stent (DCS) followed by one month DAPT is non-inferior to the Gazelle™ Bare Metal Stent (BMS) followed by one month DAPT as measured by the composite primary endpoint of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, stent thrombosis and urgent target lesion revascularization (TLR) at one year. Efficacy: 2) To demonstrate in symptomatic CAD patients who are unsuitable for >1 month treatment with DAPT that the Biosensors Bio. Freedom™ DCS followed by one month DAPT then followed by aspirin only indefinitely is superior to the Gazelle™ BMS followed by one month DAPT as measured by the incidence of clinically driven TLR at one year.
LEADERS FREE/ INCLUSION CRITERIA Any indication for PCI-S in patients Deemed at high risk for bleeding and candidates for 1 month DAPT 1 - Adjunctive oral anticoagulation treatment planned to continue after PCI 2 - Age ≥ 75 years old 3 - Baseline Hgb <11 g/dl (or anemia requiring transfusion during the 4 weeks prior to randomization) 4 - Any prior intracerebral bleed 5 - Any past <=1 year stroke 6 - Hospital admission for bleeding during the prior 12 months 7 - Cancer diagnosed or treated <= 3 years 8 - Planned daily NSAID (other than aspirin) or steroids for >=30 days after PCI 9 - Planned major surgery (within 1 year) 10 - Expected non-compliance to prolonged DAPT for other reasons
Alors, les BMS…… au musée?
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