Скачать презентацию MOEA Taiwan s Economic Development and Cooperation with India Скачать презентацию MOEA Taiwan s Economic Development and Cooperation with India


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MOEA Taiwan’s Economic Development and Cooperation with India Department of Investment Services (DOIS), Ministry MOEA Taiwan’s Economic Development and Cooperation with India Department of Investment Services (DOIS), Ministry of Economic Affairs September 8, 2014

MOEA Contents I. Introduction II. Successful story of Taiwan’s economic development III. Taiwan – MOEA Contents I. Introduction II. Successful story of Taiwan’s economic development III. Taiwan – India trade and investment relations IV. Prospects for Taiwan – India economic cooperation V. Conclusion 2

MOEA I. Introduction 3 MOEA I. Introduction 3

MOEA Taiwan Profile Small Yet Big Land 36, 192 km 2 Population 23, 377, MOEA Taiwan Profile Small Yet Big Land 36, 192 km 2 Population 23, 377, 517 (2014/01) GDP Per-capita Income US$495 billion (2013) US$21, 153 (2013) Economic Growth Rate 2. 09%(2013); 2. 98% (2014/est. ) Unemployment Rate 4. 02% (2014/1) Inflation 0. 79% (2013) 0. 76%(2014/01) Forex Reserves US$419. 2 billion (2014/03) Sources: Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics Executive Yuan, R. O. C 4

MOEA II. Successful Story of Taiwan’s Economic Development 5 MOEA II. Successful Story of Taiwan’s Economic Development 5

MOEA Development of Taiwan Economy Export Expansion Policy Import Replacement Policy (light industry) 1950 MOEA Development of Taiwan Economy Export Expansion Policy Import Replacement Policy (light industry) 1950 s (light industry) 2000 ~ present Era of Import Replacement and Export Expansion (heavy industry) Globalized operations (developing knowledge- based economy) 1980 s 1990 s Liberalization, Internationalization, and Systematization Policies (strategic industries, Hsinchu Science Park) Era of high-tech industry (10 major emerging industries) 6

MOEA Successful Story of Taiwan’s Economic Development Knowledge Industries Industrial Restructuring High-Tech Industries Capital MOEA Successful Story of Taiwan’s Economic Development Knowledge Industries Industrial Restructuring High-Tech Industries Capital & Technology Intensive Rapid Growth of Industries Light Industry Consumer Goods Industry Economic Reconstruction 1940 s 1950 s 1960 s 1970 s 1980 s 1990 s 2000 s 2010 s 7

MOEA Taiwan’s Main Economic Indicators & Trends Year G. D. P. (US$ Bil. ) MOEA Taiwan’s Main Economic Indicators & Trends Year G. D. P. (US$ Bil. ) Economy Growth G. D. P. Per Capita Unemp. Rate C. P. I. Foreign Currency Reserve (US$ Bil. ) 2007 3, 931. 34 5. 98% 17, 154 3. 9% 1. 80% 270. 31 2008 4, 001. 32 0. 73% 17, 399 4. 1% 3. 53% 291. 71 2009 3, 775. 29 -1. 91% 16, 359 5. 9% -0. 87% 348. 20 2010 4, 281. 86 9. 32% 18, 503 5. 3% 1. 50% 383. 84 2011 4, 651. 87 4. 41% 20, 057 4. 9% 1. 50% 385. 55 2012 4, 752. 57 1. 48% 20, 423 4. 24% 1. 93% 403. 17 2013 4, 891. 32 2. 09% 20, 952 4, 18% 0. 79% 416. 81 Source: Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) 8

MOEA Economic Miracle of Last Century How does Taiwan create economic miracles Since the MOEA Economic Miracle of Last Century How does Taiwan create economic miracles Since the 1960’s, hard work by small and medium enterprises, coupled with forward looking government policies, have helped Taiwan’s economy to perform brilliantly. Strategies of import substitution and export expansion have enabled Taiwan to spread its wings and soar. Taiwan has been the world’s biggest supplier of many products, creating a strong image for the Made-in. Taiwan label. Powered by industrial transition and upgrades, Taiwan’s foreign trade has soared to a series of record levels, increasing 1, 531 fold from 1955 to 2012. 9

MOEA 1971~1980 • Decoration • Ship dismantling • Footwear • Electric fans Taiwan As MOEA 1971~1980 • Decoration • Ship dismantling • Footwear • Electric fans Taiwan As No. 1 1981~1990 • Gourmet powder • Umbrella • Hat • Tennis rackets • Bicycle • ABS resin • Mini electronics • Sewing machines • Yachts • Monitors 1991~1999 2000~2004 2005~2006 • Scanners • Mother boards • Notebook • Computers • IC packaging • Wafer foundry • Hub • Record Optical Disk • Mother Board • Foundry • Notebook PC • SOHO Router • LCD Monitor • WLAN • Cable Modem • DSL Modem • Optical Disk Driver • IC Packaging • Glass Fiber • Network Interface Card • ABS Copolymer • Switch • CDT Monitor • PDA • Servers (System & Pure MB) • Mother Board • IP Phones • Notebook PC • SOHO Router • LCD Monitor • WLAN NIC • SOHO Routers • DSL Modem • Vo. IP Routers • Blank Optical Disks • IC Packaging • LAN Switches • IC Foundry • Mask ROM • ABS Copolymer • Switch • Diving Suits 2007~2008 • Netbook • Mother board • WLAN NIC • Servers (System & pure MB) • Notebook PC • DSL CPE • Cable CPE • LCD Monitor • PDA • IP Phone • CDT Monitor • Large size LCD Panel • Vo. IP Routers • Vo. IP TA 2009~2012 • Notebook PC • Mother Board • LCD • CDT Monitor • WLAN NIC • Digital Line (DSL) • Cable Modem • IP Phone • Vo. IP Gateway 10

MOEA Current Economic Strategy and Direction Participating in Regional Integration Strengthening Global Deployment Promoting MOEA Current Economic Strategy and Direction Participating in Regional Integration Strengthening Global Deployment Promoting Business Opportunities in International Market Enhancing Industrial Competitiveness 11

MOEA Taiwan is reinventing itself as: Ø A Center of Global Innovation; Ø A MOEA Taiwan is reinventing itself as: Ø A Center of Global Innovation; Ø A Hub for Regional Trade; Ø A Global and Regional Operating Base 12

MOEA III. Taiwan – India Trade and Investment Relations 13 MOEA III. Taiwan – India Trade and Investment Relations 13

MOEA Taiwan – India Trade & Investment Relations Bilateral trade § Bilateral trade between MOEA Taiwan – India Trade & Investment Relations Bilateral trade § Bilateral trade between Taiwan and India amounted to US$6. 17 billion in 2013, an increase of 2. 76% compared to 2012. § Taiwan’s imports from India grew by 4. 86% in 2013 to reach US$2. 75 billion, while Taiwan’s exports increased by 1. 13% to US$3. 42 billion. § India is Taiwan’s 19 th trade partner in the world, accounts for 1. 07% of Taiwan’s total trade amount. 14

MOEA Trade Between India & Taiwan (2004 -2013) Million US$ 15 MOEA Trade Between India & Taiwan (2004 -2013) Million US$ 15

MOEA Major Items Exported to India (2013) 16 MOEA Major Items Exported to India (2013) 16

MOEA Major Items Imported from India (2013) 17 MOEA Major Items Imported from India (2013) 17

MOEA Investment between India & Taiwan Investment by India Investment by Taiwan *Investment Commission, MOEA Investment between India & Taiwan Investment by India Investment by Taiwan *Investment Commission, *Economic Division, TECC in New Delhi MOEA # of Investments 334 Around 80 Amount 44. 5 million US$ Around 1. 3 billion US$ Location Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung Delhi, Rajastan, Haryana, Gujarat, Maharahtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh Trade, Restaurant, Retail, Services Electronic, Machinery, Engineering, Banking, Car Parts, Footwear, etc. Tata Consultancy, Profitop, Tech Mahindra, Pointrfedtech, etc. Foxconn, CINDA Engineering, Benq, MSI, TECO, China Steel, Yang Ming Line, Lotus Footwear, D-Link, TSRC, etc. Categories Main Investors 18

MOEA Taiwan Partnership of Progress & Innovation World’s Top Brands from Taiwan & Now MOEA Taiwan Partnership of Progress & Innovation World’s Top Brands from Taiwan & Now in India 19

MOEA IV. Prospects for Taiwan – India Economic Cooperation 20 MOEA IV. Prospects for Taiwan – India Economic Cooperation 20

MOEA Institutional Framework q 2002. 10 Investment Protection & Promotion q q q Agreement MOEA Institutional Framework q 2002. 10 Investment Protection & Promotion q q q Agreement 2011. 7 Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement 2011. 7 Customs Cooperation Agreement 2013. 3 ATA Carnet Agreement Exchange of Delegation Regular Dialogue 21

MOEA Advantages - India Abundant Human and Nature Resources Ideal Base for Mass Production MOEA Advantages - India Abundant Human and Nature Resources Ideal Base for Mass Production Huge and High Growing Domestic Market Strategic Location – between South East Asia and Gulf Countries 22

MOEA Advantages - Taiwan Comprehensive Industrial Supply Chain Global Market Channel Strong R&D, Abundant MOEA Advantages - Taiwan Comprehensive Industrial Supply Chain Global Market Channel Strong R&D, Abundant Capital Proximity to Greater China Market 23

MOEA Areas of Cooperation v. India – Taiwan’s Target Market for Trade and Investment MOEA Areas of Cooperation v. India – Taiwan’s Target Market for Trade and Investment Diversification v Industries in India and Taiwan are Complementary in Nature 24

MOEA Areas of Cooperation ICT Product Taiwan’s Hardware Manufacturing + India’s Software Engineering Intelligent MOEA Areas of Cooperation ICT Product Taiwan’s Hardware Manufacturing + India’s Software Engineering Intelligent Portable Devices Semi-Conductors 25

MOEA Areas of Cooperation Textile & Garment Infrastructure Construction Taiwan + India Food Processing MOEA Areas of Cooperation Textile & Garment Infrastructure Construction Taiwan + India Food Processing Machinery Automobile Components & Parts 26

MOEA V. Conclusion 27 MOEA V. Conclusion 27

MOEA Conclusion v Mutual Benefits Companies from India and Taiwan cooperate through strategic alliances, MOEA Conclusion v Mutual Benefits Companies from India and Taiwan cooperate through strategic alliances, technical cooperation, mergers, etc. to mutually benefited from: q Manufacturing of high-quality and competitive products; q Exploring mutual and global markets. 28

MOEA Taiwan WIN – WIN Strategy üIndustrial Supply Chain üManagement Experience Global Market üStrong MOEA Taiwan WIN – WIN Strategy üIndustrial Supply Chain üManagement Experience Global Market üStrong R&D, Capital üAsia-Pacific Logistic Hub India ü Human and Natural Resources ü Base for Mass Production ü Huge and Growing Domestic Market ü Strategic Location 29

MOEA Thank you! For further information dois@moea. gov. tw MOEA Thank you! For further information dois@moea. gov. tw