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Module Unit Session Topic Module 1 Unit 1. 3. Developing learner autonomy 3 Ways Module Unit Session Topic Module 1 Unit 1. 3. Developing learner autonomy 3 Ways of fostering learner autonomy in the classroom Objectives to raise the participants’ awareness as for ways to foster LA Time 80 minutes Materials Handouts 1, 2; laptop, projector/TV, PP and presentation equipment

Activity 1. Reflection on the learning experience Which of these conditions for developing Learner Activity 1. Reflection on the learning experience Which of these conditions for developing Learner Autonomy (LA) you observed in your last English language classes: • student-centered methods • transfer of autonomy to outside the classroom • awareness of the learning process • motivation • collaboration • choice • flexibility • adaptability • reflectivity

Activity 2. Learner autonomy defined Choose those keys words from the given list that Activity 2. Learner autonomy defined Choose those keys words from the given list that help you to define LA possibility activity decision-making responsibility rights learning to take charge of to control teacher to monitor independent process opportunity

The ability to take charge of one’s learning … to have, and to hold The ability to take charge of one’s learning … to have, and to hold the responsibility for all the decisions concerning all aspects of this learning. Holec (1981)

The following list states the characteristics that define the autonomous learner: • Regularly participates The following list states the characteristics that define the autonomous learner: • Regularly participates in the definition of the objectives, understands the purpose of the task and influences the content and structure of the program • Shows responsibility and initiative in the development of pre-planned actions. • Collaborates in the orientation of work and with those who form a collective with learning preferences. • Systematically reviews the agenda, reflects on what has already been learnt, evaluates effect, develops and uses selfevaluative criteria. • Self- regulates his/her interaction with other participants and the proper employment of resources. • Maintains a positive attitude and behavior despite possible learning difficulties and manages to generate high levels of motivation. • Uses a series of strategies through which he/she achieves a more spontaneous and effective degree of communication. Easily handles different roles in discussion and enjoys a high level of social autonomy in his/her learning. • Successfully transfers what has been learnt to new contexts. • Is conscious of challenges and reflects upon his/her own contributions. • Has a positive image of him/herself, is creative and disciplined. • Undertakes and develops investigative processes. • Enjoys activities that favor social interaction. • Regards the teacher as a guide; prefers individual tasks, tutorials and distance/ off-campus learning.

Learner autonomy broadened • work in pairs, consider the statements and fill in the Learner autonomy broadened • work in pairs, consider the statements and fill in the gaps • choose 3 statements which sound vital in terms of LA and comment on your choice It’s time to check your home assignment

Practices to foster LA • Split into small groups, read the practices (HO 2. Practices to foster LA • Split into small groups, read the practices (HO 2. 1) and group them after working out the headlines for grouping. • Write the headings in blank squares, organizing the practices under them.

 • Now, half of the students in each group go clockwise to observe • Now, half of the students in each group go clockwise to observe the other groups’ ideas • The rest stay where they are and explain to the newcomers the ideas of the grouping • Go back to the original groups, share the ideas, introduce changes if necessary

Key to headings Key to headings

 • go back to the original groups, share the ideas, introduce changes if • go back to the original groups, share the ideas, introduce changes if necessary. • compare your headings and grouping with the key • choose one group of practices and comment on the practices that can foster LA • reflect on your own experience in groups: choose one of the suggested ideas and comment on it. Choose the presenter to report • choose the questions to discuss:

Ø Which of these practices have you observed in your classes as students? Ø Ø Which of these practices have you observed in your classes as students? Ø Which of these practices have you never experienced as students? Ø Which of these practices would you like to experience? Ø Which of these practices can be especially effective in a language lesson? Ø Which of these practices can be the least promising in a language lesson?

Implementation of LA in the classroom Implementation of LA in the classroom

Creative work Instruction: Basing on the ideas discussed, choose a topic for your group Creative work Instruction: Basing on the ideas discussed, choose a topic for your group creative work: Recommendations to a language teacher to foster LA in a language class Ways to foster my LA Your own choice Pass the papers clockwise and add any ideas if necessary.