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Module 4. 2 Integrating Unemployment benefits and employment services Thursday October 10, 2013
Single Window Service (SWS) • Governments committed to rethinking the way they conduct their business and provide citizens with excellent service at reasonable costs; • Many governments have adopted Single Window Initiatives to eliminate waste and inefficiencies and improve the quality of service; • The Single Window Service (SWS) concept stems from the guiding principles enshrined in the Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202); • The SWS advocates coordination and monitoring of all social protection and employment programmes through empowerment of the sub-national administration.
Single Window Service (SWS) • The SWS is a “one-stop shop” for the delivery of social protection programmes and employment services. • Embedded in government institutions and operated by the sub-national administration, the SWS is linked to the central level via a formalized reporting system. • This reporting mechanism should ensure the transparency and traceability of the social protection system. • It also facilitates better coordination between the local level (responsible for service delivery) and the central/national level (responsible for policy development, planning, monitoring and evaluation).
Single Window Service (SWS) • Advantages to SWS: – Integrated services allow governments, ministries and departments to share financial and human resources through SWS; – Standardize and simplify processes; – Collaborating to establish close linkages in order to jointly implement automated services; – Effectively control fraud and protect the integrity of the UI fund;
SWS in Cambodia - objectives Trigger crossministerial coordination • Combined benefit packages • Joint monitoring of the Social Security System • Use of the same procedures and resources • Concrete roles and responsibilities to sub-national Empower administration in the delivery of services and transfers communities and local administration • Proximity of the SWS offices to the beneficiaries
SWS in Cambodia – design main features Coordination board, chaired by CARD-SPCU Monitoring of NSPS DB Mo. LVT Mo. E Job. Centers Scholarship School feeding Mo. H Mo. SAVY MRD PWP Training Counseling Combined packages in local administration Empowerment Increase outreach Synergies (Process and tools) Ombudsman
SWS in Cambodia – activities 1 2 6 7 Collection of information on residents Collection and Spreading of information 3 Identification & selection of potential beneficiaries 4 Facilitation of enrolment / application 5 SP & employment monitoring and evaluation Feedback and Grievance mechanism Functional maintenance of SP Template and database
Essential Role of Information Technology • It is essential to have an effective Information Technology system as well as e-government services as well as an internet/intranet presence for citizens and UI staff; • Focus for many countries is on the citizen allowing for more electronic interaction and providing faster, more convenient and more responsive client service; • Many countries in South-East Asia have effective computer systems for staff and e-tools for employers and workers; • Both the business and systems sides of the organization need to work in close collaboration to develop effective systems; • On line activity will only increase in the future especially in ASEAN;