- Количество слайдов: 46
Modern Libraries in Latvia: eight of the most architecturally significant, recently renovated or finished library buildings and one future building project Author: Enija Blūmīte, information management and library science student from University of Latvia 2014
Presentation Content: 1. Main facts about Latvia 2. Overview of eight libraries from different districts of Latvia 3. Future upcoming project 4. List of used sources
The Republic of Latvia • Capital city: Riga • Currency: EUR • Population: 2, 023, 825 (2013) • Area: 64, 589 sq. km • President: Andris Bērziņš • Parliament: Saema with 100 members elected by people • Ethnic groups: Latvians (59%); Russians (28, 3%); Byelorussians (3, 7%); Ukrainians (2, 5%); Poles (2, 4%); Lithuanians (1, 4%); other – 2, 1% ; • Official language: Latvian Image available at: http: //geography. howstuffworks. com/europe/geography-of-latvia. htm
National Symbols of Latvia Image available at: http: //www. nikagroup. lv/? wp=79&gid=224 Image available at : http: //www. mfa. gov. lv/en/latvia/about/symbols/Coa t. Of. Arms/ • National Anthem: Dievs, svētī Latviju! (God, Bless Latvia!)
Līvānu Central Library (Līvānu Centrālā bibliotēka) Image available at: http: //www. redzet. lv/? code=V-14411&view=L%C 4%ABv%C 4%81 nu+novada+Centr%C 4%81 l%C 4%81+bibliot%C 4%93 ka
Līvānu Central Library: location Image available at: https: //www. google. lv/maps/dir/56. 4296519, 26. 2338451/L%C 4%ABv%C 4%81 nu+novads/@56. 9705943, 23. 9327545, 7 z/data=! 4 m 8!4 m 7!1 m 0!1 m 5!1 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 e 9 d 41 a 0 a 1 b 2 b 85: 0 x 300 cfcd 68 f 30110!2 m 2!1 d 26. 3876537!2 d 56. 3779793
Līvānu Central Library: • • • The total floor space: 1351. 7 m 2 The total number of readers: 2150 Total number of units: 83677 8 brach libraries Renovated library building opened on July 24, 2011 Integrated Library Information System: ALISE The number of digitized documents: 141 Coordinating and methodological center for other libraries; Available services: user training and consultation, interlibrary loan; international-interlibrary loan; self-service devices (M 3 „Self. Check”V 4), access to 4 subscription data bases; printers; scanners; reference work; art exhibitions;
Book catalogue of 2 districts: Screenshot taken from: http: //livani. biblioteka. lv/Alise/en/search. aspx? q=library&language=&material. Type=&year=&c=1&c=2&c=4
Rītausma Library (Rītausmas bibliotēka) Image available at: http: //www. kulturaskarte. lv/lv/biblioteka/islices-pagasta-ritausmu-biblioteka
Rītausma Library: location Screenshot taken at: https: //www. google. com/maps/dir/R%C 4%ABtausmas, +%C 4%AAsl%C 4%ABces+pagasts, +Latvijas+Republika/@56. 847642, 2 2. 7301426, 7 z/data=!4 m 13!4 m 12!1 m 5!1 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 e 8 c 7 de 0 ced 23 c 1: 0 xc 3 ee 8 b 95 c 2 bbcdd 9!2 m 2!1 d 24. 166264!2 d 56. 382082!1 m 5!1 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 e 8 c 7 de 0 ced 23 c 1: 0 xc 3 ee 8 b 95 c 2 bbcdd 9!2 m 2!1 d 24. 166264!2 d 56. 382082
Rītausma Library: The total floor space: 573 m 2 Total number of units: 9639 The total number of readers: 608 Integrated Library Information System: ALISE Local business support library Latvian - Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007 -2013 (02. 05. 2012 -01. 11. 2014) • Available services: Individual counseling on business topics; user training and consultation; interlibrary loan; exhibitions; access to 3 subscribed data bases; printers; scanners; book reviews; accessible for disabled persons; tours and creative activities for children • • • •
Catalogue of books: Screenshot taken at: http: //bauska. biblioteka. lv/Alise/en/search. aspx? q=library&language=&material. Type=&year=&c=1&c=2&c=3
Kuldīgas Library (Kuldīgas novada bibliotēka) Image available at: http: //www. vieglicelot. lv/lv/object/kuldigas-galvena-biblioteka. htm
Kuldīga Library- location Screenshot taken from: https: //www. google. pl/maps/dir/Kuld%C 4%ABga, +Kuld%C 4%ABgas+pils%C 4%93 ta, +Latvijas+Republika/@57. 3442 599, 24. 7001912, 7 z/data=!4 m 13!4 m 12!1 m 5!1 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 efda 7010232137: 0 x 846 e 381 e 935 d 7637!2 m 2!1 d 21. 9615079!2 d 56. 968813 9!1 m 5!1 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 efda 7010232137: 0 x 846 e 381 e 935 d 7637!2 m 2!1 d 21. 9615079!2 d 56. 9688139? hl=lv
Kuldīga Library: • • The total floor space: 1952. 82 m 2 Total number of users: 3478 Total number of units: 52646 The former synagogue house of prayers; The library is composed of three building complex The number of digitized documents: 621(3 digital collections) Integrated Library Information System: ALISE Offered services: acces to 7 subscribed data bases; trainings and consultations ; interlibrary loan; international-interlibrary loan; printers; scanners; exhibitions; events; access for disabled persons; reference work; workshops; document binding and laminating; electronic delivery of documents; tours;
Book catalogue of three districts: Screenshot taken form: http: //kuldiga. biblioteka. lv/Alise/en/search. aspx? q=library&language=&material. Type=&year=&c=1&c=2
Valmiera Integrated Library (Valmieras integrētā bibliotēka) Image available at: http: //www. biblioteka. lv/libraries/valmieras-biblioteka/default. aspx
Valmiera Integrated Library Screenshot taken from: https: //www. google. pl/maps/dir/Valmiera, +Latvijas+Republika/@57. 0637385, 23. 7485412, 7 z/data=!4 m 13!4 m 12!1 m 5 !1 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 ebee 832598 c 807: 0 x 400 cfcd 68 f 30400!2 m 2!1 d 25. 4263618!2 d 57. 5384659!1 m 5!1 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 ebee 832598 c 807: 0 x 40 0 cfcd 68 f 30400!2 m 2!1 d 25. 4263618!2 d 57. 5384659? hl=lv
• • • Valmiera Integrated Library The total floor space: 2497 m 2; Total number of users: 7569 Total number of units: 86299 Library Learning Centre; Integrated Library Information System: ALISE Two libraries united: Valmiera Integrated Library and the University’s of Vidzeme library; Coordination and consultation center in the region for public and school libraries ; European Commission's " Europe Direct" information center; Offered services: acces to 6 subscribed data bases; trainings and consultations ; interlibrary loan; printers; scanners; exhibitions; events; access for disabled persons; lamination, stitching, binding, fax; electronic delivery of documents; DVD subscription; introductory tours (plus virtual tour); reading room reservations; multimedia projector rent; Participation ir organizations: International Network of Emerging Library Innovators - Cohort 2 (INELI); Latvian Association of Librarians; Latvian National Commission for UNESCO network "Story time in libraries“; Latvian Academic Library Association; Combi. Lib; World Tourism Organization depository;
Book catalogue: Screenshot taken from: http: //valmiera. biblioteka. lv/Alise/en/search. aspx? q=library&language=&material. Type=&year=&c=1&c=2&c=3
Pārventa Library (Pārventas bibliotēka) Image available at: http: //www. latvia. travel/lv/apskates-vieta/parventas-biblioteka
Pārventa Library Image available at: http: //www. ventasbalss. lv/news/read/6951
Pārventa Library- location Screenshot taken from: https: //www. google. pl/maps/place/P%C 4%81 rventas+bibliot%C 4%93 ka/@57. 0708612, 23. 0748223, 7 z/data=!4 m 2!3 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 f 1 c 895254 b 0 dad: 0 xc 4507 d 24330414 fd? hl=lv
Pārventa Library: The total floor space: 1544 m 2 Total number of users: 3789 Total number of units: 54512 Opened in summer 2009 Citizens information center Branch library of the digital center Integrated Library Information System: ALISE Simultaneously provides both library functions and cultural events conducted; • Received highest architectural awards for both Latvian and abroad; • Offered services: access to 9 data bases; trainings and consultations ; interlibrary loan; international-interlibrary loan; printers; scanners; exhibitions; events; access for disabled persons, fax; tours; amphitheater for rent; night and holiday loan; Original scanning, digital photography; concerts; • •
Book catalogue: Screenshot taken from: http: //katalogs. biblioteka. ventspils. lv/Alise/en/search. aspx? q=library&language=&material. Type=&year=&c=1&c=4&c=3&c=
RTU Scientific Library (RTU Zinātniskā bibliotēka) Image available at: http: //www. biblioteka. lv/libraries/rigas-tehniskas-universitates-zinatniska-biblioteka/default. aspx
RTU Scientific Library-location Screenshot taken from: https: //www. google. com/maps/place/Zin%C 4%81 tnisk%C 4%81+bibliot%C 4%93 ka/@57. 0194911, 23. 6828662, 7 z/data=!4 m 2!3 m 1! 1 s 0 x 46 eecfe 112598363: 0 x 27 addabb 7 b 9 b 6937
RTU Scientific Library The total floor space: 5003 m 2 Total number of users: 16294 Total number of units: 1692592 4 brach libraries 3 digital collections Also very antique units included Mission: Develop a library of modern education and information center (. . ) Integrated Library Information system: ALEPH Importance of the State Library Information Network and the National Holdings component; • Planned changes after renovation: 24/7 opened reading room; open access stock; rarity reading room; lecturers reading room; individual cabins and group rooms as well as a transformable conference room; • Offered services: acces to 36 data bases; Inquiries and advice on the spot , by email, phone or Skype; group tours and training; UDC allocation; printing works; international-interlibrary loan; Bibliographic index and e-bibliography creation; exhibitions; bibliographic reference list and bibliography list editing; Creation of new acquisitions newsletter; printers, scanners; • • •
RTU Scientific Library book catalogue: Screenshot taken from: https: //lira. lanet. lv/F/UVU 6 HK 1 IIK 7 TB 686 G 85 Y 38 UT 824 G 144 VXM 5 UMMXXYVSKC 92 MFJ-33232? func=findb&request=library&find_code=TIT&x=0&y=0&filter_code_1=WLN&filter_request_1=&filter_code_2=WYR&filter_request_2=&filter_code _3=WYR&filter_request_3=&filter_code_4=WFM&filter_request_4=
LU Library (Latvijas Universitātes bibliotēka) Image available at: http: //www. lu. lv/zinas/t/17958/
LU Library-location Screenshot taken at: https: //www. google. pl/maps/dir/Latvijas+Universit%C 4%81 tes+bibliot%C 4%93 ka, +Kalpak a+bulv%C 4%81 ris+4, +R%C 4%ABga, +Latvija/@56. 9170097, 23. 3478807, 7 z/data=!4 m 13!4 m 12!1 m 5!1 m 1!1 s 0 x 0: 0 x 4 b 22280 a 7394 a 422!2 m 2 !1 d 24. 113836!2 d 56. 952902!1 m 5!1 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 eecfd 1 bfa 23 f 03: 0 x 4 b 22280 a 7394 a 422!2 m 2!1 d 24. 113836!2 d 56. 952902? hl=lv
LU Library • • • The total floor space: 7517. 43 m 2 Total number of users: 35530 Total number of units: 1668317 11 brach libraries National cultural monument The number of digitized documents: 638 (8 digital collections) Integrated Library Information system: ALEPH Latvian University of Humanities and Social Science Research Center and Library Remarkable late 19 th century sample of interior culture Renovation was completed on January 15, 2013 National significance largest Latvian university library Offered services: inter library loan; international-library loan; electronic delivery of documents; access to 237 subscribed data bases; printers, scanners, copy machines, multifunctional equipment; self-service devices ; events; exhibitions; publishing; project development; reference work; user training and consultation; thematic information resource scheduling; scientific research and development; tours; Digitization on demands; night loan;
Book catalogue: Screenshot taken at: https: //lira. lanet. lv/F/3 BNXY 96 AP 576 A 8 IHDUFQLRX 9 R 9 TQ 6 HNF 8 HB 433 AEAXK 52 EQN 1 T-17138? func=findb&request=library&find_code=TIT&x=0&y=0&filter_code_1=WLN&filter_request_1=&filter_code_2=WYR&filter_request_2=&filter_c ode_3=WYR&filter_request_3=&filter_code_4=WFM&filter_request_4=
National Library of Latvia (Latvijas Nacionālā Bibliotēka) Image available at: http: //delna. lv/2012/04/27/kulturas-ministrijas-informacija-par-latvijas-nacionalasbibliotekas-projekta-gaitu-2012 -gada-aprili/
National Library of Latvia Image available at: http: //www. ir. lv/2013/9/27/lnb-vaditajs-atslegas-uz-gaismas-pili-jaiedod-decembri
National Library of Latvia Image available at: http: //liber 2014. lnb. lv/venue/
National Library of Latvia-location Screenshot taken at: https: //www. google. pl/maps/place/Latvijas+Nacion%C 4%81 l%C 4%81+bibliot%C 4%93 ka. +National+Library+of+Latvia/@56. 9463447, 22. 8194486, 7 z/data=!4 m 5!1 m 2!2 m 1!1 zb. GF 0 dmlq. YXMgbm. Fja. W 9 ux. IFsx. IEg. Ymlib. Glvd. MSTa 2 E!3 m 1!1 s 0 x 00000000: 0 x 77 efd 7 d 3 e 5 abc 8 fc? hl=lv
National Library of Latvia “Castle of Light” (architect – Gunārs Birkerts) Total number of units: 4126076 Area: 40 455 m 2 95 years of existance Total number of users: around 100000 Total cost: about 268 million EUR Cooperation: together 61 partner of 21 countries. On 6 June 2014, the building was put into operation (started at year 2008) Latvian Technological Libraries and Information Center Mission - to promote creative cultural and scientific heritage in supporting the growth of Latvia as well. • Offered services: reference and consultation work; reader training; tours; interlibrary loan; international-interlibrary loan; thematic summaries of information material; press reviews; the creation of thematic bibliographic lists; electronic delivery of documents; copying, binding, digitization on demand; home unit subscriptions; personal unit subscriptions; access to more than 76 subscribed data bases; • • •
Book catalogue: Screenshot taken at: https: //lira. lanet. lv/F/3 BNXY 96 AP 576 A 8 IHDUFQLRX 9 R 9 TQ 6 HNF 8 HB 433 AEAXK 52 EQN 1 T-25115? func=findb&request=library&find_code=TIT&adjacent=N&x=0&y=0&filter_code_1=WLN&filter_request_1=&filter_code_2=WYR&filter_request_2=&filter_co de_3=WYR&filter_request_3=&filter_code_4=WFM&filter_request_4=
Future upcoming project- Bauska library Image available at: http: //www. archdaily. com/392760/library-building-in-bauska-winning-proposal-a 2 smarchitects/51 c 5 c 469 b 3 fc 4 b 9 dc 7000073_library-building-in-bauska-winning-proposal-a 2 sm-architects_4_-_a 2 sm-jpg/
Future upcoming project- Bauska library Image available at: http: //ad 009 cdnb. archdaily. net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/51 c 5 c 47 bb 3 fc 4 bf 9 e 400007 d_library-building-inbauska-winning-proposal-a 2 sm-architects_6_-_a 2 sm. jpg
Future upcoming project- Bauska library Image available at: http: //www. archdaily. com/392760/library-building-in-bauska-winning-proposal-a 2 smarchitects/51 c 5 c 4 c 9 b 3 fc 4 b 29 c 100007 a_library-building-in-bauska-winning-proposal-a 2 sm-architects_15_-_a 2 sm-jpg/
Location of upcoming project Screenshot taken at: https: //www. google. pl/maps/dir/Bauska, +Bauskas+pils%C 4%93 ta, +Latvijas+Republika/@56. 9533738, 22. 8847271, 7 z/data=!4 m 13!4 m 12! 1 m 5!1 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 e 8 c 62 e 27309 add: 0 x 400 cfcd 68 f 30800!2 m 2!1 d 24. 1999989!2 d 56. 4102879!1 m 5!1 m 1!1 s 0 x 46 e 8 c 62 e 27309 add: 0 x 400 cfcd 68 f 308 00!2 m 2!1 d 24. 1999989!2 d 56. 4102879? hl=lv
Future upcoming project- Bauska library • Area: 2500 m 2 • Total cost: about 49800505 EUR • Lithuanian architectural office A 2 SM work called “Meeting at the crossroads” (Contest winners) • Within the project "Business Support Libraries cross border cooperation networking“ (from 2 May 2012 to November 1, 2014) • Four building blocks, connected by a spacious foyer • Planned innovations: business information center; conference hall; energy-efficient and modern; coffee shop; administration building; children's library; reading room at several levels; interactive space; common space; “various floors”; • Library is not anymore only a part of information’s society and culture, but also a part of town’s economical life.
Information resources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. http: //www. latvia. travel/en/article/latvia-brief http: //www. latvia. lv/library/latvia-brief http: //www. kulturaskarte. lv/lv/biblioteka/livanu-novada-centrala-biblioteka http: //www. bauska. lv/print. php? url=lv/pasvaldiba/projekti/latvijas-lietuvas-parrobezuprogramma/uznemejdarbibas-bibliotekas http: //www. bauskasbiblioteka. lv/islices-pagasta-1 biblioteka. html http: //www. kulturaskarte. lv/lv/biblioteka/islices-pagasta-ritausmu-biblioteka http: //www. vieglicelot. lv/lv/object/kuldigas-galvena-biblioteka. htm http: //www. kulturaskarte. lv/lv/biblioteka/kuldigas-novada-pa-kuldigas-galvena-biblioteka http: //www. kulturaskarte. lv/lv/biblioteka/valmieras-biblioteka http: //www. kulturaskarte. lv/lv/biblioteka/ventspils-biblioteka-parventas-biblioteka http: //www. a 4 d. lv/lv/projekti/parventas-biblioteka-gada-ieverojamaka-eka-latvija/ http: //www. rtu. lv/content/view/258/361/lang, lv/ http: //www. kulturaskarte. lv/lv/biblioteka/latvijas-universitates-biblioteka http: //www. pilseta. rtu. lv/lv/jaunumi/44/ http: //www. rtu. lv/component/option, com_docman/task, doc_download/gid, 9229/rtu-2013111 -4. 5 -pielikums ---finansejuma-apkopojums. . pdf http: //lv. wikipedia. org/wiki/Latvijas_Universit%C 4%81 tes_Bibliot%C 4%93 ka http: //lv. wikipedia. org/wiki/Latvijas_Nacion%C 4%81 l%C 4%81 s_bibliot%C 4%93 kas_jaun%C 4%81_%C 4%93 ka http: //www. lnb. lv/lv/par-instituciju/galvenie-raditaji http: //www. archdaily. com/392760/library-building-in-bauska-winning-proposal-a 2 sm-architects/ http: //www. zemgale. lv/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=2264: bausk-izveidots-uzmjdarbbas -atbalsta-bibliotku-prrobeu-sadarbbas-tkls&catid=88: benefits&Itemid=65 http: //bauskasdzive. diena. lv/vietejas-zinas/bauskas-bibliotekas-projekts-taps-pusgada-laika-97343
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