- Количество слайдов: 55
Modern Genetics Genetic Engineering ALL LIVING THINGS – are made of DNA (A-T-C-G)
Date- 3/28 & 3/29 Mr. Suydam Room # 310 SC. 912. L. 16. 10 Biotechnology You need to understand how biotechnology impacts individuals, society, and/or the environment. Bell Ringers # 1 Essential Questions: 1. What do you think of when you hear the term “Biotechnology”? 2. How might Biotechnology help cure diseases such as Sickle Cell Anemia and even Cancer in the future? Daily Activities • 1. Sickle Cell Ed Heads OUI • 2. 3. Discuss any missed questions. Active Word Wall Gene Therapy Genetic Counseling Cloning DNA Analysis Human Genome Project Stem Cells FOLDERS Evaluation: Ed Heads Sickle Cell H. L. – Study for Biology EOC Friday Or Next Monday BIOLOGY
1. Genes for medically important proteins can be cloned and inserted into bacteria, as shown in the diagram below. Why can bacteria recognize a human gene and then produce a human protein? A. DNA replication in bacteria and humans is the same. B. Bacterial cells contain the same organelles as human cells. C. The basic components of DNA are the same in humans and bacteria. D. Bacterial cells and human cells contain the same kind of chromosomes. W. A. R.
• While genetic engineering has positive benefits, there also concerns associated with widespread use of genetic engineering in agriculture. If many farmers begin to plant more genetically modified crops that have an increased tolerance to insects, which of the following may result? • A. an increase in the use of pesticides B. a decrease in genetic diversity of the crops C. an increase in the contamination of the water supply D. a decrease in crop productivity on these treated fields
• Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the direct manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology.
1. ____ 2. ___ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ___ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ___ 9. ____ 10. ____ 11. ___ 12. ____
Cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals. In nature organisms such as bacteria, reproduce asexually. (Binary Fission).
https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=kyr 2 OVyjia 4
Types of Cloning • Duplicating a person e. g. identical twins. This is called “Reproductive” cloning. • Duplicating part of a person e. g. a heart or liver, or even just a few cells. This is called “Therapeutic” cloning.
Cloning of Organs CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? LOL Yes, I am a house mouse Mouse Cloning http: //learn. genetics. utah. edu/c ontent/cloning/clickandclone/
Human Cloning. .
Stem Cells Stem cells are cells that may develop into many different types of cells in the body. They serve as a repair system for the body. There are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Rq_B 8 d--B 3 A
Stem Cells • Stem cells are generic cells that can differentiate into – various things. Controversy from using embryos. 1. Treat Disease 2. Grow New Cells http: //learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/stemcells/scintro/
Gene splicing The process in which fragments (a piece) of DNA from one or more different organisms are combined to form recombinant DNA. Cancer research, increased fertility, vaccine production, diabetes treatment
EN ZY M ES • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Tpm. Nfv 1 j. Ku. A
Human Genome Project's (Mapped Human Genes) -goal to understand the genetic factors in human disease, paving the way for new strategies for their diagnosis, treatment and prevention. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ahs. IF-cmo. QQ
Chromosome Map • http: //www. ornl. gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/posters/chromosome/chromo 01. shtml
Gene Therapy (treatement) • Gene therapy is the use of DNA as a drug to treat disease by delivering therapeutic DNA into a patient's cells. Powerhouse
Genetic Engineering Gene Therapy https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=x. Ker. Ta 8 y. LRM
https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=i. Qsu 3 Kz 9 NYo
re a t a h W s. . O. M G Jimmy Kimmel https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ez. Er 23 XJw. FY
Genetic Engineering (GMO’s) • The term GM foods or GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) is most commonly used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal consumption https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=ri. CQ 8 R 3 EG 9 U Monoculture- growing one crop can lead to the loss of Biodiversity.
TRANSGENIC 1 st Improved shelf life https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=TJu 8 s. WZDh. U 4
https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=m. SDldolwfvo Should They Be Labeled How do you know if your food is GMO.
BENEFITS OF GMOS G enetically M odified F ood • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=HZm. Z 161 njr 8
New Genetically Engineered Golden Rice Vitamin A deficiency among poor children Genetically engineered rice with beta-carotene Critics Public relations stunt Expensive Not proven it will work
Genetically Engineering Corn HAND OUT
GMO’s HAND OUT Genetically Modified Organisms Salmon
HAND OUT Artificial Selection https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Wse. H 479 i. OM 0 https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=IDN-Qe. Vh. QTc
Bill Nye GMO’s 7 min HAND OUT • https: //video. search. yahoo. com/yhs/search; _ylt=A 0 LEVu_PQ 9 x. YHxg. AVp. MPx. Qt. ? p=bill+nye+GMOs&fr=yfp-t-900&fr 2=pivweb&hspart=att&hsimp=yhs-att_001&type=att_pc_homerun_portal#id=1&vid=ba 922 e 6 a 473 c 48 c 8 f 05 f 45 d 3947 a 8 b 3 b&action=view
HAND OUT GMO RAP 3 min https: //youtu. be/TX_egkt. SUXI
Techniques Virtual Labs DNA EXTRACTION http: //learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/labs/extraction/ GEL ELECTROPHORESIS http: //learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/labs/gel/ DNA FINGER PRINT- WHO DID IT? https: //florida. pbslearningmedia. org/asset/tdc 02_int_creatednafp 2/ CLONING- A MOUSE http: //learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/cloning/clickandclone/
Gel Electrophoresis T N Gel electrophoresis is a laboratory method used to separate mixtures of DNA, RNA, or proteins according to their sizes I R A N D P R E G IN F 1. Law Enforcement Crimes 2. Genetic Disease 3. Paternity Suits (Baby’s Daddy)
A Vertical SSCP (single strand confirmation polymorphism) gel Gel Electrophoresis
Mr. Suydam Date- 4/3 & 4/4 Room # 4313 SC. 912. L. 16. 10 Biotechnology You need to understand how biotechnology impacts individuals, society, and/or the environment. Bell Ringers # 1 Essential Questions: 1. Do you think GMO’s should be labeled? Why or Why Not 2. Give an example of a specific benefit of GMO’s …. Daily Activities • 1. Biotechnology video 14 min- Compare to Chart OUI • 2. Quizlet Live / Kahoot…. • 3. Group Concept Map- Question Review Horse Game. Active Word Wall Gene Therapy Genetic Counseling Cloning DNA Analysis Human Genome Project Stem Cells Evaluation: Teacher Observation – Biotechnology Edpuzzle H. L. – Schoology Biotechnology Quiz- Due before break ED PUZZLE BIOLOGY
Scientists genetically modified a variety of corn to protect it against pests like the cornborer. The corn borer is an insect caterpillar that feeds on the corn stalk, which weakens the stalk and makes it fall over. A new gene in the genetically modified corn causes the plant to produce a chemical that is toxic to the corn borer. Some people are concerned that the genetically modified corn could harm other insects such as the monarch butterfly caterpillar. The monarch caterpillar eats leaves of milkweed plants that might be coated with toxic corn pollen. However, not all researchers agree with the concerns regarding the monarch butterfly caterpillar. They state that it is unusual for large amounts of harmful corn pollen to be found on milkweed leaves. Also, only a small percentage of caterpillars feed on the milkweed plants near corn fields. • Which was most likely introduced into corn that made it pestresistant? A. gene B. lipid C. toxin D. protein W. A. R.
BIOTECHNOLOGY 14 min. • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=A 9 mqw. VZFCRk As you watch the video make check marks each time something is mentioned that we covered in the ppt.
Complete Biotechnology in Biology Review 5 Minutes
DNA Extraction Restriction Enzymes CLONES Separating DNA Increasing Variation DNA Poodles Defects Hybrids Bacteria Transgenic
https: //create. kahoot. it/#quiz/f 50 caf 0 b-329 c-4 b 01 -9797 -9501 cd 6040 d 4
• Review Questions in Volushia Packet.
Who will Win in the Dash to the Finish? Click Here to Start
Instructions: 1. Divide into Teams. 2. Each team is asked a question. If they answer correctly, click their teams color button to move their car. 3. Seven correct answers will cross the finish line and win the race. Play
Click to Move Red Horse Click to Move Green Horse Click to Move Blue Horse Click to Move Purple Horse Click to Move Yellow Horse Click to Move Orange Horse
Techniques Virtual Labs DNA EXTRACTION http: //learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/labs/extraction/ GEL ELECTROPHORESIS http: //learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/labs/gel/ DNA FINGER PRINT- WHO DID IT? https: //florida. pbslearningmedia. org/asset/tdc 02_int_creatednafp 2/ CLONING- A MOUSE http: //learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/cloning/clickandclone/