Скачать презентацию MODERN ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY Lexicology as a Science 1 Скачать презентацию MODERN ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY Lexicology as a Science 1


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MODERN ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY Lexicology as a Science 1 MODERN ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY Lexicology as a Science 1

Course of Modern English Lexicology as a science Ш Methods and procedures of lexicological Course of Modern English Lexicology as a science Ш Methods and procedures of lexicological analysis Ш lexicography Ш Word-structure Ш Word-formation Ш Semasiology Ш Word-Groups and set-expressions Ш Etymology Ш Vocabulary replenishment Ш Variants and dialects of the English language Ш 2

Lexicology = lexis + logos Gr. lexis – word, phrase Gr. logos – learning Lexicology = lexis + logos Gr. lexis – word, phrase Gr. logos – learning some field of knowledge Lexicology = the science of the word 3

Lexicology deals with vocabulary of the language properties of the word 4 Lexicology deals with vocabulary of the language properties of the word 4

Vocabulary – the system of all the words and word equivalents that the language Vocabulary – the system of all the words and word equivalents that the language possesses. 5

Properties of the word l l l Origin Structure Meaning Connections in the vocabulary Properties of the word l l l Origin Structure Meaning Connections in the vocabulary system – synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, etc. Combinability Usage (functional styles and registers, regional varieties, etc. ) 6

LEXICOLOGY basic unit word - morpheme - variable word-groups (green grass) - set-expressions (to LEXICOLOGY basic unit word - morpheme - variable word-groups (green grass) - set-expressions (to kick the bucket = to die) aim systematic description of the word-stock of modern English 7

Links with Other Branches of Linguistics Lexicology Grammar Phonetics History of the Language Stylistics Links with Other Branches of Linguistics Lexicology Grammar Phonetics History of the Language Stylistics Sociolinguistics 8

Types of Lexicology 9 Types of Lexicology 9

General Lexicology Deals with linguistic phenomena and properties common to all languages. 10 General Lexicology Deals with linguistic phenomena and properties common to all languages. 10

Special Lexicology Studies vocabulary of a particular language (Russian, German, French, etc. ). 11 Special Lexicology Studies vocabulary of a particular language (Russian, German, French, etc. ). 11

Contrastive Lexicology Describes vocabularies of different languages in comparison. 12 Contrastive Lexicology Describes vocabularies of different languages in comparison. 12

Historical Lexicology or Etymology Studies the origin of words, their change and development, the Historical Lexicology or Etymology Studies the origin of words, their change and development, the linguistic and extra linguistic forces modifying their structure, meaning and usage. 13

Descriptive Lexicology Deals with the morphological and semantic structures of the words at a Descriptive Lexicology Deals with the morphological and semantic structures of the words at a given stage of the vocabulary development. 14

Approaches to Language Study 15 Approaches to Language Study 15

Synchronic Approach Gr. syn – “together, with” + Gr. chronos – “time” 16 Synchronic Approach Gr. syn – “together, with” + Gr. chronos – “time” 16

Diachronic Approach Gr. dia - “through” + Gr. chronos – “time” 17 Diachronic Approach Gr. dia - “through” + Gr. chronos – “time” 17

Procedures of Lexicological Analysis 18 Procedures of Lexicological Analysis 18

Contrastive Analysis Compares the structure of a native & a target language on the Contrastive Analysis Compares the structure of a native & a target language on the phonetic, grammatical, lexical levels with the aim of finding common and contrastive features. 19

For example: English “foot” Russian “стопа”, “нога”. 20 For example: English “foot” Russian “стопа”, “нога”. 20

Statistical Analysis Represents facts of the language using numbers. 21 Statistical Analysis Represents facts of the language using numbers. 21

Distributional Analysis Finds out sameness or difference of meaning of lexical units in different Distributional Analysis Finds out sameness or difference of meaning of lexical units in different positions in the text or in the flow of speech. Compare: “to treat smb. kindly” “to treat smb. to ice-cream” 22

Transformational Analysis Reorganizes practically identical structures in order to discover difference or sameness of Transformational Analysis Reorganizes practically identical structures in order to discover difference or sameness of their meaning. 23

Pattern “possessive pronoun” + ”noun” his car he has a car – the meaning Pattern “possessive pronoun” + ”noun” his car he has a car – the meaning of possession his failure he failed - the meaning of action his arrest he was arrested - the meaning of passive action his kindness he is kind - the meaning of quality 24

Componential Analysis Helps to find out different semantic components which influence collocability of words. Componential Analysis Helps to find out different semantic components which influence collocability of words. For example: during the day but not during the stairs, down the stairs but not down the day. 25

The meaning is analyzed into semes: woman - an adult female person semes – The meaning is analyzed into semes: woman - an adult female person semes – the smallest components of meaning 26

Immediate Constituents Analysis unanswerable un + answerable Immediate constituents un + answer + able Immediate Constituents Analysis unanswerable un + answerable Immediate constituents un + answer + able Ultimate constituents 27