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Smolny MUN Session 3-4.pptx

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Model United Nations @ Smol. Ьny Model United Nations @ Smol. Ьny

Organizational News Opportunity International Student Model UN Conference on the Faculty of International Relations Organizational News Opportunity International Student Model UN Conference on the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University November 24 th – 27 th http: //www. modeleu. spb. ru

Recap Follow Us Here Model United Nations @ Smolьny https: //vk. com/smolnymun Smolьny Model Recap Follow Us Here Model United Nations @ Smolьny https: //vk. com/smolnymun Smolьny Model United Nations https: //www. facebook. com/smolnymun/

Session’s Structure • Session Opening. The Chair welcomes the delegates and announces the topic Session’s Structure • Session Opening. The Chair welcomes the delegates and announces the topic of discussion • Roll Call. Attendance: the Chair or rapporteur calls country names and delegates say “Present” • Debate: Formal Debate, Moderated Caucus, Unmoderated/Informal Caucus Formal debate revolves around the speakers list. The Chair asks delegates who would like to speak. Delegates raise their placards and are recorded on a list. This is called the speakers list. Speakers are called one by one according to the list. Moderated Caucus involves discussion outside of the speakers list. The Chair calls on delegates one-by-one (it follows whoever raises their placards) so that delegates can give their short speeches. Unmoderated/Informal Caucus - the rules of debate are suspended. Delegates may leave their seats and discuss topics freely. • Close of Debate • Voting Procedures

How To Hold A Delegate Speech • Formal Debate Speeches focus on stating countries’ How To Hold A Delegate Speech • Formal Debate Speeches focus on stating countries’ positions and offering recommendations for action • Moderated Caucus Speeches comment on what others delegates have said Speeches can bring up new ideas for the committee to think about • Unmoderated/Informal Caucus Delegates talk to each other This is a good time to talk to countries that share your point of view This is also a good time to try and persuade countries that disagree with you

How To Hold A Delegate Speech • Start with an Attention-Grabbing Introduction An Interesting How To Hold A Delegate Speech • Start with an Attention-Grabbing Introduction An Interesting Fact: Facts demonstrating how serious a global issue is or how it affects your country specifically can help engage the audience A Quote A Question A Story or Anecdote • Make a Clear, Positive and Succinct Argument Explain your policy and why you think that this is the best way for the international community to move forward. Speaking time is limited, make a very optimistic, positive speech, and clearly outline your policies and your reasons for them (the Why & the What) • Conclude with a Call to Action

The UN Security Council The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the The UN Security Council The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, charged with the maintenance of international peace and security as well as accepting new members to the United Nations and approving any changes to its United Nations Charter Its powers include the establishment of peacekeeping operations, the establishment of international sanctions, and the authorization of military action through Security Council resolutions; it is the only UN body with the authority to issue binding resolutions to member states. The Security Council held its first session on 17 January 1946. Under Article 27 of the UN Charter, Security Council decisions on all substantive matters require the affirmative votes of nine members. A negative vote or "veto" by a permanent member prevents adoption of a proposal, even if it has received the required votes.

The UN Security Council Permanent Members: Non-Permanent Members: • China • • • France The UN Security Council Permanent Members: Non-Permanent Members: • China • • • France • Russian Federation • the United Kingdom • the United States Angola (2016) Egypt (2017) Japan (2017) Malaysia (2016) New Zealand (2016) Senegal (2017) Spain (2016) Ukraine (2017) Uruguay (2017) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (2016) Non-Council Member States: More than 60 United Nations Member States have never been Members of the Security Council.

General Assembly The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA, GA) - is one of the General Assembly The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA, GA) - is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, the only one in which all member nations have equal representation. Its powers are to oversee the budget of the United Nations, appoint the non-permanent members to the Security Council, receive reports from other parts of the United Nations and make recommendations in the form of General Assembly Resolutions. Its composition, functions, powers, voting, and procedures are set out in Chapter IV of the United Nations Charter Voting in the General Assembly on important questions, namely, recommendations on peace and security, budgetary concerns and the election, admission, suspension or expulsion of members – is by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. Other questions are decided by a straightforward majority. Each member country has one vote.

General Assembly Main Committees The First Committee: Disarmament and International Security (DISEC) The Second General Assembly Main Committees The First Committee: Disarmament and International Security (DISEC) The Second Committee: Economic and Financial (ECOFIN) The Third Committee: Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian (SOCHUM) The Fourth Committee: Special Political and Decolonisation (SPECPOL) The Fifth Committee: Administrative and Budgetary and general The Sixth Committee: Legal.

Points & Motions Points & Motions

Motion Description Votes Suspend the meeting The purpose for and length of the suspension Motion Description Votes Suspend the meeting The purpose for and length of the suspension should be specified. Simple majority Adjourn Meeting Ends committee season. Simple majority Table Debate Ends debate on the topic. Two-thirds majority Close Debate Moves into voting procedure. Two-thirds majority Appeal the Chair’s Decision When the chairperson has made an incorrect decision. No vote Point of Order When delegates believe the chair has made an error. No vote Point of Inquiry (or Point of Parliamentary Procedure) Inquiry in order to ask the chairperson a question regarding the rules of procedure. No vote Point of Personal Privilege A physical discomfort a delegate is experiencing No vote Information concerning the speech No vote Point of Information

Description How do I say? A question regarding the rules of procedure. Honorable Chair, Description How do I say? A question regarding the rules of procedure. Honorable Chair, (Country Name) has a point of Inquiry. To adjourn the meeting until next session. Usually used Honorable Chair, (Country Name) moves to suspend to adjourn for lunch or dinner. debate for the purpose of lunch Points of information or questions from other delegates about the speech. Honorable Chair, (Country Name) yields to points of information OR Honorable Chair, (Country Name) is open to questions To tell the chair about of a physical discomfort Honorable Chair, (Country Name) has a point of personal privilege, we cannot hear the speaker, the room is too hot To suspend debate in order for a moderated or unmoderated caucus. Delegate wishes to end the debate on the topic. Honorable Chair, (Country Name) moves to suspend the meeting for the purpose of a moderated/ caucus to discuss landmines for 25 minutes, with a 1 minute speaking time. Honorable Chair, (Country Name) moves to table the topic of landmines to be discussed at a later time.

Description How do I say? A delegate has just finished their speech. Another delegate Description How do I say? A delegate has just finished their speech. Another delegate would like to ask them a question about speech. (Please note, that a speaker must be open to questions. ) Honorable Chair, (Country Name) has a point of information for the delegate. The delegate feels that the chairperson has made an incorrect decision. The appeal must first be made in writing. Honorable Chair, (Country Name) moves for an Appeal of the Chair Delegate wishes to close the debate and move to voting. Honorable Chair, (Country Name) moves for Closure of Debate on this topic.

Resolutions • Be sure to follow the format for resolutions provided by the conference Resolutions • Be sure to follow the format for resolutions provided by the conference organizers. Each conference may have a slightly different format. • Create a detailed resolution. For example, if your resolution calls for a new program, think about how it will be funded and what body will manage it. • Try to cite facts whenever possible. • Be realistic. Do not create objectives for your resolution that cannot be met. Make sure your body can take the action suggested. For example, the General Assembly can't sanction another country – only the Security Council can do so.

Resolutions • Try to find multiple sponsors. Your committee will be more likely to Resolutions • Try to find multiple sponsors. Your committee will be more likely to approve the resolutions if many delegates contribute ideas. • Preambulatory clauses are historic justifications for action. Use them to cite past resolutions, precedents and statements about the purpose of action. • Operative clauses are policies that the resolution is designed to create. Use them to explain what the committee will do to address the issue.

Simulation Simulation

Simulation. Youth Employment Since the 2008 global financial crisis, unemployment rates around the world Simulation. Youth Employment Since the 2008 global financial crisis, unemployment rates around the world have risen, but no group has faced more problems in this area than young people. In 2009, the UN estimated that there were approximately 81 million unemployed young people in the world. With approximately 85% of the world’s youth population living in developing nations, opportunities are often rare for them to try and improve their situations. The current rate of youth unemployment is over three times higher than that of adult unemployment.

Hurricane Matthew Hurricane Matthew

Hurricane Matthew • What remains of Hurricane Matthew is now a tropical depression moving Hurricane Matthew • What remains of Hurricane Matthew is now a tropical depression moving out into the Atlantic Ocean. • Matthew moved slowly northward from Haiti and Cuba to Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas, at peak, reaching sustained winds of 160 mph. • One week after the powerful storm first made landfall in southwestern Haiti, some communities still have not received any assistance, as authorities there reported at least 900 deaths due to the hurricane. • Another 33 people in the United States lost their lives as Matthew crashed ashore. • Haiti now faces a humanitarian crisis with hundreds of thousands of residents in need of aid, housing, and medical attention, as a growing cholera outbreak threatens to make the situation even worse.

Thank you! Thank you!