- Количество слайдов: 115
MODALITY Nerede modal, orada özel anlam. 1
Her bir modal’ın birden fazla özel anlamı olabilir. Ability Permission Can Permission Possibility Request Prohibition Request May Offer Suggestion Wish 2
Her bir özel anlam da birden fazla modal ile karşılanabilir. Permission can may could might Request can could may might will would 3
Modal ve phrasal modal’lardan sonra fiilin kök (Vbase) hali gelir. 5
Türkçe’ye takılarla veya özel anlam kelimesi kullanılarak çevrilebilir. Örnek: Anybody can make mistakes. a. Herkes hata yapabilir. b. Herkesin hata yapma olasılığı vardır. 6
MODALITY MODALS PHRASAL MODALS can Auxiliary Full may have to might be able to be supposed to must be likely to be bound to dare to will be willing to be obliged to appear to shall be reluctant to have got to could be going to would rather be about to would sooner need to be to had better/best used to Dare need ought to should would seem to happen to 7
CAN general ability He can/is able to analyse people’s handwriting. . . request general ability Look! I can ride a horse. . . . permission Can I drink water in the classroom? . . . . permission You can drink water in the classroom. . . . general/theoretical possibility Can gases freeze? . . . . offer general/ theoretical possibility assumption unwillingness permission suggestion Miracles can be real. . . general/theoretical possibility request Can you put the children to bed? . . . request Can I have a glass of water? . . . unwillingness I cannot join you with that plan. . . . offer Can I carry your bag? . . . offer I can baby-sit for you if you like. . . If you haven’t got anything to do you can suggestion sort out your photos. . . . A: There’s the doorbell. Who can it be? assumption B: It can only be the postman. . . . 8
COULD past ability She could read when she was four. . . present unreal request possibility He tried very hard, but he couldn’t past ability swim back to the boat. . . permission A: Could I ask you something? . . B: Yes, you can. No, you can’t. future possibility offer permission suggestion past ability assumption It could be frightening if you were possibility alone in a big house. …………. . . . future possibility It could rain later this evening. …………. . . . . present unreal If I were you, I could stop smoking. . . . request Could you lend me five pounds until tomorrow? . . . suggestion She could go to Karaca for English. . . . offer I could mend your bike for you, if that would help? ………. . . assumption He couldn’t be the manager. He is too young……………. . 9
MAY wish future possibility offer prohibition request permission May I put the TV on? …………. . . prohibition You may not use the staff car park. . . future possibility We may go climbing in the Alps next summer. . . May you both be very happy! / May she rest in wish peace!. . . offer I may take care of your baby if you like. . . request May I have some salad please? . . . 10
MIGHT request present unreal future possibility permission suggestion permission You might go out tonight. . . . request Might I have some soup please? . . . . future possibility There might be a strike next week. . . . present unreal If I were you, I might stop smoking. . . . suggestion You might try asking your uncle for a job. . . . 11
WILL characteristic behaviour intention future I will be happy when this is finished. . . . . intention I really will stop smoking. . . unwillingness/refusal ‘ Give me a kiss’ ‘ No I won’t. ’. . . . offer insistence You will do it because I said so. . . . future offer Won’t you have some more salad? . . . request insistence prediction unwillingness/refusal request Will you send me the bill please? . . . You have been studying hard. prediction You will pass the exam. . . Sulphuric acid will dissolve most metals. . characteristic behaviour 12
SHALL asking for guidance intention offer in contracts & other legal documents offer Shall I carry your bag? . . . . intention This is an important point. I/We shall come back to it. . . . . asking for guidance What on earth shall we do with that money? . . . . The hirer shall be responsible for maintenance of the in contracts & other legal documents vehicle. . . 13
SHOULD prediction logical conclusion advice probability unreal present obligation People should come to work on time. . . . advice You should see ‘ God Father’ – it’s a great film. . . Susan spent three years in Spain, logical conclusion she should speak Spanish. . . . . probability If you should see him, tell him to phone me. . . . prediction This training should be beneficial for you. . . . . unreal present If I were you, I should stop smoking. . . . 14
OUGHT TO prediction advice obligation logical conclusion obligation I really ought to ask my mother. . . . obligation People ought not to drive like that. . . obligation What time ought I to arrive? . . logical conclusion I haven’t seen her. She ought to be at home. . . . advice You really ought to give up smoking. . . . prediction This training ought to be beneficial for you. . . 15
MUST assumption prohibition obligation/necessity suggestion obligation/necessity -I really must stop smoking. . . prohibition -You mustn’t/can’t open this parcel until Christmas. . . -‘There is a light on in her room’ assumption ‘ She must be in her room’ …………. . . . ‘She can’t be asleep. ’ suggestion -You must eat in that restaurant one day. . . 16
WOULD will’in past karşılığı certainty present unreal probability past habit (with event verbs) offer polite request/refuse will’in past karşılığı She said that she would come tomorrow. . . I would/ used to drink milk every past habit night when I was a child. . . . . (with event verbs) polite request/refuse Would you open the window, please? . . . . present unreal If I were you, I would stop smoking. . . probability That would be his car. . . . offer Would you like tea or coffee? . . . If you know our teacher, you would know that he will be upset when he hears that certainty. . . . 17
prediction request unreality permission obligation ought to should will can will would could may might could would should might Can May Might Could must should ought to possibility offer Can Could May Might Would Should would can will may shall logical conclusion / assumption should ought to must can could 18
AUXILIARY PHRASAL MODALS Be able to / be unable to ( ability ) Some people are able to walk on their hands. Jenny was able to leave the hospital only six hours after the baby was born. ( geçmiş bir eylemin gerçekleşmesindeki başarı / başarısızlık ) Be likely to / be unlikely to ( bir olayın gerçekleşme olasılığını vermek için) Do you think it’s likely to rain? I’m likely to be busy tomorrow. He’s unlikely to agree with you. 19
Be willing to / be unwilling to ( istekliliği / isteksizliği vermek için) He was still willing to marry her. If you are willing to fly at night, you can find a cheaper ticket. Be reluctant to ( isteksizlik ) Most students are reluctant to do a lot of homework. He is reluctant to be photographed. 20
Be supposed to Insanların kurallara ya da yasalara göre neler yapmaları gerektiğini veya olması beklenen şeyi söylemek için kullanılır. You aren’t supposed to park here. This stuff is supposed to kill flies. Eating sweets is supposed to be bad for your teeth. He was supposed to phone me but he didn’t. Be obliged to ( zorunluluk bildirir) Doctors are legally obliged to take precautions. I felt obliged to invite him to the party. 21
Be bound to ( bir olayın gelecekte olması kaçınılmaz ise) He’s bound to fail the exam if he doesn’t do any revision. Sooner or later, it was bound to happen. Be going to ( prediction/ intention ) I’m tired. I’m going to sleep 10 hours. ( intention ) Look out ! They are going to crash ( prediction ) Be to ( obligation/ arrangement for future / prohibition ) The P. M. is to visit China this week. ( arrangement) You are to do your homework. ( obligation) You are not to park here. (prohibition) Tülay was to watch the movie. (izleyecekti) ( geçmişte belirli bir zaman diliminin geleceğini belirtmek için. ) 22
Be about to ( bir olayın çok yakında olacağını belirtmek için) I’m about to tidy up my room. Don’t worry. Don’t go. We are about to have lunch. Have got to ( zorunluluk) I have got to work late this evening. Have you got to work tonight? 23
Need ( bir şeyin gerekli / gereksiz olduğunu vurgular ) ( ? ) ( - ) Need I remind you that you owe me? Need I fill in a form? You needn’t do your homework. This is the only form you need fill in. I wonder if I need fill in a form. Dare (bir şeyi yapılırken cesaretli olunup olunmadığı belirtmek için. ) ( ? ) ( - ) Dare he go there? How dare you do it like that? Yes, he dare. No, he daren’t. Ahmet daren’t swim at night. 24
Had better ( kibarca birşey söyleme/ öneride bulunma / uyarı yapma / tehdit etmede ) It’s cold. We’d better turn on the heating. You had better eat some fruit. We’d better not be late. I had best start doing my homework. ( en iyisi…) 25
Would rather = would sooner ( tercih etmek ) I would rather go now. (would rather + V 0) I would rather not stay now. (=I do not want to) I would rather you stayed with me now. ( would rather+(pro)noun+V 2) I'd rather you didn't go out alone (=I do not want you to go). I'd rather die than apologize to Helen. I would rather have gone out last night. (would rather+ have V 3) I would rather you had stayed with me last night. ( would rather+(pro)noun+had V 3) www. karacayds. com
FULL PHRASAL MODALS Have to ( zorunluluk ) Do you have to be home by 10 ? I have to go and see the doctor. I had to work late yesterday. Need to ( gereklilik ) You need to fill in a form. You don’t need to eat this. 27
Seem to / appear to ( bir olayın meydana geldiğine veya geleceğine dair kanı uyanmasını gösterir) There seems to be many people on campus today. She seemed not to notice me. She appears to have enough money to live on. Happen to ( bir olayın şans eseri olduğunu belirtmek için) If you happen to pass a market, buy some eggs. We happened to see her in the match. 28
Dare to ( cesaret ) He is a man who dares to say what he thinks. He doesn’t dare to go out at night. Used to ( eski alışkanlıklar ) I used to / would swim 5 kilometres a day when I was a child. I used to have a bike. 29
MODAL + PHRASAL MODAL • İki modal ardarda kullanılırsa 2. si mutlaka phrasal modaldır. • Aynı anlam veren modallar yana kullanılmaz. • En çok kullanılanlar: • Be able to / be going to / be likely to / have to / need to You should be able to solve this problem. Ali will be able to start his assignment. We are going to be able to get ready tomorrow. The students will have to fulfill the requirements. 30
MODALITY + PROGRESSIVE Uzun süreli bir eyleme özel anlam katmak için kullanılır. • must • will • shall • may • would • could • might + be Ving • should • ought to • seem to • appear to • happen to • be supposed to q q My friends seem to be enjoying the party. Don’t phone her so early, she may be sleeping now. 31
1. My mother always drinks white coffee at around 11 a. m. It is 11 a. m. now. She must be drinking it. 2. I’m going to Antalya tonight. At this time tomorrow I will be lying on the beach sipping my can of pop. 3. Don’t disturb him now! He seems to be reading something important. 4. You should be sleeping, not wandering around. 32
MODALITY + PERFECT A. Real: Konuşanın ya da yazanın geçmiş bir olayla ilgili tahminini, vs, anlatmak için kullanılır. “Will” ve “May” Future anlamda da kullanılır. ü can (soru) ü can’t (olumlusu yok) ü will ü must + ü may/might ü seem to ü appear to ü happen to ü is/are supposed to ü is/are to have v 3 (-mış takısı) 33
TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO TURKISH • How can they have found such a good house in this region? _______________________________ • He can’t have killed the man , he was with us all day. _______________________________ • My sister will have finished her studies by June. _______________________________ • It must have rained last night, the streets are still wet. _______________________________ 34
• You may/might have left your wallet in the restaurant. _______________________________ • They seem to have enjoyed the meeting. _______________________________ • Your friend appears to have told you about the story. _______________________________ • I happen to have done this exercise before. _______________________________ . He is supposed to have talked to you about the problem. _______________________________. We are supposed to have finished ‘modality’ by January. _______________________________ 35
MODALITY + PERFECT B. Unreal Geçmiş bir olasılığın, vs. gerçekleşmediğini anlatmak için kullanılır. Ø could Ø would Ø should Ø might Ø ought to Ø needn’t Ø was/were to Ø was/were supposed to Ø would rather have V 3 (- dı takısı) 36
TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES GIVEN BELOW INTO TURKISH • He could have passed the test but he couldn’t take it. _______________________________ • The teacher would have given you a bad mark. _______________________________ • He should have made a reservation before he went. _______________________________ • He might have killed the cat. He should drive slowly _______________________________ • I am sorry, I ought to have left a note before I went to the meeting. _______________________________ 37
• Kenan needn’t have bought the bread. His wife had already bought. _______________________________ • The police was to have arrested him. _______________________________ • You were supposed to have got married. _______________________________ • I would rather have gone to lunch with my wife. ____________________________ 38
Be supposed to have V 3 He is supposed to have talked to you about the problem. You weren’t supposed to have watched that film. (izlemene gerek yoktu) You were supposed not to have watched that film. ( izlememen gerekirdi) You weren’t supposed to have studied a lot. You were supposed not to have cheated. www. karacayds. com
MODALITY + PERFECT PROGRESSIVE (modality + have been Ving) - Süreli eylemler -I called her many times yesterday but she didn’t answer. She must have been sleeping. ( uyu-yor-du) REAL - She slept all night. She ought to have been cooking for the party. (yemek yap-ıyor ol-malı-y-dı) UNREAL 40
MODALITY TEST 1 1. I ____ quite make out what the writing on the bus says. My eyesight's not all that good. A. B. C. D. E. won't had better not can't mustn't shouldn't
MODALITY TEST 1 2. The mediator spent days to settle the argument between the two sides, but ____ do it. A. B. C. D. E. can't shouldn't wouldn't couldn't needn’t
MODALITY TEST 1 3. Leave your son alone. At the age of 8, he ____ be capable of solving such a problem; I ____ when I was his age. A. B. C. D. E. could / needed to had to / would might / should may / happened to should / could
MODALITY TEST 1 4. ____ you didn't interfere in my business so often, if you don't mind. A. B. C. D. E. I'd better You’d prefer I'd rather You'd better I would like
MODALITY TEST 1 5. I'm sorry; Mr. Fenner's line is engaged. ____ you call back later or ____ I call you? A. B. C. D. E. Will / shall May / will Could / would Should / must Would / can
MODALITY TEST 1 6. We ____ call a special committee meeting about this. We ____ postpone it any more. A. B. C. D. E. may have to / can will have to / can't ought to / could have to / couldn't have might have to / may
MODALITY TEST 1 7. Keep to my instructions; then you ____ go wrong. A. B. C. D. E. needn't don't have to aren’t willing to won't be able to
MODALITY TEST 1 8. A new political crisis is fast approaching in the Middle East. This means another rise in petrol prices ____ take place. A. B. C. D. E. is likely to is able to need to may have to
MODALITY TEST 1 9. We _____ hurry to find a solution, for the situation is just ____ get irreversibly grave. A. B. C. D. E. should / able to had better / about to would / likely to need / willing to dare / bound to
MODALITY TEST 1 10. afraid the UN ____ deter the country from producing nuclea I'm weapons and so ____ enforce some sanctions. A. B. C. D. E. won't have to / will can’t / happens to won't be able to / will have to isn’t to / will be able to won’t / is bound to
MODALITY TEST 1 11. You ____ all that way here; how come you didn’t know that there were frequent buses? A. B. C. D. E. don’t have to walk were bound to walk were likely to walk needn't have walked ought not to be walking
MODALITY TEST 1 12. Let's take the children to the exhibition in the space museum. It ____ interesting. A. B. C. D. E. had to be is supposed to be had better be seemed to have been was going to be
MODALITY TEST 1 13. I don’t know where I got this information from, but I ____ know it. A. B. C. D. E. am about to would like to happen to had better have got to
MODALITY TEST 1 14. After a three-day visit to Bulgaria next week, the PM ____ to Hungary for talks over a telecommunications projec A. B. C. D. E. is to go should go would be going ought to have gone need go
MODALITY TEST 1 15. A: A. B. C. D. E. How did the robbers get in such a well guarded museum? B: They ____ help from inside. can get are able to get should have got may have got were to get
MODALITY TEST 1 16. B: A: I have too much free time. Well, in that case you ____ a hobby or do charity work. A. B. C. D. E. could take up are likely to take up seem to be taking up may have taken up would rather take up
MODALITY TEST 1 17. ____ any questions about his early life because I know he I is _____ about it. A. B. C. D. E. needn’t ask / willing to talk can’t have asked / bound to talk wouldn’t be asking / needn’t have talked daren’t ask / reluctant to talk didn’t have to ask / shouldn’t be talking
MODALITY TEST 1 18. It is wet everywhere; it ____ heavily last night. A. B. C. D. E. must have rained may have rained could have been raining should have rained would be raining
MODALITY TEST 1 19. We’ve had almost no rain so far. Unfortunately, we ____ water shortages this summer. A. B. C. D. E. may have had are bound to have had better have must have had seemed to have
MODALITY TEST 1 20. You ____ your current job. Then, you _____ quit. A. B. C. D. E. don’t seem to enjoy / had better don’t happen to enjoy / would rather not enjoy /didn’t use to shouldn’t be enjoying / can’t have quit wouldn’t be enjoying / need to
MODALITY TEST 1 21. a shame. Election results ____ out two days ago. It’s A. B. C. D. E. must have come could be coming would have come were obliged to come ought to have come
MODALITY TEST 1 22. What ____ we ____ next semester? Organic chemistry again? A. B. C. D. E. shall / be studying are / able to study could / have studied are / willing to study do / happen to study
MODALITY TEST 1 23. Jack’s let you down on several occasions, but still you ____ him. A. B. C. D. E. would be supporting are willing to support could have supported are able to support happen to be supporting
MODALITY TEST 1 24. A patient ____ to take his pills on time if he wants to recover fas A. B. C. D. E. couldn’t be forgetting can’t forget won’t have forgotten seems not to forget shouldn't forget
MODALITY TEST 1 25. B: A: A. B. C. D. E. Shall we have pizza for a change? Pizza? Hmm! We ____ as well _____ spaghetti. cannot / be having might / have must / have had would / be having could / have had
MODALITY TEST 1 26. The electronics company ____ badly last year, for it’s laying staff off now. A. B. C. D. E. may not be doing mustn’t do had better not do seems to have done had to do
MODALITY TEST 1 27. Al’s bedroom looks dark and dreary. He ____ a different colour, not black. A. B. C. D. E. should have chosen must have chosen had to choose could have been choosing may have chosen
MODALITY TEST 1 28. Fig’s secretary ____ the minutes of the meeting now. Mr. That’s what she does after every meeting. A. B. C. D. E. could duplicate will have duplicated is reluctant to duplicate had better duplicate must be duplicating
MODALITY TEST 1 29. When Mr. Lee was younger, he ____ work in the garden for hours just for fun. A. B. C. D. E. had to should be able to dared to could needed
MODALITY TEST 1 30. Whenever my parents went out in the evening, I ____ take care of my younger brother. How I hated it. A. B. C. D. E. would must have should had better would rather
MODALITY TEST 1 31. You won’t believe this but when I was a girl, I ____ short curly hair and large glasses. A. B. C. D. E. would have needn’t have had used to have might have had am bound to have
MODALITY TEST 1 32. The lecturer was not well prepared, so he ____ most of his idea A. B. C. D. E. didn’t have to convey could have conveyed must have been conveying was reluctant to convey was unable to convey
MODALITY TEST 1 33. B: A: You look dissatisfied with this product. I am. I’d rather ____ to the old brand. Old is always good. A. B. C. D. E. stick be sticking have stuck to stick had stuck
MODALITY TEST 1 34. To my way of thinking, birds ____ from dinosaurs. Did dinosaurs have feathers for example? A. B. C. D. E. might not evolve should not be evolving weren’t supposed to evolve can't have evolved wouldn't have evolved
MODALITY TEST 1 35. As a customer you ____ careful when buying a food product – don’t ever forget to check the expiry date. A. B. C. D. E. had better be may have been would rather be appear to have been are likely to be
MODALITY TEST 1 36. The first round of the negotiations ____ unfruitful. Then, there ____ a second or even third round. A. B. C. D. E. had better be / have to be could be / might have been must have been / used to be would rather be / shall be might be / will be
MODALITY TEST 1 37. Belinda ____ at school before ten, so she ignored the alarm clock and went on sleeping. A. B. C. D. E. ought not to be couldn’t have been mustn’t be won’t have been didn’t have to be
MODALITY TEST 1 38. In the rail crash yesterday more people ____ killed, not just three. Luckily one of the trains was only a freight train. A. B. C. D. E. might have got were bound to get were obliged to get would get should be getting
MODALITY TEST 1 A: 39. I locked myself out of my apartment, and didn't know what to B: Really? You ____ a locksmith, of course. A. B. C. D. E. could have called may have called would be calling must have called used to call
MODALITY TEST 1 40. A: I ____ at the office at 6 p. m. for the meeting, but my car ____. B: Let me give you a lift then. A. B. C. D. E. will have been / shouldn’t be starting supposed to be / can’t have started may be / is unlikely to start have got to be / won’t start am obliged to be / is bound not to start
MODALITY TEST 2 1. You ____ your composition last week. It’s too late now. A. B. C. D. E. were supposed to submit ought to submit may have submitted should submit would rather submit
MODALITY TEST 2 2. Of course I remember Mr. Black very well. Whenever I met him in the street, he ____ greet me with a big smile. A. B. C. D. E. needn't happened to would rather could would
MODALITY TEST 2 3. You ____ on computers to do your thinking for you. It ____ wrong. A. B. C. D. E. won't rely / must have been can't rely / would be must have relied / will be seem to be relying / must be will have relied / should have been
MODALITY TEST 2 4. If Jill doesn’t answer the phone, she ____ at home. She said she was going to go out. A. B. C. D. E. should not be might not have been must not be may not be will not have been
MODALITY TEST 2 5. If Tim goes on behaving like this, he ____ remain alone. A. B. C. D. E. happens to is bound to dares to is able to used to
MODALITY TEST 2 6. Soldiers ____ tidy up their room every day. Otherwise, they are punished, I guess. A. B. C. D. E. dare able to are about to could are supposed to
MODALITY TEST 2 7. You ____ that; it was very unkind indeed. A. B. C. D. E. wouldn’t be able to say shouldn’t have said couldn’t be saying don’t have to say ought not to say
MODALITY TEST 2 8. All international flights ____ be cancelled due to the prevailing adverse weather conditions. A. B. C. D. E. are able to are willing to would rather are likely to are reluctant to
MODALITY TEST 2 9. The diplomats ____ leave the country after the scandal. A. B. C. D. E. were obliged to happened to have ought to have are likely needn't have
MODALITY TEST 2 10. This PC is far from satisfactory. I wonder if I ____ it and get my money back. A. B. C. D. E. could return would be returning could have returned will have returned may be returning
MODALITY TEST 2 11. A: ____ we send a postcard and congratulate the newly weds B: We ____ as well send an SMS. That’ll be a lot faster. A. B. C. D. E. Can / can Could / could May / shall Will / might Shall / may
MODALITY TEST 2 12. According to my doctor, my baby ____ up in two weeks' time before she’s even one year old. A. B. C. D. E. will be able to stand must have stood was to stand could have stood might have been able to stand
MODALITY TEST 2 13. Today quite a few people prefer not to work outside but to work from home. It ____ advantageous. A. B. C. D. E. would not be should be ought to have been might have been can't have been
MODALITY TEST 2 14. seemed an almost impossible task to It turn the game round - that is, they ____ not ____ it. A. B. C. D. E. ought / to have accomplished would / accomplish should / be accomplishing can / accomplish might / have accomplished
MODALITY TEST 2 I'd and ____ a multi-storey 15. rather they ____ the terrace houses car park instead. A. B. C. D. E. won’t demolish / build wouldn’t demolish / had built hadn’t demolished / built haven’t demolished / are building can’t be demolished / building
MODALITY TEST 2 His 16. latest book is already in its second impression; it ____ really good reviews as well. A. B. C. D. E. could be having had to have must have had is able to have happens to have had
MODALITY TEST 2 17. every member sympathizes totally Not with the policies of th party but they ____ a word. A. B. C. D. E. needn't utter daren't utter may not have uttered can’t be uttering are willing to utter
MODALITY TEST 2 18. Dear, if you win the prize, you ____ make a speech. So, get prepared. A. B. C. D. E. happen to had better would rather appear to are bound to
MODALITY TEST 2 19. This is a health center. You ____ in here A. B. C. D. E. dare smoke needn't be smoking are not to smoke are bound to smoke would rather not be smoking
MODALITY TEST 2 20. When her ability was recognized, it was clear that she ____ promoted. A. B. C. D. E. was going to be might have been had to be was able to be dared to be
MODALITY TEST 2 21. Scientists say that if we want to understand a natural phenomenon better, we ____ and control it in the laboratory. A. B. C. D. E. must have made need to be able to make had to make should have made must be going to make
MODALITY TEST 2 22. Emerging infectious diseases pose a global threat to human and animal health, and, unfortunately, the problem ____ worsen A. B. C. D. E. will have to would sooner is likely to may be able to was about to
MODALITY TEST 2 23. Due to rapid scientific change today, universities ____ their students a better grasp of science and foreign culture. Are they doing so? will have given A. were going to give B. are reluctant to give C. are about to give D. should be giving E.
MODALITY TEST 2 24. By 2020, Russians ______ travel to the countries of the European Union without visas, according to the chairman of the Duma Foreign Affairs. are bound to A. may have to B. must be going to C. will be able to D. are willing to E.
MODALITY TEST 2 25. Brazil ____ refinance its debt at acceptable rates despite sound economic policies, a primary budget surplus and a growing trade surplus. could A. is willing to B. is unable to C. happened to D. should E.
MODALITY TEST 2 26. 64% of Internet users aged 50 plus _____ live without television than without their computer, according to an online survey. A. B. C. D. E. have got to are obliged to would sooner had better daren’t
MODALITY TEST 2 27. Take anything into space and the lack of gravity ____ its weight but not its mass. A. B. C. D. E. will change may be changing will have changed must be changing is able to change
MODALITY TEST 2 Prior to WWII all expeditions ____ Everest through Tibet because 28. Nepal was closed to foreigners. A. B. C. D. E. would have approached should approach may have approached need to approach had to approach
MODALITY TEST 2 29. Scientists ____ believe that neurons were irreplaceable, but in the 1980 s they discovered that adult mammals ____ grow new ones. could / will A. used to / could B. were obliged to / would C. seemed to / had to D. would / must E.
MODALITY TEST 2 30. the time Turkey ____ become a member of the EU, her By population ____ 85 million. A. B. C. D. E. must / has to exceed should / would exceed will / should have exceeded can / may have exceeded would / will be exceeding
MODALITY TEST 2 31. We all ____ reduce our impact on the environment, and that means more than just recycling our bottles and newspapers A. B. C. D. E. dare to appear to used to need to happened to
MODALITY TEST 2 32. The government ____ a lot of noise and making everyone awar of one thing: housing ____ to global warming significantly. A. B. C. D. E. should be creating /could / contribute will be creating / had to contribute is supposed to create / could have contributed would rather have created / used to contribute had better create / will have contributed
MODALITY TEST 2 33. Infection with a common harmless virus____ the progress of HIV and prolong the survival of AIDS patients. Papers write about such cases these days. should have slowed A. is about to slow B. is obliged to slow C. was to have slowed D. seems to slow E.
MODALITY TEST 2 34. Even if the state in the Europe of the future ____ reform and reduce itself, Europeans ____ to expect a lot from it, accord to a survey. will have to / may have continued A. could / dare to continue B. is bound to / will continue C. seems to / would be continuing D. had to / must continue E.
MODALITY TEST 2 35. With the advance of the Human Genome Project, the time is approaching when prospective parents _____ choose the gender of their babies from a range of alternative embryos. have got to A. would rather B. will seem to C. are supposed to D. will be able to E.