Modal verbs must and should Apreutes Olexandra 31
Modal verbs must and should Apreutes Olexandra 31 PE
Переклад Must Should Повинен Треба Потрібно Необхідно щось зробити
Мають єдину форму для всіх осіб та часів
Взаємозамінюються у стверджувальних, питальних та заперечних реченнях ! ? _
Значення Must Should Носить відтінок більш сильного прохання або наказу Нейтральний більш “м’який” You should be careful with this man. You must not go there. They should work hard. Your mother must see me today.
Значення You should apologize! You must apologize! Ти повинен вибачитись! Тобі слід вибачитись!
Вставте must або should Nancy said you didn't need to buy her anything for her birthday, but I really think you _____ at least get her some flowers or a nice bottle of wine. Nina said she would come over right after work, so she _____ be here by 6:00. You _____ be kidding! That can't be true. You ______ go to that party. It’s going to be really interesting. You _______ worry so much. It doesn't do you any good. Either you get the job, or you don't. If you don't, just apply for another one. Eventually, you will find work. Every time I _______ submit all the necessary documents to the embassy. You _______ go to this exhibition. It’s very useful!
- Количество слайдов: 10