Modal verb must
Must be • Can be used to say that we are sure about something because it is logically necessary. • Употребляется для выражения предположения, которое говорящий считает вполне правдоподобным ( в чём он уверен). Must в этом случае переводится должно быть, а инфинитив – глаголом в настоящем времени. • The phone is ringing. It must be Ann. ( Звонит телефон. Должно быть, это Аня. )
Who can translate these sentences? 1. Mary and her friends go camping every weekend. That must be fun. 2. Jack never goes on excursion. He must think It’s boring. 3. The student must be in the classroom. They are writing a test.
Must have been • Is used with the Perfect Infinitive for deductions about the past. • Употребляется для выражения предположения, которое относится к прошлому. Must в таких случаях переводится должно быть, вероятно, а инфинитив – глаголом в прошедшем времени. • Mary and her friends went camping last weekend. That must have been fun. (Мери и её друзья ходили в поход на прошлой неделе. Должно быть, это было весело. )
Who can translate these sentences? 1. Look! There is a crowd of people near the office. Something must have happened. 2. I waited for some time but nobody answered the phone call. Bob must have left already. 3. Jane is late. She must have missed her bus.
Must be Должно быть по отношению к настоящему He must be reading. (Он должно быть читает. ) Must have been Должно быть по отношению к прошлому He must have read the whole book. Он должно быть прочитал всю книгу. )
1. Look! Here’s the letter John wrote yesterday. He must have forgotten to post it. 2. Jane is coughing all the time. She must have caught a cold. 3. He never visits such exhibitions. He must think it’s a waste of time. 4. The boy looks so excited. Something must have happened. 5. All the students must be at the meeting. Important problems are being discussed. 6. She speaks English with a strong American accent. She must have lived in the USA for a long time. 7. Why is Peter so irritable this morning? He must have got out of bed on the wrong side again. 8. She didn’t congratulate me on my birthday. She must have forgotten about it.
Translate from Russian into English 1) Майк, вероятно, перевёл этот текст. 2) Он должен быть сейчас в библиотеке. 3) Они, должно быть, забыли послать письмо. 4) Он, вероятно, сейчас дома. 5) Вы, должно быть, оставили книгу в школе.
1) Mike must have translated this text. 2) He must be in the library now. 3) They must have forgotten to send a letter. 4) He must be at home now. 5) You must have left the book at school.
Hometask: • Exercise 52 at page 24