Modal verb.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 6
Modal verb MUST
Concrete meaning Obligation(from the speaker`s point of view) e. g. I must be back by 2 o`clock. I want to do some cleaning. In different contexts must may acquire additional shades of meaning such as duty or necessity Obligation referring to the present or future in the reported speech e. g. He said we must invite her to dinner. With the 2 D person "You" "Must" expresses an obligation which has an effect as a command e. g. You must do as you are told! e. g. You must leave now. I want to sleep.
Imperative meaning Prohibition, negative commands/only in the negative sentences e. g. You must not do it! Invitation e. g. You must come and see me somehow! You must come and have dinner with us! In asking for smb' s obligation e. g. Must I help you? Strong advice e. g. You have a problem with your heart. You must see a doctor. Order e. g. The children must go to bed. It`s late.
Suppositional meaning Supposition implying strong probability e. g. He must be ill. He looks so pale. Logical expectation e. g. They look similar they must be twins. Followed by continuous infinitive is used to express probability, almost assurance e. g. Her English is rather good she must be studying word.
Concrete Immediate obligation(additional shades) or necessity, or an obligation referring to the future/in the affirmative sentences We must begin before 5 p. m. He must move the furniture himself. Imperative Prohibition, negative commands/only in the negative sentences The little girl must nit go home alone. You must not do it! In asking for smb`s obligation Must I help you? With the 2 D person "You" "Must" Strong advice expresses an obligation which You must see a doctor has an effect as a command You must do as you are told! Order The children must go to deb. It`s late. You must leave now. I want to sleep. Probability, near certainty about the present and the past/only in statements He must be crazy. She must be so lonely! Did you always live with Bob? You must have led a quiet life! In these sentences "Must" has the same meaning as: Probably, Evidently. Obligation referring to the Invitation. present or future in the reported You must come and see me somehow! speech He said we must invite her to dinner. You must come and have dinner with us! Suppositional If we use the perfect Progressive infinitive, it indicates the process in the past It must have been raining when you left. Logical expectation They look similar they must be twins Followed by cont. infin is used to express propability, almost asuarance Her English is rather good she must be studying word
Set-phrases with must I must be going, I must be off (мне пора уходить) I must tell you that, I must say You must come…
Modal verb.pptx