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Mobilita Miloš Malaník, TNT Express Page 1
Vize 2050 - Mobilita q. WBCSD q bezpečná a nízkouhlíková doprava q. CBCSD q adekvátní dopravní infrastruktura, bezpečná a nízkouhlíková mobilita q. KDE ZAČÍT q dlouhodobá koncepce (koleje, voda, silnice) q quick win projekt Page 2
„Megatrend study“: Global trends imply significant challenges for the mobility of the 21 st century Megatrends Consequences for Mobility 1. Urbanization § 2008: 3. 3 billion people (> 50%) live in cities; 2030: 6 billion people (60% of the world‘s population) § Urbanization primarily in development and emerging nations 2. Demographic change § World population will grow from 6. 6 billion in 2007 to 9. 2 billion in 2050 § Average life expectancy will increase: 2007: 7% of the population ≥ 65 years 2050: 16% ≥ 65 years 3. Climate change Competitiveness Mobility of people and goods Environment Quality of life § 75% of the worldwide energy demand is determinated from cities § Cities are responsible for 75% of the worldwide CO 2 emissions 4. Consumer trends § Internet shopping and mobile communication § Sustainability is key selling point § Mobility is strongly influenced by global trends of the economy, society and environment § Mobility is a central driver of the competitiveness, sustainability and quality of life Sources: UN, Population Reference Bureau, World Population Data Sheet Page 3
From interventions to collaboration & complete solutions: Key levers for sustainable mobility & logistics Complete Mobility Solutions Traditional 1. 2. Modal shift Co-modality Innovations in energy efficiency § Build new and wider roads § Develop smaller cars § Penalize individual car drivers § Block entry to city centers § … § Metro systems § Rail-based mobility: § Light Rail Systems § Smart Logistics 3. § Park-and Ride § City consolidation centres § § Integrated traffic and supply chain management Smart parking systems Tolling / charging systems - breaking energy storage - light and recyclable materials § Road-based mobility: - Electric Chargeable Vehicles - Buses and Trucks - LED traffic lightning ct e je Intermodal traffic information ro ctur P Traffic and Supply chain D stru management & interference systems CS fra ve B W n In tiati a Ini rb U Page 4
Podnikatelský klastr pro dopravní urbanismus, emobilitu a logistiku měst Chceme čistá a krásná města Tradice v elektrifikaci městské hromadné dopravy Podnikatelský klastr – osvědčená struktura Platforma pro • propojení malých a středních firem s vědecko-výzkumnou základnou integraci produktů a služeb • společný marketing a obchodní aktivity • vznik inovačních projektů • získávání finanční podpory pro inovace od státu a EU Sdružujeme 20+ subjektů, spolupráce s VŠ, s obchodními komorami, s NUPHARO
Připravované projekty Smart City Dopravní urbanismus a bezpečnost E - Bus Městské logistické E-dodávka Pay. Per. Km centrum ELECTRA-CITY, o. s. Ľudovít Marcinčín mail: marcincin@electracity. cz http: //www. electra-city. cz
City selection: main criteria § Sustainability § Political leadership Size Relevance of project Sustainable development strategy in place which is anchored in the administration Defined goals in some key strategic areas § Stable political leadership committed to the sustainable development agenda § Next major municipal elections should at least be 18 months § Medium-size within country § Minimum population >200, 000 inhabitants § Project should have opportunity to create impact § City is not „front-runner“ in urban sustainability with high number of ongoing programs Page 7
Quick Win - Electra City q Čerpání zkušeností z WBCSD q Know how TNT ze zahraničí q Zkušenost TNT z CZ (elektododávka) q Možnost podpory Asociace zdravých měst q Synergie s PS Smart Cities q Založený klastr Electra City q Podpora akademické obce q Dobrá publicita q Snadná replikace Page 8
Děkuji za pozornost! Page 9
Back up slides Page 10
Challenge: The demand for mobility will constantly rise Annual growth rate of passenger traffic 2000– 2030 Annual growth rate of freight traffic 2000– 2030 Increase % 4 3 2 1 OECD Pacific OECD Europe OECD North America Eastern Europe Total Asia Africa Middle East India former Soviet Union Latin America China Passenger traffic worldwide will post an annual growth rate of 1. 6% up to 2030, while freight traffic is expected to increase by 2. 5%. * * “Mobility 2030” report compiled by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the International Energy Agency (IEA), and the CRA International Page 11
Challenge: Drastic interventions… Page 12
Vize 2050 - Mobilita Page 13
Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe
• European Project part of 7 th Framework Program – GC. SST. 2012. 1 -7 with Grant agreement 321622 • Objectives – Demonstrate how electric vehicles can be used in urban logistics to improve traffic flow and reduce the associated environmental impacts – Clarify safety, economic and technical viability of EV logistics – Provide input for further deployment of clean logistics system • Led by Westminster City Council, London • 30 Partners from the public, private and research sectors • Total budget: € 14. 2 million over 4 ½ years
• Demonstration will include: – 120 vehicles: small vans, 3. 5 tonne to large 18 tonne trucks – Different sectors: food, retail, waste, post – Public & Private organisations: local freight operators through to multi-national logistic companies – Different logistic models: consolidation centres, point to point deliveries etc – Different charging modes: fast, time-shifted, dynamic response etc
8 Demonstrator Cities • • London Amsterdam Lisbon Madrid Milan Oslo Rotterdam Stockholm Oslo Stockholm London Amsterdam Rotterdam Milan Madrid Lisbon
Consortium City + Policy Co-ordination and Dissemination Westminster Council (Co-ordinator) Hyer Polis City of Amsterdam City of Lisbon Logistics City of Madrid Research Imperial College London TNO (NL) SINTEF (NO) City of Milan ICT Partners City of Oslo City of Rotterdam City of Stockholm Swedish Transport Adm. EV Suppliers (to be confirmed) Vehicle Manufacturers* EMEL Transport for London * Renault will also support the project Grid Operators
Demonstrator Projects Rotterdam/Amsterdam • HEINEKEN: Brewing a better future by testing large Electric Vehicles in beverage distribution • TNT Express and UPS: All Electric Parcel distribution centres • Binnenstadservice: additional EV truck for consolidation centre. Stockholm • Best practice for EV logistics in new development areas • 1 st Consolidation centre for construction and mixed use • Ongoing consolidation centre development. London • Reducing charging constraints for medium-large EV fleets and roll out of larger UPS electric fleet • Expansion of EV consolidation centre to new enduser types
Demonstrator Projects Lisbon • Controlled deliveries in a historical area – positive discrimination for EVs • Mail & Municipal Waste sectors Madrid • Many carriers assessing EVs in urban logistics • Itene, SEUR, Pascual, TNT Oslo • Benchmarking EV logistics against alternative fuels and hybrid vehicles and test low temperature operation Milan • Consolidated EV logistics for pharmaceutical deliveries
Amsterdam / Rotterdam • Partners • Tests cases description – All Electric Parcel distribution centres • Objectives – Assess technical viability of large fleet and different typesof EVS for PUD Ops in major Dutch cities – Get a comprehensive cost overview (including usage of charging stations - on depot and in the city) • TNT involvement – 12 vehicles / 2 NL depots (Schiphol Rijk , Dordrecht) – Operational set up: Progressive replacement of PUD vans and truck by Electric vehicles – One local project manager (E. Van Duin) +DOM and drivers • Budget – 857. 8 K with a subsidy allowed of 441. 4 K (4. 5 years duration)
Madrid • Partners City of Madrid • Tests cases description – Many carriers assessing EVs in urban logistics • Objectives – Assess autonomy of the vehicle for PUD Ops – Get a comprehensive cost overview (including usage of charging stations - on depot and in the city) – Evaluate OPS fit & subcontractor relationship to complete a business case • TNT involvement – 1 Electric Vehicle / 2 TNT depots involved (Barajas and Getafe) – Replacement of a standard van by an electric vehicle on a regular inner city round – One local TNT project manager (F. Pintor) + subcontractors to perform PUD ops. • Budget – 78 K with a subsidy allowed of 44. 7 K (4. 5 years duration)
Timelines • FP 7 results announced August 2012 • Contract negotiations Autumn 2012 • Contract signed December 2012 • Project start January 2013 • Project delivery 2013 – 2017 • Project conclusion July 2017