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Mobile Phone Recycling system Structure and main steps in the recycling chain
• The recycling chain for e-waste consists of three main subsequent steps: • 1) collection, • 2)sorting/dismantling and pre-processing (incl. sorting, dismantling, mechanical treatment) and • 3) end-processing (incl. refining and disposal) • Recycling chain
Collection • Картинка сортировочных станций и приемных пунктов телефонов • Collection of e-waste is of crucial importance as this determines the amount of material • that is actually available for recovery
sorting/dismantling and preprocessing • The aim of dismantling and pre-processing is to liberate the materials and direct them to adequate subsequent final treatment processes. Small, highly complex electronic devices such as mobile phones, MP 3 players etc. can (after removal of the battery) also be treated directly by an end-processor to recover the metals.
end-processing After removal of the hazardous and other special components described above, the remainder of the ICT, cooling or television devices can be further separated in the material output streams by manual dismantling or mechanical shredding and (automated) sorting techniques. Fractions are usually iron, aluminium, copper, plastic etc. It is of utmost importance that the generated output streams meet the quality requirements of the feed materials for the end-processors. • • The final metals recovery from output fractions after pre-treatment takes place at three main destinations. Ferrous fractions are directed to steel plants for recovery of iron, aluminium fractions are going to aluminium smelters, while copper/lead fractions, circuit boards and other precious metals containing fractions are going to e. g. integrated metal smelters, which recover precious metals, copper and other non-ferrous metals, while isolating the hazardous substances.
integrated smelting/refining operations • Typically an integrated operation starts with a • pyrometallurgy step: mobile phones are smelted together with other materials • in a furnace or smelter at high temperatures to separate the valuable metals, while the • organic compounds are converted to energy. Thereafter, different pyrometallurgy, • hydrometallurgy and electrometallurgy unit operations are used in the most • appropriate/adequate combination to deliver an optimal recovery of materials. An example is • shown in Figure.
Table 3: Separation and dismantling criteria for e-waste
conclusion • A close interaction and communication among the participants/stakeholders in the • recycling chain is thus crucial to achieve a good overall efficiency and to be able to anticipate • future developments. Moreover, transparency, accuracy and verification of the actual flows of • materials along the recycling chain are important for all stakeholders. Authorities and • manufacturers need certainty about the actual performance of the involved recycling • operations (in achieving resource efficiency and environmental compliance), so that the legal • or producer responsibility obligations of authorities and manufacturers are fulfilled.