- Количество слайдов: 21
MLK shot, 1968 Watergate scandal, 1974 JFK shot, 1963 Kennedy, John F. 1961 -63 Johnson, Lyndon 1963 -69 Nixon, Richard 1969 -74 VIETNAM WAR, 1953 -75 The Cold War 1945 -1991 Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 Berlin Wall built 1961 1 st man on the moon, 1969 Woodstock festival, 1969
Death at Kent state • Protesting against the war was banned • 1000 students defied the ban. 4 students were killed, 10 wounded • ”Have we come to such a state in this country that a young girl has to be shot because she disagrees deeply with the actions of her government. ” Allison Krauses` father
22 nd of November, 1963 – US president, John F Kennedy shot and killed in Dallas. Malcolm X and Martin L. King Jr are assassinated in 1968 Black inner- city ghettos erupt in violence. Student protests. Flower power.
“Flower Power” A Non Violent Ideology from the late 1960 s
Things you need to know ❤ ❤ Hippies is a term used to describe some of the rebellious youth of the late 1960’s and the early 1970’s. It was a youth movement. To be hip means to be “in the know” ~ “in”. Hippie is a short word for “hip wannabes”.
❤ ❤ Flower children, flower power ~ The hippies often passed out flowers, to communicate love and peaceful solutions. Rebels ~ They tried to drop out of society by rejecting common clothes, traditions and lifestyles.
Characteristic ❤ ❤ ❤ Long hair and big beards (for the men) Self-made, colourful clothing ~ As a protest against the Western consumer culture (“buy and throw”) Free love ~ sexual orgies, threesomes ~ “Love everybody” Vegetarians Free drugs ~ Marijuana, LSD and magic mushrooms/ psychedelic shrooms.
Make love, not war! ❤ ❤ ❤ Participated in peace movements, and demonstrations against war. Anti – Vietnam War The first hippies were against homosexuality, but the acceptance grew with the culture, and when “Flower Power” became a big movement, homosexuality was accepted as a sexual preference. Free Love! John Lennon and Yoko Ono, searching for peace.
Woodstock ‘ 69 ❤ ❤ ❤ Took place in White Lake, Town of Bethel, New York, 15, 16 and 17 th of August 1969. It was planned for only 50, 000 people, but over 500, 000 showed up. “Three days of peace and music” was their slogan. Some of the artists: ❤ Joan Baez ❤ Janis Joplin ❤ Grateful Dead ❤ The Who ❤ Jimi Hendrix ❤ Creedence Clearwater Revival ❤ Melanie ❤ Joni Mitchell
Joan Baez ❤ ❤ Born in 1941. She played ukulele and guitar. As a spokeswoman for nonviolent resistance she has refused to pay taxes that increased during the war in Vietnam. Performed with 5 songs at Woodstock ’ 69 ending with “We shall overcome”.
A little bit about Janis Joplin ❤ ❤ ❤ Born in 1943. Became a flower child, and a member of a group called “Big Brother and the Holding Company” Played with drugs. Had a great career within music. Performed with 10 songs at Woodstock ’ 69, including “Piece of my Heart”. Died of an overdose of heroin, October 4, 1970. Only 27 years old.
A little bit about Jimi Hendrix ❤ ❤ ❤ James Marshall Hendrix Born in 1942 Singer, guitarist and a songwriter. He was against war, and wrote “Machine Gun” as a protest song against war. Performed with 16 songs, ending with “Hey Joe”. He died of drugs, in 1970.
MLK shot, 1968 Watergate scandal, 1974 JFK shot, 1963 Kennedy, John F. 1961 -63 Johnson, Lyndon 1963 -69 Nixon, Richard 1969 -74 VIETNAM WAR, 1954 -75 The Cold War 1945 -1991 Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 1 st man on the moon, 1969 Woodstock festival, 1969
- Nixon was a Republican - He managed to bring the American soldiers who fought in Vietnam back home. - He also managed to slow down the nuclear arms race by signing the Stragegic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) with the Russians (But in the war between Israel and the Arab countries, the USA sent weapons to Israel while the Soviet sent weapons to the Arab countries)
THE WATERGATE SCANDAL • June 17, 1972, someone broke into the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Hotel • Five men were arrested for the break-in. They had already broken in three weeks earlier, but returned to “finish off” their work, to bug the offices of the Democrats. • Nixon was suspected. He had a taperecording system in the Oval Office and taped all the conversations of the Democrats. • When the investigators asked for Nixon to hand the tapes over to them, he refused
• This case was taken to the Supreme court, and Nixon again refused to give the judges the tapes that recorded all verbal action in his office. • It became more and more clear to the United States that Nixon was hiding the fact that his men had broken into the building to try and sabotage George Mc. Govern and the Democrats in the 1972 election. • The House of Representatives voted to impeach the president in July 1974. • Nixon resigned as president in 1974 to avoid imprisonment.
Ford, Gerald 1974 -77 Carter, Jimmy 1977 -81 Reagan, Ronald 1981 -89 The Cold War 1945 -1991 Cold War tensions are renewed when The Soviet refuses to Jimmy Carter calls Russia imposes a renew the SALT the Soviet communist regime ”the Evil Empire” agreement in Afghanistan to restaure order in 1979 Bush, George H. W. 1989 -93 The Gulf War 1991 Then in 1987, M. G. and Ronald In May 1988, M. G. begins to withdraw Reagan boycottsof Russia trade Reagan sign the INF M. G. the new leader Afghanistan. Soviet with Russia Nucleartroops from Treaty). (Nuclear Force arm race wants to. Force Treaty (INF) reduce the The it costs agreeof its Signed in 1987 money Both. MIKHAIL GORBACHEV within countries a lot that because USA increasescommunist The 1991, the nuclear missiles. In following year the WAR is production of COLD Soviet over 3 years they would destroy all and cripples the political systems imposed by Stalin Then their land-based a miracle happens. Union’s economy after WWII collapses all over central His and shorter medium name is… range and eastern Europe. nuclear missiles