- Количество слайдов: 39
MKTG 3 Social Responsibility, Ethics, and the Marketing Environment CHAPTER
Environmental Scanning
Corporate Social Responsibility
LO 1 Corporate Social Responsibility
Ethical Behavior in Business
Code of Ethics LO 2
LO 3 External Marketing Environment
LO 3 Target Market
Social Factors
Component Lifestyles LO 4
LO 4 Social Factors that Affect Marketing
LO 5 Demographic Factors
LO 5 Current Demographic Trends
LO 6 Growing Ethnic Markets
LO 6 Marketing to Hispanic Americans
LO 6 Marketing to African Americans
LO 6 Marketing to Asian Americans
Economic Factors LO 7
Consumers’ Incomes LO 7
The Financial Power of Women LO 7
Purchasing Power LO 7
Economic Environment
Inflation LO 7
Business Cycles
Recession LO 7
Recession Marketing Strategies LO 7
Research Pure research that aims to confirm an existing theory or to learn more about a concept phenomenon. An attempt to develop new or improved products
Technological Factors LO 8
Technological Factors LO 8
Political and Legal Factors LO 9
Competitive Factors LO 10
Developing a Competitive Strategy 3. How should we compete? 2. If so, in what markets should we compete? 1. Should we compete?
Types of Competition Direct • Nike Vs Reebok • Vs Adidas
Types of Competition Direct Indirect Mc. Donalds vs. Pizza Hut vs. Arby’s vs. Chinese takeout
Types of Competition Direct Indirect General (Budget) Competing for the same dollars
Competitive Factors LO 10
LO 10 Political and Legal Environment Mature Industries Slow Growth / No Growth