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MITOMED PROJECT REGIONAL GAP AND SWOT ANALYSES – Review Session Institute of Agriculture and MITOMED PROJECT REGIONAL GAP AND SWOT ANALYSES – Review Session Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Croatia, Istria County MITOMED Second Meeting Girona, 15 -16 January 2015

Overview • we have done the secondary research about the economic and environmental issues Overview • we have done the secondary research about the economic and environmental issues – for suggestion of indicators • consultations with different stakeholders - collection of information about economic, social & cultural and environmental indicators • due to the evident lack of information needed for the list of indicators we conducted survey with tourists the questionnaires from ETIS were used for this purpose • total we collected 1400 questionnaires – on registered 121 beaches in Istria County MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

SWOT ANALYSIS of M&C destinations of the region Istria County Strengths • cleanliness of SWOT ANALYSIS of M&C destinations of the region Istria County Strengths • cleanliness of sea and beaches • beauty of the landscape • safety on beaches • coastline length • spatial versatility • well-organized bike trails • enough water and organized system of water supply MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

SWOT ANALYSIS of M&C destinations of the region Istria County Weaknesses • absence of SWOT ANALYSIS of M&C destinations of the region Istria County Weaknesses • absence of a strategy for beach management • lack of cooperation between the local community and concessionaires • beach facilities • bureaucratic procedure • permit for beach improvement • spatial plans for beaches • insufficient investment • excessive number of tourists • concession Law (politics) • non-transparency in allocation of concession approvals MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

SWOT ANALYSIS of M&C destinations of the region Istria County Opportunities • sea bathing SWOT ANALYSIS of M&C destinations of the region Istria County Opportunities • sea bathing water quality in Istria is in category of excellent • beach spatial planning • beach concession holders are aware of the importance of beach maintenance and beach users are requiring optimal conditions. - this need is raising each year • quality management • concession policy • optimal management model • strategic management (destination management functions) • regulations on beaches • development of additional beach areas • the percentage of PAs is relatively high in comparison to European average (6%) enabling Istrian region to develop as an ecological destination MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

SWOT ANALYSIS of M&C destinations of the region Istria County Threats • • concessions SWOT ANALYSIS of M&C destinations of the region Istria County Threats • • concessions and concession approvals maritime property limited space per bather interdepartmental collaboration offer availability absence of integral planning (beaches - accommodation) commercial activities on PAs are limited due to strict protection policy • most of the beds are in campsites and households accomodation, only a minor part of beds are in hotels and resorts MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Economic – Destination Management No. 1 2 Indicator Indicators testing of the Istria County Economic – Destination Management No. 1 2 Indicator Percentage of the destination with a sustainable tourism strategy/action plan, with agreed monitoring, development control and evaluation arrangement Feasibility Relevance for Istria partially Percentage of visitors No / rank that are satisfied with (survey, not their overall experience every year) in the destination Yes Value/Data Reference Only about 20% of local selfgovernment units in Croatia Study of the Institute of has a tourism in strategy/action Zagreb. plan defining the tourism development issues The level of TOMAS ljeto satisfaction of 2007: stavovi i visitors with potrošnja turista their overall u Istri, experience in Prezentacija, the Istrian Zagreb: Institut destination is za turizam, str. highly ranked. 29 MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Economic – Destination Management and Economic Value No. Indicators testing of the Istria County Economic – Destination Management and Economic Value No. 3. 4. Indicator Feasibili Relevance ty for Istria Percentage of tourism enterprises/establishments in the destination using a voluntary verified certification/labelling for environmental/quality/sust ainability and/or CSR measures*. No Relative contribution of tourism to the destination's partially economy (% GDP) No Yes Value/Data Reference ? No available data. Ministry of tourism, 16, 5 for Croatia Tourism in (2013 numbers 2013 preliminary (source: data) Croatian National Bank) MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Economic – Economic Value No. 5. 6. Indicator Indicators testing of the Istria County Economic – Economic Value No. 5. 6. Indicator Average length of stay of tourists (nights) Number of tourist nights per month Feasibility Relevance for Istria Value/Data Reference for RH yes, for Istria periodically 5, 2 (2013 for Croatia) Ministry of tourism Yes Jan 2013 - 44. 834; Feb 2013 - 65. 843; Mar 2013 - 221. 371; Apr 2013 - 486. 017; May 2013 - 1. 472. 281; Jun 2013 - 2. 724. 152; Jul 2013 - 6. 383. 143 Aug 2013 – 7. 251. 018; Sep 2013 – 2, 816, 127; Istria Tourist Oct 2013 - 393. 284; Yes Bord, Nov 2013 – 93. 948; www. istra. hr Dec 2013 – 79. 401; Jan 2014 – 56. 383; Feb 2014 – 66. 675; Mar 2014 – 155 -689; Apr 2014 - 606. 080; May 2014 – 1. 131. 860; Jun 2014 – 3. 195. 497; MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015 Jul 2014 - 5. 934. 455;

Indicators testing of the Istria County Economic – Economic Value No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance Indicators testing of the Istria County Economic – Economic Value No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria 7 Occupancy rate in commercial for RH yes, accommodation per for Istria no month and average for the year 8 Direct tourism employment as percentage of total employment per month Yes Value/Data Reference Yes Currently this This indicator is data is available calculated as for Republic of total number of Croatia. For 2013 tourist nights/( the data is as number of beds x following: number of days January 8. 3, in a month) * February 12. 8, 100, so it is March 9. 5, April possible to 11. 8, May 23. 5, calculate the June 34. 4, July indicator for Istria 67. 2, August County. 74. 5, September Source: Croatian 32. 7, October Bureau of 14. 1, November Statistics 11. 2, December 11. 6 Yes 5, 9 -6, 3% (in the period of 20092013) Sektorska analiza, Ekonomski institut Zagreb MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Economic – Economic Value No. 9 10 Indicator Indicators testing of the Istria County Economic – Economic Value No. 9 10 Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria Daily spending per tourist (accommodation, periodically food and drinks, other services) Number of incoming and outgoing passengers per port partially Value/Data Reference No TSA Institut for 58 euro (2010 - tourism, Tomas for Croatia) Institute for Tourism No Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Traffic in 30244 (national Seaports, level) monthly reports, http: //www. dzs. hr MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Social & Cultural Impact No. 11 12 Indicator Indicators testing of the Istria County Social & Cultural Impact No. 11 12 Indicator Number of beds available in commercial visitor accommodation per 100 residents Full time, part time and seasonal employment per sector Feasibility Relevance for Istria Yes Yes Value/Data Reference 114, 32 beds per 100 DZS: Tourism in residents (2013: numbers 2013. - 237. 843 permanent Croatian Bureau beds in Istria; of Statistics, 208. 055 residents) www. dzs. hr For Croatia level- 2010. On national level, according to Anketa o radnoj survey made on snazi, 2010 employees in (Profil sektora, Croatia, employees Agencija za enjoy the relative strukovno safety of the obrazovanje i contracts of indefinite obrazovanje duration (79. 4%), odraslih), DZS, 13. 5% specific, HZZ seasonal (6. 2%), occasionally (0. 9%). MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Social & Cultural Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance Indicators testing of the Istria County Social & Cultural Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria 13 Number of tourists per 100 residents Yes 14 Number of second/rental homes per 100 homes No Value/Data Reference 1535, 93 tourists (arrivals) per Istrian Tourist Board: 100 residents (2013: http: //www. istra. Yes 3. 195. 564 hr/. app/upl_files tourist arrivals in /Istra_2013 Istria; 208. 055 2007. pdf residents) For Istria County (2011): (102. 108/(22. 96 6+7. 050))*100= 431, 36 Census 2011. , (102. 108 No www. dzs. hr number of homes in total; 22. 966 number of second homes; 7. 050 rental homes) MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Social & Cultural Impact No. 15 Indicator Percentage Indicators testing of the Istria County Social & Cultural Impact No. 15 Indicator Percentage of visitor attractions that are accessible to people with disabilities and/or participating in recognized accessibility schemes. Feasibility Relevance for Istria No Yes Value/Data Reference 48% Istria for Disabled, publishers: Istria Region and Croatia Union of Associations of Persons with Disabilities SOIH, 2012. http: //www. istraistria. hr/index. p hp? id=3547 MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Social & Cultural Impact No. 16 Indicator Percentage Indicators testing of the Istria County Social & Cultural Impact No. 16 Indicator Percentage of the destination covered by a policy or plan that protects cultural heritage Relevanc Feasibility e for Istria No No Value/Data Reference The whole destination is covered by legal protection. There is in total 481 cultural heritage objects in Istria, under the different categories of protection (421 Republic of permanently protected, 53 Croatia, preventively protected and 7 Ministry of of national importance). The Culture - share of protected cultural The Cultural heritage in the destination Heritage compared to the total Register number of cultural heritage in Croatia is 5, 43%. In the destination, there is very high percent (16, 66%) of total number of heritage of national interest! MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Social & Cultural Impact and Environmental Impact No. Indicators testing of the Istria County Social & Cultural Impact and Environmental Impact No. 17 18 Indicator Average wage in tourism for women compared to men’s employment Feasibility Relevance for Istria Yes (for Croatia) Percentage of tourists and same day visitors using different modes of Yes (survey) transport to arrive at the destination (public/private and type) Yes Value/Data Reference Average neto wage in accomodation and hospitality is = 4819 kn FINA/DZS, (2014) In Moj posao, tourism men http: //www. mojhave 20% posao. net/ higher salary than women (ie; women have a 16% lower pay than men) TOMAS ljeto By car: 56, 6%; 2007: stavovi i by camper/ potrošnja turista trailer: 27, 3; by u Istri, bus: 7, 2%; by Prezentacija, plane: 6, 7%; by Zagreb: Institut other means: za turizam, str. 2, 2%. 20. MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria 19 Percentage of destination (area in km 2) that is designated for protection Yes 20 Percentage of destination covered by a biodiversity management and monitoring plan. Yes Value/Data Reference 35 PAs or 7. 4 % of total Istrian area is under Public Institution protection. 22 Natura Histrica PAs are http: //www. natur involved also in a-histrica. hr/ NATURA 2000 Network. 1 out of 34 PA (3%) has Public Institution officially Natura Histrica approved http: //www. natur Management a-histrica. hr/ Plan. MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. 21 22 Indicator Waste volume Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. 21 22 Indicator Waste volume produced by destination (tonnes per resident per year or per month) Volume of waste recycled (percent or per resident per year) Feasibility Relevance for Istria ? ? Value/Data Reference Yes Croatian 0, 049519 Environment t/year/resident Agency - (2012) Annual Official Report for 2012 Yes Croatian Environment Agency - Annual Official Report for 2013 5, 18% MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria 23 Fresh water consumption per tourist night compared to general population water consumption person night No Yes 24 Energy consumption per tourist night compared to general population energy consumption person night No Yes Value/Data Reference Koncepcijsko rješenje sustava For Istria javne County (2013): vodoopskrbe u 107 l/per dolini Mirne capita/day; (2014), 231 l/per interview: tourist/day Istarski vodovod, Poreč No available data. MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria 25 Kms of cycling routes (versus tot kms of roads) Yes 26 Level of contamination per 100 ml (faecal coliforms, campylobacter) Yes Value/Data Reference County Office for Roads Istria County, 1. 423. 761/2989, 05 www. zuc=476, 33 pazin. hr; Bina 2. 989, 05/1. 423. 761 istra, www. bina= 0, 0021 istra. com, www. bikeistra. com ≤ 150 cfu E. coli/100 ml; ≤ 100 cfu intestinal enterococci according to the http: //baltazar. iz “standards for or. hr/plazepub/k assessment of akvoca_detalji 1 0 bathing water quality at the end of bathing season and for three preceding bathing seasons MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. 27 28 Indicator Number of Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. 27 28 Indicator Number of berths and moorings for recreational boating Number of blueflags Feasibility Relevance for Istria partially Yes No Yes Value/Data Reference The County of Istria, Administrative department for 16940 (national sustainable level) development, Department for Maritime Affairs, Traffic and Infrastructure In 2014 43 for the beaches and 3 for marinas IRTA www. istra. hr MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria 29 Area and volume of sand nourishment No 30 Tot Kms of beaches (and kms of beaches with bathing establishments and free beaches) Yes Value/Data Reference In the last years several beaches (cca 100) in Istria do the nourishment. It is done with gravel There is no from local quarries, official data, river gravel or present Yes imported sand. It is information has done during winter been collected months each year. from beaches Quantities depend concession on beach location holders and seasonal meteo local community conditions. managers Sea bathing water quality in Croatia, Istra County Yes 72, 1 km http: //baltazar. iz or. hr/plazepub/k akvoca_detalji 1 0 MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator Feasibility Relevance for Istria Value/Data 31 Water quality in tourist harbours/marinas No Yes No available dana for all 32 % of beaches accessible to all Yes Reference 100% accessible % of electric energy generated by renewable sources. partially Yes HROTE: http: //files. hrote. Croatia: 3, 47% hr/files/PDF/OIE (2013) IK/GI_2013_OI Ei. K_web. pdf MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator n. of days in Indicators testing of the Istria County Environmental Impact No. Indicator n. of days in which the CO 2 threshold is trespassed; Feasibility Relevance for Istria No ? Value/Data Reference CO 2 emission thresholds is not defined (? ) and CO 2 emission is not monitored in Istria since 2002. The only parameter that is monitored is CO 2 emission on sources (chimneys, etc. ). There is one source (Rockwool) that is monitored. But CO emission is measured on 2 sites on daily basis and its average year level in 2013 was 1, 34 mg/m 3 (threshold is 10 mg/m 3). MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Indicators testing - GAP ANALYSIS: Overview of initial findings • According to indicator list Indicators testing - GAP ANALYSIS: Overview of initial findings • According to indicator list (N=34), there are 14 indicators feasible for Istria, 13 are not feasible and 7 are partially feasible. All of them are very relevant for coastal Istria but majority of them are measured/used on national level. • Majority of information are from national level and the key conclusion concerning current situation is that for Istria region information are relied on surveys and estimations. • It is important if take into consideration goals of Strategy for development of tourism until 2020 which are for Istria County focused on: a) Sun and sea – as primary products b) Nautical tourism Yachting - as secondary product c) Nautical tourism Cruising – as tertiary product • knowledge gap is evident on national level and on level of Istria area – in a terms of cooperation and coordination among different institution MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Regional good practices • Hotel Laguna Parentium – Poreč üis situated on a quiet Regional good practices • Hotel Laguna Parentium – Poreč üis situated on a quiet peninsula of the Zelena Laguna holiday resort about 5 km from the center of Poreč. üIn the hotel's surroundings there are terraces for sun-bathing, an outdoor swimming pool with saltwater, a high pine trees' shaded promenade, well arranged rocky and pebbly beaches üThe beach of Hotel Parentium got the European Blue Flag reward - an International reward for beaches which meet high standards in safety and sea-water quality. There is also a well-equipped yacht harbour ü 268 rooms of which, 23 rooms for people with disabilities; 2014 - 89. 199 overnights MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Hotel Laguna Parentium – Poreč MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015 Hotel Laguna Parentium – Poreč MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

Regional good practices • National Park Brijuni - The Educational Underwater Trail üis the Regional good practices • National Park Brijuni - The Educational Underwater Trail üis the only national park in Istria, consisted by 14 islands and covering the area of 34 km 2 üopened in the 2013 - it is the only such educational trail in Croatia and one of few in Europe üthe approximately 500 meters long trail is not particularly demanding - it has been designed to appeal to users of all ages who can swim and use a diving mask and the snorkel üaimed at protecting the flora and the fauna of the marine world and preventing any damage inflicted on the sea creatures and hydro-archaeological sites, the educational underwater trail tour is carried out exclusively in small group sizes MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

National Park Brijuni - The Educational Underwater Trail MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 National Park Brijuni - The Educational Underwater Trail MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015

MITOMED PROJECT Thank you for your attention! IPTPO MITOMED team MITOMED Second Meeting – MITOMED PROJECT Thank you for your attention! IPTPO MITOMED team MITOMED Second Meeting – Girona 15/16 January 2015