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Mission To create affordable housing for veterans and surviving spouses during transition into civilian life. To prevent suicide, substance abuse and homelessness through peer support.
Founders Monica Lovato - 2004 Space Command Airman of the Year - President of Airman's Advisory Council and Founder of MADD Crew (Make A Difference Crew) - Chief Operating Officer of The Garold C. Brown Family Partnership (2008 -2015). Oversaw A Family Discount Storage (18 locations in Tucson), Cool Box Portable Storage (serving 21 major cities in 6 states, Clovis Apartment Group (3 apartment complexes and industrial park), Seneca Terrace (apartment complex in Tucson), Tucson Casitas Group (85 town homes in Tucson & Vista View Resort (Senior Housing Community in Sierra Vista) Ryan Lovato - First Airman at F. E. Warren to be certify/maintain certifications in all Law Enforcement and Security positions including being the Area Supervisor for a 32 acre WSA. - Currently Owner of Adaptive Firearms Institute, Disruptive Paintball/Airsoft Field & Disruptive Products Inc.
Why We Are Doing This 22 Veterans take their lives each day. After leaving active duty, the support system and the camaraderie they once knew is gone. This is something only a veteran can understand. When I separated I had a family to go home to and a plan, but others who just experienced hell, come back very broken. They then rejoin civilian life and the life they once knew is just NOT THE SAME. Having an apartment complex that caters to those separating from the military will help them slowly integrate back into civilian life. Through peer support I feel we can help each other prevent suicide, substance abuse & homelessness. Recently, I found out that a Sergeant I worked for tried to kill himself. He was lucky to find a program in time to turn his life around. There are good programs out there to help but Veterans need help finding them. I want to spread awareness and let veterans know that there are other veterans who care about them and want to see them succeed.
The G. I. Inn Concept The G. I. Inn’s concept provides much more than housing. It Promotes: - Camaraderie - Builds Self-Esteem & Self-Value - Brings Together The Community - Restores Neglected Properties Back To Life - Promotes Entrepreneurship
Camaraderie Definition: Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. Living At The G. I. Inn: - Gives a veteran a sense of comfort that they are surrounded by Veterans who have their back. - Knowing that your neighbor, may understand what you are going though or experienced something the similar, and wants to help. - Gives a veteran and opportunity to help others and by helping others they actually help themselves heal.
Builds Self Esteem and self value - Veterans will be able to help with the remodeling and up keep of the G. I. Inn to offset some rent costs and other services. - Veterans will be given the opportunity to learn a trade that they can possibly use as a profession. - Promotes team work and accountability - Helps veterans feel that they can contribute to a greater good - Builds their confidence back
Brings Together The Community - Gives opportunities for those who are not veterans to give their time to help those who gave up so much to protect our country - Promotes Patriotism
Restores Neglected Properties Back to Life - Renovates older (possible historic) buildings into something reusable - Increases property values
Promotes Entrepreneurship - The American Dream - Franchise Model
Plan Private Investors/ Government Institutions Purchase older yet turnkey motels/hotels/apartments and lease with interest/profit to Non-Profit. They obtain ownership rights of the property at all times. Property Value Increases Non-Profit will now repay Private Investors/ Government Institutions rent. Non-Profit fills rooms with Veterans and their families who are in need a housing. Non-Profit obtains fund to offset operating costs through government grants and subsidies, and the acceptance of Hud Vash Coupons. Non-Profit also asks the Public for private donations Non-Profit will franchise this model to others who would like to purchase older/turnkey motels/hotels/apartments and lease with interest/profit to Non. Profit. Non-Profit Volunteers, suppliers, and resident Veterans maintain and renovate the property and make improvements. Non-Profit now is producing a positive income and can hire staff to expand this concept. With multiple locations, Non-Profit is now more popular and private donations increase. Non-profit can sell T-shirts and other promo products to spread the vision and goals to increase revenue. They are able to serve more veterans and therefore obtain more government funding to offset operation costs.
How To Obtain Revenue - Accept HUD Vash Vouchers - Charge veterans who have income a reasonable rate - Accept donations from the public to offset a veteran’s cost
The Motel Redwood Lodge - Office w/living quarters, community room and kitchen, 24 Studio Rooms & one bedroom home on 1. 7 ac -Masonry Foundation - Has Private Well - Passed Environmental Study in 2011 - Property Appraised at $750, 000 in 2010 - 3. 7 Miles from Tucson VA Hospital - Has Bus Stop Directly In Front of Hotel - In very quite area. Butted up next to KOA RV camp ground, nothing to the east of property - Can be easily Gated - Received in writing From Asst. Planning Manager we can turn into apartments if we choose to and not require a new certificate of occupancy. Existing permits can be used. 3 -
Monthly Reoccurring Charges Expenses Monthly Cost Resident Manager Salary (plus Room And Board) $800 Utilities @ 100% occupancy $4327. 32 Insurance $300 Operating Supplies $800 499 K Loan @ 5% 15 years (RENT) $3946. 06 Total $10173. 38
Cash Flow 100% Occ. 75% Occ. 50% Occ. Revenue $15, 200 $11, 400 $7, 600 Expenses $10, 173. 38 Cash Flow $5, 026. 62 $1, 226. 62 -$2, 573. 38
Spreadsheet 30 x 17 27 X 12 27 X 14 27 X 14 15 X 20 F 15 X 18 F 15 X 18 F 15 X 10 F 15 X 18 F 15 X 24 F FT FT T T T T 1500 510 SF 324 SF 378 SF 378 SF 300 SF 270 SF 270 SF 150 SF 270 SF 360 SF SF 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 BD QUEEN QUEEN QUEEN QUEEN QUEEN 1 KING QUEEN HOUSE 26 25 24 23 (O) 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 (O) 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 KITCHEN GOOD FAIR FAIR NO NO NO NO GOOD MONTHLY 700 650 650 650 625 600 600 550 550 550 600 1000 15725 MONTHLY MAX HUD PAYS 520 520 520 520 520 520 1000 13480 HE CAN WORK OFF THE TRA RENT IF THEY HAVE O INCOME OR DONATIONS N BE USE TO OFFSET THE FFERENCE FROM RENTS WHAT HUD VASH PAYS) 100% 75% 50% PLUS DONATIONS EXPENSES MONT HLY REVEN E 15200 11400 7600 MONT HLY ( WE WILL GET A MANA GER WHO DOEN’ ST NEED INCOM E MORE OF SO WANTI
Milestones Non-Profit needs to obtain a Loan from a Banking Institution or Venture Capital Company for $499, 000. ( Totals the Cost of Motel Plus about 25% in escrow account to cover improvements) -or. Crowdfunding. Where your investment would give you a specified percentage of ownership in the Property which will allow you to receive that same percentage back on rental income. In actuality, you will be getting all your investment back plus 5% at the end of 15 years. After 15 years and the “loan“ is paid back, you will still have ownership of the property and continue to receive your percentage of the rental income.
Contact If you are interested in learning more about how we can make this vision into a reality please contact Monica at MLovato 1504@gmail. com www. giinn. org