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Mission 7: Information Communication Technology Pondicherry: Big computer hardware production centre as visualized by the CM When most of the states of India are busy in the IT enabled services, it would be the right approach for the Pondicherry to take up the IT Hardware Collaborative development and production • • Cell phones and mobile devices Handheld computers Convergent Multimedia PCs Smart Card Production Centre for telephones, ID Card www. presidentofindia. nic. in
Mission 8: Tourism • Global Cultural linkages • Heritage Architecture • French food - French connection • Spiritual solace • Festival Celebration • Sea side environment • Handicrafts • Education and human values • World class Health Care • Present Tourist – 2002 Thrust + Additional Infrastructure+ Training Unique selling propositions Foreign - 20000 Indian - 4, 80, 000 Target – 2009 Foreign - 1, 000 Indian - 10, 000 International Business Centre www. presidentofindia. nic. in
Mission 8: Health Tourism India is a preferred destination for health care from many countries, because of cost effective treatment and human touch. • We have world class facilities for heart surgery, eye care, neurosurgery. • Large number of foreigners use India as a favoured destination for affordable and quality medical care. • This also encompasses the traditional medicine systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani as well as health care systems such as Yoga, meditation. • Work towards making Pondicherry a preferred destination • Encourage private participation in the health care industry. www. presidentofindia. nic. in
Mission 9: Fisheries and Aquaculture • Satellite observations to locate upwelling and to identify the fish rich area – boats fitted with simple satellite image receivers • Deep sea fishing, on the ship processing, storage and marketing at sea through high sea sale • Aqua culture in tanks and farms – Produce protein rich fish, better returns to farmers www. presidentofindia. nic. in
Mission 10: Value added Garment Industry • Collaborative Venture with Other States – Tamilnadu • Promote Fashion Design through the CAD/CAM • Create niche markets for French Fashion • Modernization and Upstream integration of existing textile industry • Create allied spin-off industries in SSI Sector www. presidentofindia. nic. in
Employment Generation for Pondicherry ENTREPRENEURSHIP MISSIONS (Employment) Human Resource In Pondicherry 1. • Training • Marketing • Business Proposal sh i er ar tn al P st ri du Employment Generation 1 Lakh In 1 Lakh Unemployed Youth & Farm workers Artisans ns tio t itu en st m In e y nag s em a cu ad th M Fo Ac Wi p 5000 Students Graduates every year + From Schools 15, 000 Literacy, Education and Health (2000) 2. PURA (18, 000) 3. Waste Land Development (20, 000) 4. Intensive Commercial Agriculture (20, 000) 5. Integrated Water Resource management (10, 000) 6. Renewable Energies 7. ICT (5, 000) 8. Tourism (10, 000) 9. Aqua Culture (10, 000) 10. Value added Garment industry(5000) Banks/Financial Institutions www. presidentofindia. nic. in Sustained GDP Growth
TEN Missions for Pondicherry 1. 100% literacy for all and Health Care for through Medical Insurance. 2. Establishing 7 PURA clusters (P 3, K-2, M-1, Y-1). 3. Waste Land Development – 20, 000 acres leading to 15000 tonnes of bio-fuel per annum. 4. Total self sufficiency in milk and dairy products, vegetables, fruits, poultry through intensive Commercial Agriculture. 5. Sustainable Water Resource management and arresting further penetration of salinity and setting up of small desalination plants with renewable energies. 6. Establishment of 100 mega watt (VLS-PV) solar power stations, 6 Bio-fuel production plants each of 2500 tonnes per year capacity and 7 units each of six megawatt municipal waste based power plants Renewable Energies. 7. ICT business alone has to generate revenue of Rs. 500 crores. 8. Thrust in infrastructure for doubling of our tourist arrival and increasing the foreign tourist visits by a factor of five. 9. Aqua Culture and deep sea fishing added with high sea sales should lead to the target of Rs. 300 crores business per year through a collaborative programme. 10. Establishing value added Garment industry with an export target of Rs. 1000 crores. www. presidentofindia. nic. in
Political Will Knowledge NATURAL RESOURCES • Vast Coastline • Minerals • Biodiversity MISSIONS Education Value Addition Water Food, Health & Social Security DEVELOPED Power HUMAN RESOURCES • Traditional Knowledge • Knowledge Intensive Org. • Services REGIONS Infrastructure LEADING TO Employment Technology C I V I L I S A T I O N A L H E R I TA G E MISSIONS TRANSFORM REGIONS TOWARDS PROSPERITY Generation Rural Prosperity Plans, attracting investment & Funds www. presidentofindia. nic. in DEVELOPED INDIA 2020