Minskiy institute of management. Theme: Lomonosov Moscow State University. Group 120501 -c Anastasiya Molochko
The main building of m. Su
More than 40 000 students (graduate and postgraduate) and about 7 000 undergraduates study at the university, and over 5 000 specialists do the refresher course here. More than 6 000 professors and lecturers, and about 5 000 researchers work for the faculties and research institutes. Every year Moscow University enrolls about 4 000 international students and postgraduates from all over the world.
Moscow University campus is an extremely complex system, with its 1 000 m 2 floor area in 1 000 buildings and structures, with its 8 dormitories housing over 12 000 students and 300 km of 12 000 300 utility lines.
MOSCOW UNIVERSITY , 000 ks 9, o bo 55, 0 00 r eade rs a ye ar
Questions: • • • Lomonosov Moscow State University was established in 1755, wasn’t it? Who signed the decree stating the foundation of university in Moscow? How many faculties were there originally in MSU according to Lomonosov‘s plan? Was tuition originally free for everybody or only for poor students? Does the University retains its role of a major center of education and research as well as an important cultural center nowadays? Why Moscow State University is a major traditional educational institution in Russian Federation? I wonder if MSU has any links (cooperation agreements) with other universities. Did the first Russian Science Park appeared at MSU? What is the role of the University publishing house? It is interesting to know how Moscow university campus can be described.