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I. NUCLEAR POWER PROGRAMME IN VIETNAM Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 2
Orientation of NP Development Planning Orientation on Nuclear Power Development in Vietnam up to 2030 2020: 1 st nuclear power unit of 1, 000 MW 2025: - High case: 8, 000 MW (7% domestic capacity) - Low case: 4, 000 MW (4. 4% domestic capacity) Ky Xuan (Ha Tinh) Duc Thang (Quang Ngai) Duc Chanh (Quang Ngai) Hoai My (Binh Dinh) Xuan Phuong (Phu Yen) Binh Tien (Ninh Thuan) Vinh Hai (Ninh Thuan) 2030: - High case: 15, 000 MW (10% domestic capacity) - Low case: 10, 000 MW (8% domestic capacity) Phuoc Dinh (Ninh Thuan) Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 3
State Steering Committee of the Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Project Chairman: Deputy Prime Minister Office of the State Steering Committee (MOIT) Subcommittee on Nuclear Security and Safety (MOST) • Subcommittee on Nuclear Reactor Tech. , Nuclear Fuel and Rad. Waste (MOST) Deputy Chairmen: Minister of MOIT (permanent); MOST; MOC; Chairman of Ninh Thuan People’s Committee; of Committee of Sci. , Tech. & Environ. (National Assembly) Subcommittee on Training and Public Information, Communication (MOST) Subcommittee on Construction (MOC) Subcommittee on Localization and Supporting Industries (MOIT) The detailed responsibilities & tasks of subcommittees are provided in the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 93/QĐ-TTg dated Jan. 17, 2011. Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 4
Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Projects • Ninh Thuan 1: Phuoc Dinh – 2 x 1, 000 MWe • Ninh Thuan 2: Vinh Hai – 2 x 1, 000 MWe • COD: – Ninh Thuan 1: 2020 -2021 – Ninh Thuan 2: 2021 -2022 • Investment Owner: EVN • Technology: Advanced & proven (LWR) • Cooling: Sea water • Fuel: Imported Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 5
Current Progress Ø 10/2010: Official signing of the Vietnam-Russia agreement on the construction of Ninh Thuan 1 NPP Ø 10/2010: Vietnam Government decided to construct Ninh Thuan 2 NPP with Japan Ø 09/2011: Official signing of the EVN-JAPC (Japan) Consulting Contract of 18 months on Site Approval Dossier Development & FS of the Ninh Thuan 2 NPP (Cost: 26 mil. USD, financed by Japanese Government) Ø 11/2011: Official signing of the EVN-Consortium of E 4 Group (Russia), JSC KIEP (Energoproject), LLC EPT Consulting Contract of 18 months on Site Approval Dossier Development & FS of the Ninh Thuan 1 NPP (financed by Russian Government) Ø 11/2011: Official signing of Vietnam-Russia Agreement on credit support by Russian Federation for the construction of Ninh Thuan 1 NPP Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 6
Workforce Needed • Utility - Staff for 1 plant (2 x 1000 MWe) • ~ 1, 200 (Russia) • ~ 1000 (IAEA) • Regulatory Body (VARANS) • Up to 2015: ~ 180 • Up to 2020: ~ 300 • TSO (VINATOM) • Management (VAEA) • Up to 2015: ~ 50 • Up to 2020: ~ 100 Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 7
II. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF ATOMIC ENERGY IN VIETNAM Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 8
HRD Strategy 1. Domestic education and training • Higher education: – Education for nuclear energy research and application (non -power application) – Education in nuclear engineering to be fully established with priority and concentration. This needs IAEA and bilateral close cooperation (support by TC projects). • Training at VAEI, VARANS, EVN. 2. Overseas Education and Training • IAEA: TC projects • Bilateral cooperations with Russia, Japan and other countries. • By EPC contract with vendors. Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 9
National Planning for HRD • Approved: 8/2010 • Total Investment: 3, 000 bil. VND (~150 mil. USD) • For nuclear power projects: Ø Each year: 240 engineers, bachelors, 35 masters and Ph. Ds (including 20 foreign-trained engineers, bachelors, 15 masters and Ph. Ds) Ø Up to 2020: 2, 400 engineers, 350 masters and Ph. D specialized in nuclear power (including 200 engineers, 150 masters and Ph. D trained abroad) • For other applications of atomic energy: Ø Each year: 65 engineers and bachelors, 35 masters and Ph. Ds (including 30 foreign-trained engineers, bachelors, 17 masters and Ph. Ds) Ø Up to 2020: 650 engineers, 250 masters, Ph. Ds (including 150 engineers, 100 masters and Ph. Ds trained abroad) Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 10
National Steering Committee Ø Chairman: Deputy Prime Minister Ø Permanent Deputy Chairman: Minister of Education and Training Ø Members: – Deputy Ministers of Science and Technology; Industry and Trade; Agriculture and Rural Development; Health; Finance; Planning and Investment; Internal Affairs – CEO of EVN Ø Direction Board of the National Planning (established: 8/2011) – Head: Deputy Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 11
Principal institutions of the Planning HUST (Hanoi) • Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Environmental Physics HUS (Hanoi) • Department of Nuclear Physics • Nuclear Engineering Course EPU (Hanoi) • Nuclear Power Division DLU (Da Lat) • Nuclear Engineering Department: Starts to enrol students from academic year 2012 -2013 HCMUS (HCM City) VINATOM • Department of Nuclear Physics • Nuclear Engineering Faculty will be operated from 2012 • Nuclear Training Centre (Hanoi) • Research Reactor at Nuclear Research Institute (Da Lat) Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 12
Distribution of specialities HUST • Nuclear techniques • Nuclear reactor engineering HUS • Nuclear physics • Applications of radiation & radio-isotopes EPU • Nuclear power • I&C for NPP DLU • Nuclear physics • Nuclear techniques HCMUS VINATOM • Nuclear physics • Radioactive waste management • Training Centre for Technicians in Operation of NPP Project Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 13
Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) • School of Nuclear Engineering & Environmental Physics (SNEEP) – Enrolment: ~ 20 undergraduate students/year – Teaching staff: 18 (1 Ass. Prof. , 2 Ph. Ds) – Engineer programme (5 years): • Nuclear Power Engineering • Nuclear Applied Engineering • Other schools, faculties: Chemical Engineering SCE; Electrical Engineering SEE; Material Science and Technology FMST; Engineering Physics SEP; Heat Engineering and Refrigeration Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 14
Hanoi University of Science (HUS) • Department of Nuclear Physics: – Teaching staff: 4 Assoc. Profs, 2 Ph. D, 5 Masters – Laboratories: Electrostatic Accelerator (Pelletron 5 SDH-2), gamma spectrometry, experimental & advanced nuclear physics, nuclear electronics, data processing, elementary particle physics, sample preparation • BSc Programmes: – Nuclear Physics: ~ 20 students/year (from 2012: 50 students/year) – Nuclear Technology: ~ 40 students/year – Radiochemistry: ~ 10 students/year • Field of research: Particle Physics; Nuclear Structure; Environment Analysis and Radiation Safety; Nuclear Fuel; Nuclear Reactor Safety Analysis; Nuclear Reaction Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 15
Electric Power University (EPU) • Nuclear Power Division: – 58 students in nuclear engineering in 2010 -2011 (after 1 st year: top 3 have been sent to Russia) – Second group of in 2011 -2012 • Education scheme: – Domestic: 4. 5 years + 1 year of internship – Foreign cooperation (Russia, Czech, Japan): First 2 years in EPU (basic training, foreign language), last 2 years abroad, diploma will be issued by both EPU and its foreign partners. • Planned laboratories: – Nuclear physics and radiation safety: being deployed and will be lectured in the coming academic year – Advanced nuclear physics – Simulation system of NPPs – Critical assembly. Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 16
Da Lat University (DLU) • Faculties: Mathematics, Physics (nuclear physics: 5 -10 students/year), Chemistry (radiochemistry), Biology (radiobiology), Environmental Science, . . . • Nuclear Engineering Department: – Established in 2011 – First enrolment: 2012 -2013 – Curriculum (Bachelor of engineering): 4. 5 year, 150 credits (1 credit = 15 lecture hours/30 lab hours with 3 selective professional module: • Nuclear reactor engineering and Nuclear energy • Radio-environmental monitoring and control • Applied nuclear engineering – Teaching staff: 01 Assoc. Prof. (radiochemistry), 4 Ph. Ds (3 in nuclear physics, 1 in radiobiology) Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 17
Ho Chi Minh University of Science (HCMUS) • Department of Nuclear Physics: 20 -40 students/year (BSc prog. of 4 years), 25 -30 Master students/year, 1 -2 Ph. D students/year • Teaching staff: 26 (3 Professors, 4 Ph. Ds, 7 are studying abroad for Ph. D and Master degrees) • Nuclear Engineering Programme: – Start from 2012 – Specialities: • Nuclear energy and power • Medical physics • Nuclear engineering • Laboratories (4): Basic radiation, advanced lab, nuclear electronic Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 18
Current Progress Ø 03/2010: MOET-ROSATOM Memorandum of Understanding on the plan of professional training in atomic energy industry Ø 04/2011: MOET-EVN Cooperation Agreement on human resource for nuclear power Ø 10/2011: Mo. U on the cooperation to establish the Atomic Energy Information Center supported by ROSATOM (located in HUST & operation from 04/2012) Ø Students trained abroad: Ø 2010: 29 students had been appointed to oversea study in Russia, specialized in “nuclear power plant – design, operation and technique” Ø 2011: 48 students were enrolled and sent to Rusia for studying atomic energy industry; Ø To continue the negotiation to send 18 applicants to Rusia for studying Master and Ph. D Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 19
HRD Plan for EVN • Total turns of staff received training: 376 turns – Local training: 215 turns – Oversea training: 161 turns, in Russian Federation, Japan, France, Republic of Korea… • Plan: – Recruitment of personnel from thermal and hydraulic power plants for the Management Board of the Ninh Thuan NPP Project (NPB). – Formulating project "Training of Human Resources for Nuclear Power Plant Projects in Ninh Thuan Province": Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 20
HRD Plan for MOST Ø MOST: Establishing a plan to send staffs of VARANS, VINATOM, VAEA to study in Russia, Japan. Ø 2011: 16 VARANS staffs study on basic nuclear power in Japan (JNES) Ø 2012: Some groups to study NPP technology (VVER 1000), legal documents composition, PI, etc. Ø VINATOM: Planning of personnel demand/needs for VINATOM (R&D and TSO), VARANS and VAEA. Ø VAEA: Ø Study on human resources demand/needs for nuclear power Ø Study education nuclear engineering programme Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 21
Challenges (1) Ø Human resources needed of the nuclear power programme: Quantity, quality, distribution of specialities Ø For establishing legislative & regulatory framework: 42 legal documents to be promulgated up to 2013 Ø For technology assessment & licensing Ø For implementing projects Ø Policies for human resources of the nuclear power programme: • Policies for students to study in Vietnam and overseas • Policies for trainers and staffs in nuclear energy organizations • Incentive/Attractive measures foreign /Vietnamese nuclear experts Ø Coordination between main stakeholders Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 22
Challenges (2) Ø Standard educational programme for training engineers/specialists: Ø Syllabus, curriculum: Content, textbook, reference materials, distribution of teaching hours (lecture/practice/experiment) Ø Laboratories & Equipments: For demonstration of physics phenomena, experiments, research activities Ø Teaching staff: Quantity, quality, distribution of specialities Ø Education & training for technicians & elementary workers, including criteria for selection Ø Nuclear Training Centre (full-scope simulator, training programme, quality & quantity of training staff) Ø Post-Fukushima public acceptance Ø Nuclear knowledge management Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh, Present Status HRD for NP Programme in Vietnam, Daejeon, November 2011 23
Thank you for your attention! Nguyen Thi Yen Ninh Vietnam Atomic Energy Agency 113 Tran Duy Hung Street, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: +84 -4 -38263251 Email address: ntyninh@most. gov. vn 24