Ministry of science and education, youth and sports of Ukraine Sevastopol National Technical University "Navigations and Safety of Navigation" chair Presentation work by discipline "English language" on a subject: "Lifejackets" Executed: student of group ES-21 d Voskoboynikov B. V. Checked: senior teacher Monortsyk N. S. Sevastopol – 2013
Lifejackets is made of rubberized fabric of orange color. It is put on through the head, covering it behind as a collar. The main internal volume of a bib is located on a breast that provides the correct position of a body of the person in water.
It is filled either air (being self-inflated), or polyfoam. The mass of a lifejackets with a bag and belts of 1, 3 kg, positive buoyancy of 16 - 18 kg.
The lifejacket is intended for deduction of weight of a body on a water surface, and the arrangement of respiratory organs of the person has to be above a surface of the water on 12 cm. The main characteristic of lifejacket is its buoyancy.
According to the rules of SOLAS, lifejacket has to be completed with a whistle, reflecting tapes and a flashing beacon.
Life jackets are distributed between all persons on a vessel, additional vests are stored in places of execution of watches - on the bridge, in a radio cabin and in an engine room.
Lifejacket is the main personal life-saving appliances. Only correct lifejacket maintenance in emergency will help to save the life.
Thank you for your attention!