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Ministry of Mines Sustainable Development of Natural Resource’s Project Mes Aynak Archaeological Project’s Update September 2012 1
Overview of the Archaeological project to date 1. Security / Health and Safety 2. International and local Staff 3. Work Plan 4. Logistical Support provided by the PMU 5. Vehicles, machinery and equipment 6. Accommodation and Catering 7. Co-ordination 8. Public Relations 9. Aims and issues for August Presented by Waheed Qaderi 2
Security More then 1700 police officer with 86 active check post points covers the entire security of the area Ø Road travel for internationals is by armored cars Ø Internationals issued with personal local VHF radios Ø 3 Sat phones provided for vehicles to and from Mes Aynak and to have on site Ø Ø Personal Emergency contact cards issued to internationals Security alerts being provided for travel in Kabul 3
Security (cont. ) Ø Requests made to mobile operators to urgently provide a phone signal on the site. Ø Progress made for safe rooms at the Camp and blast shelters on site 4
PMU support to International and local staff Ø 26 international staff on site Ø New recruits : 4 national ( Logistics Officer, Logistics assistant and 2 Heavy machinery operators ) all due on site by last week of Sept 2012 Ø 19 Graduates and 4 Academy of Science Staff Ø Afghan Field officer , Field Officer assistant and Storekeeper recruited and are currently on site Ø PMU to increase Internationals by 26 to 40 on 6 month contracts and local workers to 450 from 350 Ø International Senior Archaeologist, Chef and camp cleaner being employed as numbers increase. 5
PMU support to overall programme Ø PMU spent $X in the last 6 weeks on Archaeological requests Ø PMU spent $x on improving the Afghan Camps facilities for the international staff I. Accommodation Increased capacity of Internet III. Kitchen Staff are inducted upon arrival to avoid having to leave Mes Aynak on a working day II. Ø 6
PMU support to machinery and vehicles Ø PMU spent $X in the last 6 weeks on Archaeologist’s requests for equipment Ø PMU spent $x on improving the Afghan Camps facilities for the international staff Ø Local, professional and international staff are being paid on time Ø Visa and work permits are being obtained in 3 weeks down from 7 weeks Ø International staff are now inducted upon arrival in Kabul to avoid having to leave Mes Aynak on working days 7
PMU logistical support to accommodation Ø Existing accommodation for internationals increased to 48 rooms from 24 rooms. Ø 4 containers to provide an office, store, laundry and TV room have arrived and connected in Afghan Camp Ø Kitchen facility adjacent to dining room vacated by MCC – but removed all of the kitchen equipment. The existing Kitchen will be shifted to the big Kitchen space made by MCC Ø Repairs being made to existing accommodation at PMU expense. MCC is not providing timely assistance or action 8
PMU logistical support to accommodation Ø Existing accommodation for 32 Afghan staff is full. No room for Afghan guests. Ø Graduates and drivers are living 10 to a room with no AC, separate office, recreational or dining facilities, but now due to having decrease in number of national graduates Ø 3 showers and 6 drop toilets are inadequate for the staff and the subject of daily complaints Ø Kitchen facilities are poor - open store with no windows or door Ø Repairs are being made to existing accommodation. MCC will not provide timely assistance. 9
PMU co-ordination Ø Efforts to regularly meet with Mo. CI / DAFA / USAID / PMU management and the archaeological management staff in Kabul Ø Guy is now holding a weekly co-ordination meeting of Mo. CI / PMU archaeologists on site 10
PMU PR Sophie Barry and Elissa Bogos began filming archaeologists on site at Mes Aynak – 3 visits including overnight trip and visit to relocation village A 2 minute short film has been completed for viewing The RFP for the Afghan Production Company is complete and will be sent out this week Met with Deputy Minister Durrani, Phillipe Marquis, Wahid Qaderi and PMU team More trip to Mes Aynak next week for interviews on site with Afghan and international archaeologists, deminers and police commander Build and maintain video and photographic archive Plan and set up interview schedule 11
Mes Aynak issues to discuss for August Ø Increase internationals to 40 for 6 months Ø Reduce number of Afghan Graduates and improve accommodation and living facilities Ø Fit our internationals kitchen and refurbish existing kitchen to give to Afghan staff Ø Ø Ø Appoint two 3 D scanning firms 12