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LAW ON THE Mo. I CHIEF DIRECTORATE FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL PROTECTION - Mo. LAW ON THE Mo. I CHIEF DIRECTORATE FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL PROTECTION - Mo. I With the amendments to the Law on the Ministry of Interior (promulg. Official Gazette No 88 of 9 November 2010) the Chief Directorate Fire Safety and Rescue and the Chief Directorate Civil Protection were integrated in a new structure Chief Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection. According to the art. 52 g of the Law on the Mo. I the tasks of the integrated CD FSCP are: „(1) The Chief Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection is a national specialized structure of the Mo. I for ensuring fire safety, rescue and protection in case of disasters under the terms and provisions of this Law and the Disaster Protection Law”.

CHIEF DIRECTORATE FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL PROTECTION - Mo. I Implements: • Prevention and CHIEF DIRECTORATE FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL PROTECTION - Mo. I Implements: • Prevention and control; fire distinguishing and state antifire control, rescue activities; • Authorization and control activities of traders operating in fire safety in premises and / or operation of facilities and equipment related to fire safety; • Authorization and control activity of products for fire extinguishinh in regards to their effectiveness; • Emergency rescue and recovery activities, operational protection in case of floods and search and rescue operations; • CBRN protection in case of incidents and accidents with dangerous substances and materials and mitigation of ecological incidents;

 • Early warning and announcement in case of disasters and aerial danger of • Early warning and announcement in case of disasters and aerial danger of the executive authorities and the population; • Protection of the population in case of “wartime” or “emergency situation” in compliance with the Geneva Conventions; • Assistance in the activities of the Interagency Commission for recovery and relief to the Council of Ministers; • Methodical and expert support for disaster protection to the territorial executive authorities; • Operational cooperation with the EU and NATO structures and other international organizations in the field of fire safety and protection of the population, humanitarian aid and civil-military emergency planning.

MAIN ACTIVITIES FIREFIGHTING ACTIVITY INCLUDES: • immediate dispatching of personnel and equipment in case MAIN ACTIVITIES FIREFIGHTING ACTIVITY INCLUDES: • immediate dispatching of personnel and equipment in case of received fire information; • situation analysis and assessment; • determination of methods, ways and means of firefighting; • development of fire liquidation plans; • fires restraint and liquidation.

Rescue activities cover: • Immediate deployment of forces and equipment in case of fires, Rescue activities cover: • Immediate deployment of forces and equipment in case of fires, disasters and emergency situations; • Analysis and assessment of the situation; • Rescue people and property; • Render first aid to the victims; • Organizing the transportation of injured to the hospitals.

EMERGENCY PLANNING Main part of prevention is the adequate emergency planning. CD FSCP elaborates EMERGENCY PLANNING Main part of prevention is the adequate emergency planning. CD FSCP elaborates National disaster protection plan, which includes plans in case of: - Floods - Earthquakes - Winter storms and ice sliding - Oil products spill - Fires - Industrial incidents - Radiological incidents - Biological contamination.

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION CD FSCP realizes an active cooperation with international, regional and bilateral organizations. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION CD FSCP realizes an active cooperation with international, regional and bilateral organizations. - European union – PROCIV working group to the Council of the EU, Emergency responsible center of DG ECHO, DG HOME, Civil Protection Committee to the EC - Council of Europe – European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA) -NATO – Civil emergency planning committee, Civil Protection Group, and Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) - UN –UN OCHA, UN ISDR -Organization for prohibition of chemical weapons. - Bilateral agreements.

NATO Cooperation • In cooperation with the representative of the Ministry of Interior in NATO Cooperation • In cooperation with the representative of the Ministry of Interior in the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Bulgaria in NATO, CD FSCP coordinates and participates in the work of the Committee for Civil Emergency Planning (CEPC) and the Group of Civil Protection (CPG); • Participation in the political-military NATO exercise in crisis management (CMX) in collaboration with the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs; • CD FSCP as part of the structure of the Ministry of Interior has qualified and trained civilian experts in the field of civil protection and rapid emergency response and declares willingness after 2014 to provide employees stabilization and restoration of NATO.

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION CD FSCP has 3 registered modules (Medium urban search and rescue – INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION CD FSCP has 3 registered modules (Medium urban search and rescue – MUSAR, Module for search and rescue in contaminated area – SAR in CBRN and Ground forest fires fighting module (GFFF), to the European Commission, for urgent operations outside the territory of the state, the EU and in third countries.

INTERNATIONAL EXERCISES Since 2004 Bulgaria took part in numerous practical field exercises of European INTERNATIONAL EXERCISES Since 2004 Bulgaria took part in numerous practical field exercises of European Union and NATO: 2004 – EUDREX in Austria 2006 – EU TACOM SEE – hosted in Bulgaria 2007 – NATO IDASSA in Croatia 2008 – EU HUROMEX in Hungary and Romania 2009 – EU DANUBIUS in Romania 2010 – EU EVROS in Greece, NATO IZMIR in Turkey 2011 – EU MODEX in Germany; NATO CODRII in Moldova 2013 – EU MODEX in Montana, Bulgaria 2013 – EU TARANIS in Salsburg, Austria

INTERNATIONAL FIRE AND RESCUE ACTIVITIES Serbia – april 2004 г. Bus Crash in River INTERNATIONAL FIRE AND RESCUE ACTIVITIES Serbia – april 2004 г. Bus Crash in River Lim Greece augustseptember 2007 г. Forest fire Turkey – 2004 г. – SAR operation after sinking of HERA Russia - august 2010 г. – forest fire Turkey - august 1999 г. earthquake Iran, Bam - december – 2003 г. - earthquake Israel – december 2010 г. – forest fire

NOC In the National operations center (NOC) of CD FSCP-Mo. I information from ministries, NOC In the National operations center (NOC) of CD FSCP-Mo. I information from ministries, agencies, regional administrations and units of CD FSCP is collected regarding: • Disasters and emergencies within and outside the territory of the state (earthquakes, floods, stormy winds and of the natural and man-made). • Potential hazards for various disasters (monitoring). • Status of risky and potentially dangerous facilities on the territory of the state. • Level of radiation (for the state and NPP Kozloduy). • Status of dams on the territory of the state. • Water level and status of Danube river. • Status and level of contamination of the environment. • Meteorological situation and forecasts. • Status of the road system and infrastructure in case of disaster.

24/7 Po. C Situation center of CD FSCP – Mo. I is a point 24/7 Po. C Situation center of CD FSCP – Mo. I is a point of contact with: - Monitoring and Information Center (MIC) DG Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO) Situation center of the Council of the EU (SITCEN) DG Internal affairs (DG HOME) - Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) - UN Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE) - Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Initiative for SEE (DPPI SEE) Civil-Military Emergency Planning Council (CMEP) (for protection of the critical infrastructure)

AEROSPACE MONITORING CENTER (AMC) The National Operations Center maintains constant contact with the Aerospace AEROSPACE MONITORING CENTER (AMC) The National Operations Center maintains constant contact with the Aerospace monitoring center as the information for the disasters, weather forecasts and etc. is sent to all regional structures of CD FSCP, regional governors, mayors, energy delivering plants, and all bodies of local and executive authorities responsible for the rescue and recovery activities. AMC is a point of contact for applying of the Project for Global monitoring of the environment and security of EC in the part of Response in emergencies.

CENTER FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Montana Main functions: • Training of rescuers for professional qualification CENTER FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Montana Main functions: • Training of rescuers for professional qualification “Rescuer in case of disasters, accidents and catastrophes” / license № 200512276/ from 2005; • Specialized training on radiation protection / license serial ОЕ, № 02464 / from 06. 2008/; • Training on external programs; International NATO CBRN Programme • Organizing and conducting of regional, national and international exercises; • Conducting methodological activities.

NATO Cooperation As part of a network of training centers NATO CBRN training center NATO Cooperation As part of a network of training centers NATO CBRN training center GD FSCP in Montana hosted two international courses for instructors of first responders under the Program for nuclear, chemical and biological protection (CBRN). This year, to be held the third course in October. Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria supports training center GD FSCP with external speakers system and sanitary preparation (DECON XII) to conduct the practical exercises; (KFOR) to allies to support the training of security forces in Kosovo (CCK) in the field of civil protection, disaster response and fire safety in the Student Center CD FSCP - Interior in Montana was held a course on "Rescue operations in automobile accidents" in October 2011 for members of security forces in Kosovo, because of the geographical proximity of our country to Kosovo and our commitment as a member state EU and NATO to contribute to stability in the region, Bulgaria decided to continue the training of security forces in Kosovo.

STRATEGY Volunteers According to the integral indicator that takes into account the average number STRATEGY Volunteers According to the integral indicator that takes into account the average number of volunteers per 1, 000, Bulgaria ranks 27 among 30 countries according to the International Association of Fire and Rescue Service (CTIF). To reach the average level of security is necessary to increase the number of firefighters and rescuers, the most effective and economically viable is to make it through the development of effective voluntary units in the municipalities. To achieve these goals, and the revival of volunteering was developed and adopted Development Strategy voluntary units for disaster protection, fire and other emergencies on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, which has a range of action 2012 - 2020 г.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! CHIEF DIRECTORATE FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL PROTECTION – Mo. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! CHIEF DIRECTORATE FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL PROTECTION – Mo. I 171 A Pirotska Str. , Sofia 1309, Bulgaria Tel. : +359. 2. 982. 12. 52; Fax: +359. 2. 822. 01. 53; E-mail: nspab@mvr. bg