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Ministry of Industry and Trade and Labor Office of the Chief Scientist Dr. Shaul Freireich Deputy Chief Scientist July 2010
Expenditure on Civilian R&D as a percent of the GDP in Israel and in OECD Countries 2008 5 4 3 2 1 3. 6 3. 4 3. 2 2. 7 2. 5 2. 3 2. 2 2. 1 2. 0 1. 9 1. 8 1. 6 1. 4 1. 1 1. 0 0. 90. 7 In ain d G ia re ec e Sw. Isra ed el Fi en nl a Ja nd pa Sw K n itz ore G er a er la m n Ic an d el y an D U d en SA m Fr ark a N Be nc et lg e he iu rla m A nd us s tr ia N U or K C wa an y a C da A hi us na t N B ral ew ra ia Ze zil al an Ita d R ly us Spsia 0 Source: OECD and Israel CBS
Scientists & Technicians per 10, 000 Workers
LEGAL BASIS R&D Law Directives of the Director General Regulations& Procedures O. C. S circulars International Cooperative Agreements
Encouragement of Industrial and Development Law 1984 Objectives • Development of Science Based Industries Based on Technological Infrastructure and Existing Human Resources. • Enhance the Benefit of R&D to the Economy Beyond the Direct Benefit to the Developer. • Improve Israel’s Balance of Payments Through the Manufacture and Export of High-Tech Products. • Creation of Job Opportunities and Absorption of Scientific and Technical Manpower.
Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) • Policy – R&D Law, Directives, Procedures. • Programs – R&D Fund, “Magnet”, “Incubators”, “Tnufa” etc’. • Proposals –(Projects)- Proposal and Evaluation.
Activities of the O. C. S. Chief Scientist Activities in Israel Support for Industrial R&D Magneton Nofar Technological Incubators Tenufa International Activities Bi-National Funds U. S, Canada, Singapore, South Korea European Union Programs FP -7. Eureka , Eurostars Bi-National Agreements India, Italy, China, Germany France and many more
International Cooperation(1) Bi-National Funds for Industrial R&D • Existing Funds Ø BIRDF Ø CIIRDF Ø SIIRD Ø KORIL-RDF § Essentials: Israel-United States Israel-Canada Israel-Singapore Israel-South Korea A pair of companies from the two countries may make a joint application to the directorate of the fund for a R&D grant. Grants: Up to 50% of the approved budget. Obligation to pay royalties.
International Cooperation(2) Agreement for Parallel Support for R&D • Objective: – Support Joint Programs – The approval process & grant payment is carried out by each governmental support agenciy. – Final approval is conditioned on approval by each country. § Existing Agreements: India France Portugal Holland Spain Sweden Ireland Germany Italy China Finland Hong-Kong Grants: Generally 50% of the approved budget. Obligation to pay royalties.
International Cooperation(3) • Associated State in the FP 7. • Member in Eureka & Eurostars. • Member in AAL (Ambient Assistant Living), Galileo and other EU programs. • Observer status in CERN.
International Cooperation(4) EUREKA PROGRAM • European inter-governmental framework for 40 R&D national programs directed to support industrial innovation. • Approves yearly 300 industrial R&D projects with total budget of € 1. 5 B. Ü Israeli companies participate in 40 cooperation projects a year – more than 10% of total activity. • Israel was elected to chairmanship in 2010 -2011.
Examples Foreign Companies investing in Israel U. S. Europe Microsoft SAP Intel Phillips Medical IBM Siemens GE Health Nestle Johnson & Johnson Danone Perrigo Ferrig Hewlett Packard Vilmorin Asia LG Group Samsung Sun Pharma. Jain Irrigation Sony Acer Computers Toyo Ink
Policy – Some Dilammas • Should the Government take a more active role? (e. g. : providing preference to certain sectors? ) • How to promote both foreign & local investments? • What about traditional industries & unemployment?
OCS Grants by technological sectors 2009
OCS Annual Budget (million $) by funds
International cooperation in OCS(M$) 2009
R&D Indirect Support. • Tax Relief • All R&D expenses are tax deductible over a three year period. Under section 20 a of Income Tax Ordinance, for OCS approved project, R&D expenses are fully deductible in the year in which they were incurred.
Technological Incubators Pre-Seed & Seed R&D q 2009 Budget – NIS 186 M ( 50 M$). q A framework for nascent companies to develop their innovative technological ideas into start-ups that can attract private investors. q Suitable facilities for R&D activity & administrative and logistic support to projects. q 24 Incubators; 8 -10 projects in each: Grants up to 85%.
MAGNET Generic R&D q 2009 Budget – NIS 225 M ( 61 M$). q Supports consortia of industrial companies and academic institutions. q Target: jointly develop generic, pre competitive technologies or dissemination existing new technologies. q The technology cannot be acquired from commercial sources at competitive prices. q Grants of up to 66% - royalty free.
Principal steps in relation to project proposals • Submission. • Evaluation. • Decision. • Monitoring. • Audit.
R&D GRANT Requirements • Technological Innovation • Export Potential • Management Ability Grants are usually 30 -50% In designated development areas, additional 10 -25% R&D GRANTS Terms and Conditions: Obligation to Pay Royalties (up to 100% of grant)
Evaluation possibilities • One or two-stage evaluation. • A single or a group of evaluators. (Peer Review). • Site visit or remote evaluation. • A committee decision (considerations )or a priority list ( “automatic” process).
Formulating the evaluation
Procedures Working program for the Technical Evaluator • • • Functions of the evaluator. Functions of the Section Head. Evaluation of the Proposal. Presentation of opinion to the Section Head. The Section Head’s presentation to the Research Committee. • Decision. • Auditing the project while in process and upon completion.
Extend of Evaluation work at OCS • Approximately 2000 evaluations in all programs. • Evaluators participate in ca. 60 committee meetings. • 70 evaluators, all on special contract.
Last remark Before I came here I was confused about this subject. Having listened to your lecture, I am still confused, but on a higher level. Enrico Fermi ( Nobel Prize 1938)