- Количество слайдов: 7
MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA www. mvzt. gov. si, e: gp. mvzt@gov. si Kotnikova 38, 1000 Ljubljana p: 01 478 4600, f: 01 478 4719 STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA www. stat. si, e: info. stat@gov. si Vožarski pot 12, 1000 Ljubljana p: 01 2415 104, f: 01 2415 344 KLASIUS KLA S I US 29. 6. 2009 - classification - system of - education and - training 1
KLASIUS • adopted in 2006 – Decree on the introduction and use of classification system of education and training (by government) – Methodological explanations of classification system of education and training (by statistical office) • 2 classifications / parts – KLASIUS-SRV (segment-level-kind) – part, that could be used for NQF – KLASIUS-P (field) STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA 29. 6. 2009 MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2
KLASIUS • used as a national standard – for recording, collecting, handling, analysing, reporting, demonstrating – statistically-analytical data – in official / administrative data collections, statistical surveys, statistical registers • assuring consistency of data • connecting evidences plus information systems and processes • non-statistical use: education, labour market, EU orientation (e. g. Europass), personnel policy STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA 29. 6. 2009 MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 3
KLASIUS – SRV (3 segments) 1. REGULAR SCHOOL EDUCATION 2. CERTIFICATE SYSTEM OF NATIONAL VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATION • • qualifications for certain professions publicly valid document 3. SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION • • supplementing, deepening, broadening knowledge, skills and abilities confirmation / certificate STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA 29. 6. 2009 MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 4
KLASIUS – SRV 1 (8 levels of education) 1. First stage of basic education / Incomplete basic education 2. Second stage of basic education / Basic education 3. Short-term vocational upper secondary education 4. Vocational upper secondary education 5. Technical and general upper secondary education STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA 29. 6. 2009 MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 5
KLASIUS – SRV 1 (8 levels of education) 6. FIRST CYCLE of higher education 6/1 Short term higher and higher vocational education (short cycle higher education) 6/2 First cycle of higher education and professional higher (former) education 7. SECOND CYLCE of higher education • specialization after professional higher education (former) • academic higher education (former) • master’s education (2 nd Bologna cycle) 8. THIRD CYCLE of higher education 8/1 education leading to ‘magisterij’ of science (including specialization after academic higher education) (former) 8/2 education leading to doctorate of science STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA 29. 6. 2009 MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 6
KLASIUS Implementation is too slow – not realizing its importance – tardy informatization of evidences in education system – no uniform state starting-points – is a specific and complex task – absence of adequate personnel Nevertheless / aims – abolishing administrative obstacles – public administration being effective – detailed regulation for support STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA 29. 6. 2009 MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 7