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MINISTRY OF HEALTH REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Towards Total Sanitation in Indonesia Presentation to 2 nd South Asia Conference on Sanitation, Islamabad, September 2006
Republic of Indonesia Population: 215 m with 57% in villages Geography: 17, 000 islands over 5000 kms Socio-Economy: GDP per capita US$3, 700; <30 million (17. 8%) below poverty line Religion: Muslim(88%), Christian (8%), Hindu, Buddhist, others (4%) Culture: More than 300 ethnic groups; 580 languages and dialects; national language Bahasa Indonesia
MDG challenge §Access to rural sanitation 38% (69% access rural water) §After 20 years 74 m people not covered, especially poor (2004 JMP) §MDG target: 69% by 2015 (annually 3. 7 m people over 10 years) To halve proportion of rural people without access to sanitation needs MORE THAN 200 YEARS at current rate
Why such slow progress? 1. Poor not reached by projects ¡ Failure of hardware subsidies/credit approaches (eg WSLIC-2 revolving funds had <10% coverage change) ¡ Community power structures mean same h/hs get aid 2. No scale up strategy in place ¡ target few households, not total community 3. Poor sustainability of infrastructure ¡ No ownership by users (abandoned/unused toilets) ¡ Revolving credit loans not repaid or revolved ¡ Imposed ideas (teaching, coercion, in-kind donations)
Village Luk, Sumbawa: who benefits? Toilet part-funded by WSLIC-2 Project revolving credit in 2004 Abandoned toilet from 1996 ESWS Project
Story of CLTS in Indonesia (1) Mid 2004: Review of WSLIC 2 recommends overhaul of rural sanitation approaches Sep 2004: Feasibility assessment for CLTS in Indonesia Nov 2004: Exposure visits to Bangladesh and India Feb 2005: GOI decides to trial CLTS in 2 RWSS projects May 2005: Vietnam study tour to IDE’s Sanitation Market Development May 2005: CLTS field trials launched in 12 villages (8 districts). 1 st batch of villages at each site achieves ODF and 100% access in 2 weeks-3 months (6400 h/hs) Sept 2006: CLTS spread spontaneously across provinces to almost 100 communities, resulting in 72 open-defecation-free (ODF) communities and 3 whole ODF sub-districts.
Story of CLTS in Indonesia (2) Aug 2006: Minister for Health declares CLTS as national approach for rural sanitation programs in Dept of Health (lead agency) Sept 2006: WSLIC 2 (WB) replacing revolving credit with CLTS approach (WB) 2006: CWSH (ADB) project adopted CLTS as entry point in 20 districts Jan 2007: PAMSIMAS (WB) has $10 m for CLTS & 10 m for sanitation marketing for 109 districts in 15 provinces 2007: Pro-Air (GTZ) adopting CLTS in 4 districts in one of poorest provinces Breaking news…. GATES Foundation given $2 m for scaling up CTLS in Indonesia during 2006 -2008
What have we learnt? ¡ ¡ New approaches are required to achieve significant improvements in rural sanitation as required to meet the MDGs. Faster and more effective response and more community initiative for CLTS in areas untouched by projects with hardware/cash/credit subsidies Results change mindsets – local government skeptical at first and now very motivated to adopt CLTS after seeing results. National operational strategy is needed for scaling up and donor harmonisation for no-subsidy approach
Moving forward…. Challenges How to generate demand build local supply capacity for sanitation sustainably for poor and non-poor ¡ How to ensure consistency of approaches (harmonisation) in scaling up rural sanitation at district and provincial level ¡ How to build local commitment and capacity in scaling up CLTS during 2007 -2011 in 15 provinces Responses ¡ ¡ ¡ Dept. Health establishing multisectoral Technical Team for widespread scaling up for CLTS Min. Planning funding a Workshop in November to develop National Rural Sanitation Operational Strategy and build national multistakeholder/ partner consensus PAMSIMAS program will conduct advocacy and capacity building with local governments & politicians in 15 provinces PAMSIMAS also providing complementary support for sanitation supply chain capacity development and marketing (PAMSIMAS)
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