Развитие акуш. науки. Орган..ppt
- Количество слайдов: 48
Ministry of Health of Republic of Kazakhstan State medical university . town Chair of : Obstetrics and Gynecology Course : 4 Specialty : Common medicine Development of obstetrical science at historic aspect. Organization of female Health protection ac Republic of Kazakhstan Deontology at Obstetrics and gynecology. Lecturer: Antonova G. A r
Obstetrics studies the changes , performing at the woman’s organism due to conception, duration of pregnancy. Labour and postpartum period and changes from physiological duration these processes, prophylaxis , diagnostic and treatment of changes at woman’s organism, fetus and newborn.
Accoucher- Help in labour
Gynecology studies the normal specific activity of female organism and diseases, connected with anatomo- physiological particularity of women, its prophylaxis and treatment.
womanis -Gyne
Departments of obstetrics 1. Physiology and pathology of pregnancy 2. Physiology and pathology of labour and postpartum period 3. Surgical obstetrics 4. Physiology and pathology of fetus and newborn
Aim of obstetrical – gynecological help – protection of reproductive health women for possibility of fertilization, wearing of pregnancy delivery of healthy children.
Types of establishments of obstetricalgynecological profile 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Doctor- assistant point Female doctor’s ambulatory Based female consultation Maternity home Perinatal center National center of obstetrics , gynecology and perinatology National scientific center of motherhood and childhood
Doctor assistant – obstetrical point – the primary before doctor medical entetit for rendering of help for village’s civilians performing detection of pregnant women, control of health condition of pregnant women, It makes choosing of pregnant women, puerpera’s, supervision of gynecological patients and educational work on family planning.
Family doctor’s ambulatory (fda) – The mane medical establishment of primary medic- sanitary help. It is establishment of the first doctor’s contact of patient, who came for help. Its establishment makes the first doctor’s medical and prophylaxis help for teenager’s, pregnant women, parturient’s, puerpera’s, gynecological patient’s.
Based female consultation Is the specialized establishment on rendering of ambulatory- obstetrical – gynecological help for population.
Maternity home , maternity department of central district hospital’s , town’s and district region’s. • There are establishments for rendering of qualified ’ doctor’s help, stationary obstetricgynecological help for female population. There is territory principle but patient has right to choose maternity home or department.
Perinatal center – Is consultative, or and organizationmethodic and educational establishment for rendering of high qualified , specialized help for agriculter’s and town’s civilians in a rung of town or region.
Republic scietific center of obstetrics, gynecolgy and perinatology. Is the leading establishment for rendering of medical- prophylactic help and make perfect obstetric- gynecological help at Republic of Kazakhstan.
National scientific center of motherhood and childhood Is the leading establishment for rendering of high qualified medical help at the region of protection health of mother and child at Republic of Kazakhstan.
Levels of rendering of perinatal help at RK. • It is improvement of perinatal help quality due to rational using particularity of modern system of help in labor. • Spreading of protected motherhood and childhood according to 3 levels of rendering help at the every different region of RK.
The first level of perinatal help. • Establishments renders the qualified medical help for women with absence of pregnancy and labor complications at the term more than 37 weeks.
The second level. • Establishment renders qualified and specialized help for women with not complicated pregnancy and labor and preterm labor at the term of pregnancy more than 32 weeks.
The 3 level. • Establishment renders specialized medical help for pregnant women with high risk of perinatal pathology, complicated labor, preterm labor at the term of pregnancy less than 32 weeks and for newborns for rendering of specialized help.
Departments of Obstetrics 1. Physiology and pathology and of pregnancy 2. Physiology and pathology of labor and postpartum period 3. Surgical obstetrics 4. Physiology and pathology of fetus and newborn
Methods of examination in obstetrics an d gynecology 1. Common methods in medicine 2. Special methods of examination
Pregnancy (graviditas) • Pregnancy is physiological process in organism of woman in which from fertilized egg fetus is developing
• Pregnancy is connected with hormonal , physiological and pathological changes in woman’s organism, that have a significant influence on all organism and system. These changes have influence on the present extragenital diseases and condition of woman’s health.
Establishment of pregnancy presence at reproductive health is very important because of necessity of adequate tactic of management.
Aim of pregnancy diagnostic • Establishment of pregnancy fact • Detection of pregnancy term • Decision of question of possibility pregnancy wearing.
Diagnostic of pregnancy Signs of pregnancy 1. Doubtful signs 2. Possible signs 3. Exact signs
Развитие акуш. науки. Орган..ppt