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MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF KAZAKHSTAN SEMEY STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Topic: Jaundice Prepared by: 2 nd Course student of 201 group Faculty of Public Health Kadyrhanova Zhadyra Checked by: Orazgalyeva B. O. Semey - 2013
PLAN: I. Introduction II. The main part 1) Jaundice. Types of jaundice 2) Of neonatal jaundice 3) Treatment III. Conclusion IV. Literature
The liver plays a vital role in the intermediate metabolism, and excretion in the removal of toxic substances The main functions of the liver: Carbohydrate metabolism: o gluconeogenesis o Synthesis and breakdown of glycogen Lipid metabolism: o Synthesis of fatty acids o Synthesis and excretion of cholesterol o Lipoprotein synthesis o Ketogenesis o Synthesis of bile acids o 25 -hydroxylation of vitamin D
Protein metabolism: o Synthesis of plasma proteins (including some coagulation factors, but not immunoglobulins) o Urea synthesis Exchange of hormones: o Metabolism and excretion of steroid hormones o Metabolism of polypeptide hormones Drugs and foreign substances: o Metabolism and excretion Storing: o glycogen o vitamin A o vitamin B 12 o iron Metabolism and excretion of bilirubin o Synthesis and secretion of bile
* Jaundice is called a syndrome that develops as a result of the accumulation in the blood of excess bilirubin. * Jaundice and scleral icterus clinically evident when serum bilirubin reaches 50 mmol / L or higher * The intensity of jaundice depends on the organ or tissue blood flow
Accumulate in the skin and mucosa, bilirubin in combination with other pigments to stain them in a light yellow color with a reddish tint. In the future, the oxidation of bilirubin to biliverdin, and jaundice becomes greenish. With long-term existence of jaundice skin become blackish-bronze color.
There are three types of jaundice: 1. pre-hepatic (hemolytic) 2. intrahepatic (hepatocellular) 3. post-hepatic (obstructive)
"Physiological" jaundice-caused immaturity conjugating fermentovpecheni occurring normally after delivery hemolysis and enterohepatic circulation of bilirubin. Conversion of bilirubin in urobilinogen in the intestine can not be at least until the colonization of the intestine by bacteria.
*hypoxia *dehydration *prematurity *birth injury
The main treatment should be directed at the root cause of the disease, - hepatitis, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis. Proper treatment of jaundice - is the destruction of bilirubin accumulated in the skin, so it can easily get out. Bilirubin is destroyed by ultraviolet because popular phototherapy. Physiological jaundice, for example jaundice, often do not require specific treatment. Therapy is prescribed only for severe - the main recommendations are as frequent feedings, walks, resulting in reduced liver function independently.
We must remember that jaundice - a symptom of serious problems with the liver, it by no means be ignored. In addition, bilirubin - a product of metabolism, toxic to the body. In high concentrations, it affects the nervous system, which is especially noticeable in infants - jaundice accompanied by drowsiness, and in protracted course, delays in development.
1) http: //www. myshared. ru 2) google. kz