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Mining Online Patent Data for Business Information Patent and Trademark Depository Library Association Program American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference New Orleans Sunday, March 18, 2018 Professor Virginia Baldwin University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Overview n n Identify some of the questions that can be answered through analysis of patenting information Describe patenting authorities and the online availability of their data Highlight some of the statistics compiled and made available as reports from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Website Briefly introduce U. S. and international patent classification.
Identifying Organizations with Technological Similarity (1) n n Identify hidden competitive threats Acquisitions targeting n n n Company has a gap in its technology Company wants to acquire another company with similar core technological competencies Applies also to targeting potential alliances, co-development agreements, outsourcing, or joint ventures
Identifying Organizations with Technological Similarity (1) n Policy analysts can identify: n n Researchers can identify: n n Technologically similar regions Major shifts in technology by certain industries CEO’s can identify: n n n Technologically compatible acquisitions Emerging or hidden competitors University partners with the same core competencies as a key competitor
Identifying Organizations with Technological Similarity (1) n n n Identifying university expertise, often available at lesser known universities, for potential collaboration Identify small companies that may unknowingly be technological competitors Identify companies that are technologically different from all others n Bunn-O-Matic – unique in having the most IP protection in the area of beverage dispensers
Identifying Competitor-Strategy Shifts (1) n Telecommunications industry n n n Motorola 1994 patent tech is similar to Motorola 2003 Nokia 1994 patents differ from Nokia 2003 Consumer electronics n n Sony’s current patents are similar to its 1994 patents LG Electronics’ differ greatly from 1994 to 2003
Identifying Industry-Wide Technology Shifts (1) n Biotechnology industry n n 1994 -1995 patents were more similar to those of food and tobacco industry than pharmaceutical 2002 -2003 patents more similar to pharmaceutical industry
Measuring Innovation: The 2006 Patent Scorecard™ (2) n n Techline Database from Intellectual Property Intelligence Quotient: <http: //www. ipiq. com/home/index. asp> Technology Top Ten (U. S. Patent Portfolio) n n n 1 IBM 2 Micron 3 Intel 4 Hitachi 5 Hewlett-Packard 6 Cannon 7 Samsung 8 Matsushita Electric 9 Microsoft 10 Toshiba
Identifying Industry Leaders (U. S. (2) Patent Portfolio) Aerospace and defense Automotive and trans. Biotech Chemicals Consumer Electronics Consumer Products Electronics & Instruments Energy & Environmental Food, Bev. , & Tobacco Ind. Equip. & Materials Information Technology Medical Devices & Serv. Pharmaceuticals Semiconductors Telecommunications Honeywell Denso Applera Du. Pont Cannon General Electric Agilent Technologies Royal Dutch Shell Nestle General Electric IBM Medtronic Johnson & Johnson Micron Cisco
USPTO Patent Statistics n n n From the Office of Patent Technology Monitoring Division (PTMD) of the USPTO Website: <http: //www. uspto. gov> Patent Statistics Reports Available For Viewing <http: //www. uspto. gov/web/offices/ac/id o/oeip/taf/reports. htm>
Patents Statistics by Technology Area n n n By class for 460 classes, # of patents for each year from pre 1984 through 2004 Same, but only independent inventor patents By Class, by year 2000 -2004, Patenting organizations n Class 706 Artificial Intelligence (Data Processing) n n 00 01 02 03 04 Total Individually Owned 21 19 22 28 20 110 IBM 7 5 10 26 14 62 Microsoft 3 5 8 14 9 39 Siemens 6 7 6 0 4 23 <http: //www. uspto. gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/teca sg/706_tor. htm>
Patents Statistics by Technology Area n By Class, by year 2000 -2004, Geographic origin n Class 043, Fishing, Trapping, and Vermin Destroying 00 01 02 03 04 Total n n Florida California Minnesota Texas 16 19 20 30 20 105 26 17 20 20 103 15 7 15 8 62 11 13 8 14 10 56 <http: //www. uspto. gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/t ecstc/043_stc. htm>
Patents Statistics by Geographic Origin n By state or country of origin, by year 2000 -2004, # of patents per organization, by tech class, and by metropolitan area in each state (etc. ) Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor Other specifications as designated on the individual Web sites. <http: //www. uspto. gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/report s. htm#by_ptech>
Patents Statistics by Geographic Origin – by Organization Example: California (Top 7) First-named Assignee Ind. Owned Adv. Micro Devices Sun Micro Intel Applied Materials IBM Univ. of CA Regents 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 3030 2930 2694 2682 2372 13708 548 678 782 611 490 3109 369 341 396 442 515 2063 274 306 366 527 542 2015 359 378 444 449 284 1914 344 390 373 418 304 1829 366 338 359 345 348 1756
Patents Statistics by Geographic Origin – by Technology Example: Louisiana (Top 6) Class Title Total 164 Wells (shafts or deep borings in the 125 earth, e. g. , for oil and gas) 424 Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating 96 Compositions 532 Organic Compounds 93 210 Liquid Purification or Separation 68 405 Hydraulic and Earth Engineering 63 175 Boring or Penetrating the Earth 55
Regional Patenting Authorities (3) Designation/language Abbr. /Organization EP/Eng. , French, Ger. EA/Russian OA/French EPO/European Patent Office EAPO/Eurasian Patent Office OAPI/African Organisation for Intellectual Property ARIPO/African Regional Industrial Property Organisation PCT/Patent Cooperation Treaty (patent application only) AP/English WO/Eng. , French, Ger. Japanese, Russian, Spanish or Chinese
Future Regional Patenting Authorities (3) n n GCC/Gulf Co-Operation Council - Arab States of the Gulf ANCOM/Andean Community - group of South America States ASEAN/Association of South-East Asian Nations CARICOM/Caribbean Community
International Patent Websites n n n Eurasian <http: //www. eapo. org/index_eng. html> Search interface is in Russian, English is forthcoming: <http: //www. eapatis. com/> login required World Intellectual Property Organization <http: //www. wipo. int/portal/index. html. en> European Patent Office < http: //www. european-patent-office. org/> Search Interface URL: ep. espacenet. com
International Patent Statistics n n n WIPO Industrial Property Statistics <http: //www. wipo. int/ipstats/en/statistics /patents/> PCT Monthly Statistics <http: //www. wipo. int/ipstats/en/statistics /patents/pdf/pct_monthly_report. pdf> WIPO patent application filing statistics - #filed by country, by year, top 15 filing countries, filings by developing countries - no technology statistics
Patent Information Companies & Products n n n Micropatent <http: //www. micropat. com> Questel-Orbit http: //www. questel. orbit. com/index. htm Derwent World Patents Index now through Thomson Scientific <http: //www. derwent. com/>
View patents by specific competitors(6)
Patent Information Companies & Products n n Lexis-Nexis - Company Dossiers soon will be offered on a pay-per-view basis. Includes U. S. & foreign patent information. CAS STN Anavist ™ Research Landscape visualization <http: //www. cas. org/stnanavist/visual. ht ml> n n cluster/contour map – the research fronts represented in your results set for a search topic Map is 3 -dimentional, rotate it to show peaks
Patent Classification Systems n n United States Patent and Trademark Office Patent Classification System <http: //www. uspto. gov> Three major classification areas for utility patents: n n n (1) General and Mechanical - Examples • Class 137 Fluid Handling • Class 198 Conveyors: Power-Driven • Class 297 Chairs and Seats (2) Chemical - Examples • Class 260 Chemistry of Carbon Compounds • Class 435 Chemistry: Molecular Biology and Microbiology (3) Electrical - Examples • Class 363 Electric Power Conversion Systems • Class 369 Dynamic Information Storage or Retrieval • Class 455 Telecommunications
EBay Patent Applications 6/5/2006 (USPTO - 4 of 14) PUB. APP. NO. Class/Subclass Title 20060112003 705/37 Method and apparatus for holding an online live auction to combine features of both the internet and traditional, real world auctions 20060099964 455/456. 3 System and method for location based content correlation 20060095431 707/7 System to generate an aggregate interest indication with respect to an information item 20060064343 705/10 Automated feedback cancellation in a network-based transaction facility
Class Definitions (4) n n n 705/37 Class 705: DATA PROCESSING: FINANCIAL, BUSINESS PRACTICE, MANAGEMENT, OR COST/PRICE DETERMINATION This is the generic class for apparatus and corresponding methods for performing data processing operations, in which there is a significant change in the data or for performing calculation operations wherein the apparatus or method is uniquely designed for or utilized in the practice, administration, or management of an enterprise, or in the processing of financial data. This class also provides for apparatus and corresponding methods for performing data processing or calculating operations in which a charge for goods or services is determined. This class additionally provides for subject matter described in the two paragraphs above in combination with cryptographic apparatus or method.
Class Definitions (4) n 705/37 n Subclass 37: TRADING, MATCHING, OR BIDDING - Subject matter including the trading or exchange of securities or commodities within an organized system. n Subclass 35: FINANCE (E. G. , BANKING, INVESTMENT OR CREDIT) - Subject matter drawn to a computerized arrangement for planning the disposition or use of funds or securities, or extension of credit. n Subclass 1: AUTOMATED ELECTRICAL FINANCIAL OR BUSINESS PRACTICE OR MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENT: Subject matter wherein an electrical apparatus and its corresponding methods perform the data processing operations, in which there is a significant change in the data or for performing calculation operations wherein the apparatus or method is uniquely designed for or utilized in the practice, administration, or management of an enterprise, or in the processing of financial data.
International Patent Classification (5) n n n n 705/37 IPC: G 06 Section G – Physics 06 – Computing, Calculating, Counting “This class covers: simulators which are concerned with the mathematics of computing the existing or anticipated conditions within the real device or system; simulators which demonstrate, by means involving computing, the function of apparatus or of a system, if no provision exists elsewhere; image data processing or generation. ”
Class Definitions (4) n n 705/10 Subclass 10: MARKET ANALYSIS, DEMAND FORECASTING OR SURVEYING: - Subject matter including processing of market data in order to predict future demand of a product or service. n Subclass 7: OPERATIONS RESEARCH: Subject matter drawn to a computerized arrangement for the systematic and scientific analysis and evaluation of a the operation of an organization or the programmed scheduling of an organization. n Subclass 1:
International Patent Classification (5) n n n n 705/10 IPC: G 06 and G 07 Section G – Physics 07 – Checking-Devices (4 subdivisions) “This class covers: “Ticket-issuing apparatus fare-registering apparatus … … Registering the receipt of cash, valuables, or tokens. ”
Espacenet Search – World. Wide Database (apps) - EBay n n n n n Method and apparatus for holding an online live auction to combine features of both the internet and traditional, real world auctions Bibliographic data Description Claims Mosaics Original document INPADOC legal status Patent number: US 2006112003 Publication date: 2006 -05 -25 Inventor: LEVY DANIELE (US); HANDLER BRAD (US) Applicant: EBAY INC Classification: - international: G 06 Q 40/00; - european: Application number: US 20050264526
Questions? http: //digitalcommons. unl. edu/library_talks/15/
References n n n (1) “Automated identification of technologically similar organizations, ” Breitzman, Anthony, Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology; Aug 2005, Vol. 56 Issue 10, p 1015 -1023. (2) IPIQ Innovation Spotlight <http: //www. ipiq. com/what_we_think/publication_detail. a sp? publication_id=34> (3) “Regional Patent Systems: A Challenge for the International Searcher”, Adams, Stephen R. , in Baldwin, Virginia A. Ed. , Patent and Trademark Information: Uses and Perspectives, Haworth Press, 2004. (4) USPTO Class 705 definitions: <http: //www. uspto. gov/web/patents/classification/uspc 70 5/defs 705. htm#C 705 S 001000> (5) International Patent Classification (IPC) Sections: http: //www. wipo. int/classifications/ipc 8/? lang=en (6) Torpey, Paul, ”Thomson Scientific Patent Solutions: Resources to aid in both patent analysis and scientific research, ” SLA Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 2006